Chapter 20: JHM

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"Hey guys...I' sorry..." Jenna muttered, breaking the awkward silence. On each side, an arm wrapped around her shoulder. "Why? Don't be sorry...we did what friends would do..." Hailey replied. "I feel bad that you guys got dragged into a fight because of me...I'm especially sorry to you you are disqualified from-" Jenna stated. "Shhhhh, dont worry..." Hailey shushed her. On the other side, Macey was actually feeling happy. This was the first time she actually protected a friend, and fought for a friend. She she never did. 'Ha, maybe this is what friends are doing to me....maybe....i dont hate Hailey or Jenna..." Macey thought. All of a sudden, she had an amazing idea! "GUYSSS! I just realised how close we have become over this past few weeks...i think we should become a squad." She said out loud. The other two looked to her. "But...aren't we already a squad?" Hailey asked. "Well yes, but not officially. A squad needs a squad name! And a cheer! And a handshake!" Macey excitedly stated. By the time they reached, they had it all.  "Yes, so we shall go by JHM!" Jenna happily confirmed. It was pronounced like
/Jem/ but it is not spelt the same way. "And our cheer is: JHM sparkles all the way!" Hailey grinned as she cheered. "Yep, and for our hand shake..." Macey hinted. They faced each other and did some wavy hand action before whispering "JHM!" It was so much fun, but they had reached Sir's office and they were shaking as they knocked on the door.

Hey, this is a short chapter but i felt like it will not go with the next part so i made it its own chapter. From now on, I might just use their initials whenever only two people do something. Eg:

"Hey, lets go" Macey said. J&H looked at her curiously. "Go....where?" They asked.

If yall don't want me to do that, please let me know in the comments. Thanks! Also, the headmistress is sometimes referred to as HM.

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