Chapter 59: forgive, not forget

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    The day started in the classroom when everyone was seated at their desks, waiting for the teacher to start class. Instead of the usual routine of students submitting their homework, the teacher stopped them. "Class, listen up. Time has flown past so fast and it is already November." Chatter engulfed the room. "Hey last I remembered we were only halfway through the year?" Jenna asked Hailey and Macey. Hailey rolled her eyes while Macey shrugged. "Ahem. As I 11was saying, now that we are approaching the end of the year, of course we will have our EOYs, End-of-year exams. I trust that you will prepare sufficiently and all the Teachers will be helping you to revise. Your parents will be awaiting your improved results. Your exams will be held in two weeks' time, and your results will be released on the last week of November. After that, everyone will have a one month holiday starting from December the first." The teacher cleared her throat and continued to inform them. Everyone groaned and nodded. "Right! Now please hand in your homework and keep everything in your bags, only your pencil case should be out on the table. We will have our first practice paper today. Calculators are NOT allowed!" The teacher immediately jumped into action seeing that her little speech was done.

    By the end of the second class, the entire class was all dead tired and exhausted. All their brain juice were spent on two complete surprise practice papers, and both subjects had given them two full sets of practice papers for homework. Just their luck. Throughout the day, Kate was anxious. After giving JHM the note, they had not talked to her ever since. Were they still mad? Did they even read the note? These questions occupied her mind and she could not concentrate on the practice papers in class. At the same time, JHM were slightly distracted, knowing that recess was coming and they were going to execute their plan. The plan they made earlier that morning. Now that it was recess time, the game was on.

     As expected, Kate went straight to the headmistress' office, for her detention. JHM rushed to the canteen to get a quick bite before meeting back outside the headmistress' office. The moment a limping and sad Kate came out, the rushed to her side. She had a downcast look from the headmistress reminding her thats she was going to tighten discipline soon because of her. Headmistress had revealed to Kate that she should look out in grade 2, because life was going to change. Of courses, JHM did not know as Kate was not allowed to tell anyone. "KATE!" They squealed. Kate was shocked that they came to find her. "I-....I'm so sorry-" She started apologising but they waved it off. "c'mon let's go somewhere quieter." Jenna suggested.

    They found a hidden table and some chairs, so they sat down there. "We read your letter." Macey started off. "And we forgive you." Jenna continued. Kate's eyes brightened up and she immediately started dancing in her head. "But-" Macey continued. Kate immediately froze. Was something wrong? What could be wrong? Did she do something else that made them mad? What was it? Time seemed to stand still as silence engulfed them for a few moments. "You are forgiven, but your deeds are not forgotten." Hailey finished. Kate heaved a sigh of relief. Being forgiven was all she asked for. They had every right to remember all the things she did like purposely getting Macey into trouble and all. "We will hang out with you again but we are afraid it will take some time to trust you again." Jenna told her. Kate grinned and nodded her head sharply. She was going to do everything she could to win their trust back. She now realised what bad impacts her family had on her.

    Glad that they were all on the same page, Hailey suggested that they returned to class immediately. They rushed back to class, Kate and Jenna in front while Macey and Hailey together behind. "Do you think we did the right thing?" Hailey asked. Macey's eyes widened. Hailey was always the confident one, the one who was sure of her actions. She even planned this whole thing out on how to nicely reveal to Kate that they believed her but still had their doubts. "Of course. You were the one that said that we should be kind, blah blah blah." Macey cheered Hailey up and nudged her. Hailey smiled weakly hearing her best friend quote her. Macey always knew how to cheer her up.

    That afternoon, they were all internally dying. "Why do we have like six subjects a day?" Jenna asked. "And EACH TEACHER GAVE TWO PRACTICE PAPERS!!!!" Macey groaned. "At least we don't have to go to finishing school this week. Next week we have one class and one test." Hailey replied, beaming. "Yea yea, Hailey forever the optimist." Macey rolled her eyes. Kate shrugged. "Let's just try our best." They agreed and split up to go to their respective study cells, immediately starting on their impossible to finish homework.

    That night, JHM walked to Sir's room like they did every night as per usual. They were just chatting when Sir jumped up like he remembered something. "Girls, I have something for you. This is a little box for you, but do not open it until tomorrow morning when you wake up okay?" Sir instructed. "YES SIR!" They replied enthusiastically, thinking what could be in the box. A gift? A present? A surprise! They could not wait to open it, but somehow followed his instructions to not open it until the next day, knowing that it would spoil the fun if they opened it. After all, delayed gratification was always the key to get you hyped up. That night, they cut short their meeting with Sir so that they could head to bed early and wake up earlier the next day to open their box. Somehow, they managed to do all their homework and were glad for that.
1021 words if you wanna know
Hello guys, I am so sure everyone is hating me right now and crowning me the worst author alive. After all, I did not keep to my promise and I have not been updating regularly. I am extremely sorry for that, but if you stayed on with me, I appreciate it SO MUCH. As you can see, this book is ending soon, but I will probably make a sequel so if you feel like this book was too short, don't worry there is more coming up. I have so many plans! Anyways, thats all today. Remember to comment what you think about this chapter and in general the book, vote, and stay safe! Peace out ✌️ 💓

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