Chapter 57: Detention!

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    Kate woke up to a splitting headache. She cringed as she sat up in her bed, yesterday's memories flooding into her head...

    Kate had been sitting on the floor of the science lab that she had dragged Jenna, Hailey and Macey into. All alone, she sobbed till there were no tears left to fall. Despite hearing her name being repeatedly mentioned on the speaker for her to return to class, she continued staying there. To her gratitude, there was no science class that used the science lab and so she stayed there for a while longer, until it was close to dinner time. She looked up the wall at the clock, and was surprised that she had stayed there so Long. Just then, a teacher barged into the room and looked around before seeing her depressed and on the floor. The teacher sighed and picked her up, grabbing her by the wrist and wrenching her out of the door. "YOU! We were looking everywhere for you! Thankfully kind Hailey told us where you were just now, or we would have continued to be worried sick!" The teacher reprimanded. However, none of these was heard by Kate as she looked at the floor, the stares of other students on the walkway were like daggers that pierced her back and chest. It was so embarrassing. Macey probably told them what happened...

    Finally, they reached the headmistress' office and she was roughly shoved inside. Again, the familiar feeling of someone staring hit her hard, and she knew she was in great trouble. "Ms....Kate.....welcome back to my office. I would like to know why you were skipping class." Headmistress glared at Kate. Kate slowly looked up to face her, and silence engulfed the room for about ten seconds before kate opened her mouth. "I-" "Save your words. I don't need petty excuses." Headmistress had had enough and raised her hand, demanding her to stop talking. Kate immediately shut her mouth and almost let out a whimper. "Anyhow, you must be punished—not only for skipping finishing school, which your parents paid a large sum of money for by the way, but also BULLYING another THREE students." Headmistress pointed her finger at Kate, and that made Kate feel worse. "Detention. Ill tell you more when you see me here tomorrow recess. Oh by the way, deduct 250 demerit points." Headmistress casually said before Kate stood up to leave.

    Kate is pulled back to reality when she hears her roommates walking out the door. She immediately realised she was going to be extremely late if she did not rush, since her roommates usually leave barely on time. Kate knew that she would be in deep trouble should she be late. After all, she was already in trouble for "bullying" and "skipping class". She literally flew to the toilet to wash up in record speed before sprinting back to her room. Pulling on the first decent dress she spotted, she grabbed her bag, slipped her feet into her shoes and half ran-half walked through the hallways, frantically brushing her hair with her hands all at the same time. Right before she heard the bell ring to signify it was time for breakfast to be served, she pushed open the large doors and sat her derrière on the bench that she always sat at. Teachers gave her looks, and so did students. She did not care. She knew she looked a mess, but it wasn't her fault. Well, technically it was. Who cares? No one. Exactly.

    Kate gobbled down her breakfast before excusing herself to return back to her dorm, so she could freshen up and be presentable for class. Upon reaching her dorm, she sat down on the bed having a complete meltdown. She had seen Hailey and Macey sneering at her in the canteen. What would everyone think of her now? After crying for about ten minutes, she pulled herself together. 'No, I must stay strong...Gosh I sound like some motivational speaker...' she thought to herself. She held her breath to stop the crying, drank some water and walked over to her dressing table. She really looked like a wreck, especially after all the crying. She dried her tears while combing her hair into a high ponytail, before putting on some concealer to conceal her red puffy eyes and nose. Only when satisfied, she grabbed her bag and headed out for the second time.

     Walking into the home room, she picked up whispers here and there about her, and saw some people glancing weird looks. Of course, Macey must have spread what happened yesterday. Jenna glared at Kate, challenging her to pick a fight. JHM seemed like they were not scared of Kate despite what happened yesterday. In fact, they seemed to have became stronger. 'Huh...if only I was like that too...' kate thought to herself. The time flew by, and Kate felt her body being dragged from one classroom to another, then her hand on auto-pilot mode as it copied down random words that she saw on the board. All this time, she was deep in thought. Should she apologise to JHM? Would they accept her apology like they did last time? She should try, at least to get the weight off her shoulders. Kate felt so guilty that she had been keeping a secret from them. That secret...was too heavy...kate felt a tear roll down her cheek and she quickly rested her head on her hand casually, preventing anyone from seeing it. She knew there and then she had to do it. She scribbled down something on a piece of paper, and folded it up, before finally heaving a sigh of relief and putting it away, finally able to pay attention.

    Just as she finally started understanding what the teacher was teaching, she was once again engulfed in doubt. Would they accept her letter? Would things become worse? Suddenly, class was over and she realised everyone was standing to leave...oh....rEceSs....(recess).....detention....she had no time to lose! She had to get to the headmistress' office. With determination, she grabbed the letter, firmly placed it in a very confused Hailey's hand, and grabbed all her things before strutting away to the office. " are here. Your mentor decided not to punish you himself since he was sick and tired of you always getting into trouble, so I get to do the honours. Face the wall, don't move." The headmistress immediately ordered her around. Kate rolled her eyes secretly and walked to the only empty wall before standing there awkwardly, shifting her weight from one foot to another. "STAND PROPERLY!!" Headmistress hollered from the other side of the room. Kate stood up straight, hands by her side. Although she tried keeping her mind occupied with mind games, she soon ran out of them and soon got bored.

    All of a sudden, a sharp tingling pain was felt on her calf. She almost yelped out in pain. A rain of pain landed on her calves and she felt tears pouring out of her eyes. She gritted her teeth in pain as headmistress continued the torture of caning. Finally, it was over and she thought her punishment was over. "Now now, you took that well. Good job. For your second part, I want you to sit at that metal chair over there, keep your leg flat on the ground, 90 degrees angle should be seen at your knee and you are going to write 'I will not bully or skip class ever again' 500 times. Now!" Headmistress pointed in the direction of the chair. Kate desperately tried to stop crying and managed to do so just as she sat down.

    The chair fit her perfectly and was slightly cold. However, just as she adjusted her legs to do as Headmistress instructed, she almost screeched and jumped as the cold metal bit into her tender skin that had just been caned. Tears were brought to her eyes and she slowly picked up the pen and paper, writing just as headmistress told her to. She decided to write it fast so she could get out of the seat as soon as possible, and she gripped her pen lightly knowing it would hurt sooner or later, and decided to make it later. By the 450th time she wrote it, her wrist was in so much pain that she could crack it, her calf had gone numb, and her fingers were burning. She could barely do this, but she pushed on. Finally, she squeezed out the last 50 and stood to walk to the headmistress' table. She limped over and handed her the pieces of paper. Headmistress looked up and and smiled. "You did well. However, because of you, discipline is going to go back to our usual, as we can see this year our relaxed discipline measures don't seem to work. Today, be here during the last 20 minutes of your lunch. That's all, you are dismissed. Please go straight to class." Headmistress informed her before turning to the papers on her desk. Boy was she glad to be free, and yet...what did she mean by the previous discipline measures?
1546 words if you wanna know
Hello people! Look whos back? You are still reading this? THANK YOU SO MUCH. I'm so sorry about my hiatus that I did not warn anyone about, and in fact life did not warn me about it at all. I will do my best to post daily like last time again, so stay tuned. Thank you so much, peace out ✌️ 💓

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