Chapter 64: Hell breaks loose

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Hailey was startled awake at the break of dawn when someone gave her a slap to the face. "See, I told you guys that she was pretending to faint! She is obviously awake!" A familiar elegant and classy voice spoke behind her. "Ma'am, who are you-" Kate asked, when she waved her away. "I am her MOTHER." She spat arrogantly. Hailey clutched the back of her head and winced as she got up. "M...mother? Why are you here?" Hailey did her best not to not to stutter. "TALK PROPERLY!" Her mother yelled and gave her another tight slap. "MA'AM, YOU WILL NOT HIT MY BEST FRIEND UNDER MY WATCH! PLEASE LEAVE, YOU WERE THE CAUSE OF HER DISTRESS AND I WILL NOT TOLERATE YOUR UNRULY BEHAVIOUR. HAVE YOU EVER BEEN IN HER SHOES? DO YOU KNOW HOW HARD SHE WORKS IN SCHOOL TO GET THOSE HIGH GRADES AND TO REACH YOUR IMPOSSIBLE STANDARDS? BE GRATEFUL FOR WHAT YOU HAVE! SHE HAS OTHER TALENTS, WHY DON'T YOU FOCUS ON THEM INSTEAD OF FORCING HER TO STUDY STUDY STUDY ALL DAY?" Kate shoved herself between Hailey and Hailey's mother, Jenna and Macey by her side.

To their surprise, mother chuckled. "You three, trying to preach to me how to be a mother? Why, did you little brats think that I was going to suddenly kneel down and realise my faults and pray for forgiveness? I don't think I am doing anything wrong! Ha, I can see I have been a better mother to Hailey dear than to you three! Despicable behaviour!" Kate widened her eyes in astonishment as she was shoved to the ground next to her, Jenna and Macey as well.

Just then, someone entered the room. "Miss, please do not compare mothers, and you have no authority to touch my students." Sir's voice sounded. Hailey visibly brightened up and resisted the urge to hide behind sir. Her mother nodded her head with disgust on her face and turned to face Hailey. "Now now now, for YOU. You did not even do well for your past few exams, yes there is an improvement but WHY IS IT ALL Bs AND Cs! You disgust me! Also, I see you have been mixing with horrible people. You are a disgrace to the family! You are lucky I even bothered to come down, because your father is too BUSY with important things and he is ashamed of YOU. It is all YOUR fault. You better go to that room right now, and finish all the assessment books in there before you go to bed. NOW." She scowled. Hailey had tears streaming down her face with the harsh scolding and looked down at her feet.

"As for you, Sir, hope you received your letter from the principal. Yes, I got you fired. You will only be staying for the rest of the year. Tata~" Hailey's mother added, before walking out of the door. Hailey finally completely broke down. " are l...leaving?" She asked pathetically, her eyes red and puffy. Looking at the four of them huddling together, sir's heart shattered into a million pieces. "Yes dears...look I am so sorry, but your mother holds a lot of power in this school...but I will do everything I can to visit and look for you every now and then...I will do my best, okay?" He asked them, trying to stay as strong as he could. Hailey wailed louder as she ran into his arms, clutching his shirt tightly and begging for him not to leave her. Sir clenched his eyes shut as a few tears rolled down his cheeks, and he hugged Hailey back.

"D-Don't cry! Hey, at least you are better now." Sir comforted Hailey. He knelt down and whispered, "Just make sure that you always sleep at least 8 hours a day, and eat 3 meals a day, and you have one hour of mental break, okay? Always remember your breathing exercises when you feel like you are going to have a panic Attack, and stay calm!" Hailey started taking in deep breathes to calm herself down, and realised this was as if they were going to part ways and this was goodbye. "P-promise you w-will never leave m-me?" She hiccuped and said. Sir looked into her eyes with a sad smile. "I will always be with you, even if it is in your heart." Hailey's heart sank. She knew this was most probably goodbye. She quickly hugged her friends as well, and they all cried silently together while trying to comfort each other.

Suddenly, the door flew open. "Ms Hailey, you are to come with me to your new dormitory and living location. Now." A big burly man dressed in a suit ordered as he walked into the room. Hailey clutched onto her friends tighter and dug her nails into their clothes. "NO!" They all screamed as Hailey was forcefully dragged away. They watched as Hailey was gripped by her tiny wrist and led out of the room, her head hung in defeat. She knew this was to come. She felt the goodbye, and the heart aches. But she could do nothing about it. Sir felt his heart ache and noticed more people coming into the room. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" He yelled as men flooded the room and walked into the study room he had prepared for the kids, removing all the books and belongings of Hailey. Soon, the room was bare and the kids all looked at each other sadly. "Hailey is gone." Macey whispered. Jenna held her hand, and Kate huddled on a corner of the sofa. "How are we gonna survive?" Jenna asked. It felt as if a part of them was ripped away, and they felt the longing for Hailey.

They had grown to be as close as sisters, and now she was just...GONE for who knows how Long, and no one knew where she was. They knew that her mother was behind all these, and they could not bear to leave Hailey with her for any period of time. After all, they had just witnessed the amount of fear that Hailey goes through because of her mother. Nothing felt right as they walked back to their dorm, only to be welcomed with an empty room. Hailey's clothes and things were all gone, as if she never existed. Her mother sure was quick. "This so...lifeless. Empty." Macey commented. "Why....why don't you move in Kate? I just CAN'T bear to live here and think about how it is missing Hailey..." Jenna suggested. "NO!" Macey screamed. "No, I couldn't do would be like....replacing Hailey." Kate responded sadly. However, Jenna begged Kate for a while more, and Macey too started to realise it would be better for all of them to stay together until Hailey came back. If she came back.
1158 words if you wanna know
Hi guys, sorry sorry sorry for not uploading. I really had a tough time deciding how to proceed with the story. I had a few ideas and they would all end up with different endings 😂 hope you can forgive me for this late update, and I will try to update more often. I have some things going on in my personal life though so please bear with me, and this book will be coming to an end soon—or not 😏 anyways, here it is for you, peace out, and bye!!! ✌️ 💓

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