Chapter 12: Night time

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At the end of dinner, sir walked over to the three girls. He inwardly grinned seeing how close they were, chattering and laughing. This was very different from what he expected the girls to be like. He thought they would be moody, and absolutely rebellious. However, he was not going to let his guard down. This was just the first day, and classes had not started yet. Who knows what will happen when they started lessons? Motioning for the girls to meet him outside the cafeteria, he slowly made his way out. Without waiting for too Long, the girls scurried over to him. They were probably still scared of him after the punishment.

"Girls, I will dismiss you from here. Go shower, and go to bed. Remember, lights out at 9.30pm. See you!" Sir said cheerfully. The girls smiled sweetly and walked back to their dorms, grateful to be away from Sir. He had a scary aura around him, and no one dared to mess with him.

Hailey grinned and flopped onto the bed. "Tomorrow we have our first lessons! First period—home room." She announced. Jenna and Macey groaned, but a smile was still plastered on their faces. Jenna walked over to her dresser to comb her hair and noticed an alarm clock sitting on their dressers. "Guys! Look, they prepared alarm clocks!" She happily told the rest. Rolling their eyes, they replied, "it was there all along you just forgot about it." Giggling, they laughed at her forgetfulness. Suddenly, Macey started running across the room, getting some stuff and yelled, "IMMA GO SHOWERRRRR. TATAA~~" before heading out of the room. Jenna and Hailey's eyes widened, and they competed to see who was next in line for the shower room. Hailey arrived a little earlier, and smirked. "Looks like we didn't even have to run. There are three cubicles." Jenna sighed and complained, "seriously? Why is everything labelled for us? Even our shower area?" Chuckling, Hailey ducked into her shower, leaving her bag on the bench outside the cubicle.

To be honest, the toilet was not that bad, and it was relatively clean. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH THE WATER IS FREEEEEEZZZZZIIIIINNNNNGGGG" Came the sound of Hailey's voice. Hailey never had to shower in cold water before. She was always treated like a true princess. Jenna chuckled and shook her head. She had been to so many outdoor camps, and that water was way colder than this. In the end, although Hailey was the second to go in, she was way faster than the other two—she did not want to spend any extra time in there. Macey, on the other hand, took her own sweet time. Hailey was confused, as to how she managed it. Macey smirked and did not reply. Since they were at the toilet, they brushed their teeth as well before heading back.

Macey took out a little bunny stuffed toy and animated her."Hi, I am werebunny, and I am here to protect Macey!" The 'werebunny' announced—or more like Macey's high-pitched voice. Jenna took out a bear and did something similar, "hey, I am Bearrrrr. Grrrrrr" Hailey chuckled and took a little puppy stuffed toy out. "Ruff ruff, I'm Prince!" Giggling, they all played with their stuffed toys for a while, before arranging their bed. Hailey was still at her dresser fiddling with something when suddenly, all the lights went out. Just as the girls were about to scream, a voice came from the speaker. "Good night, everyone. It is time to go to bed. The lights has been turned off, and you will only be able to turn it on again after 5am." Hailey groaned in frustration. "I HAVENT FINISHED PUTTING ON MY SKIN CARE PRODUCTS YET!   Just then, she realised she had something to help her.

Groping her way through the dark, she found the drawer she was looking for. The other girls heard her fiddle with something and suddenly, soothing lights brightened up the room. Stars swirled across the ceiling and it was like a nighttime disco ball. "Woah, its so pretty!" The other girls exclaimed. Hailey grinned at the perfection and quickly did her nightly skincare routine. Macey broke the silence and groaned. "Can someone turn on the air-con? Or the fan?" She complained. Hailey was looking for the control when, just on cue, the air-con turned on. Apparently that was automated as well. Hailey finished up, set her alarm clock and put on her face mask before turning off the lights and bidding the other two goodnight.

Sorry if this chapter was a little boring with all the routines. Bear with me, i assure u when it comes to lesson things will be interesting MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA >.<

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