Chapter 18: Chosen ones

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"Hey look! Jenna is over there!" Hailey excitedly pointed towards the Swimming pool. Macey looked towards that direction and Jenna was indeed there. They found some chairs by the pool and took a seat, looking at Jenna. At this point of time, Macey had lost all jealousy that she felt and was truly happy. They saw how good Jenna was and cheered her on. They then noticed that Sunny [quick recap, one of the three with Kate who introduced themselves to Hailey, Jenna and Macey at the home room]. Boy was she good! About 15 minutes later, the trials were over. Jenna and some other swimmers gathered around the teacher, and came over to Hailey and Macey. She was smiling broadly, as if she had just won a competition. "Well, you were great! What did the teacher say?" Macey congratulated. Jenna gave a little smirk before squealing. "I DID IT! THEY ACCEPTED ME!" Macey and Hailey looked at each other smiling. They knew their friend could do it. Now, however, it was time to check their own results. Bringing Jenna along, the three slowly made their way back to the dance studio.

"Excuse me! Sorry!" Hailey exclaimed as she, Macey and Jenna squeezed their way to the front. A whole crowd was surrounding the notice board! "O MAI GOD OMAIGOD OMAIGOD OMAIGOD OMAIGOD WTH!?!?!?" Jenna screamed. "Macey! Amazing job. HAILEY. WHAT THE HECK DID YOU DO TO GET ONTO THE SENIOR ADVANCED TEAM???" Hailey blushed and moved away. To my dear readers, this is what happened. After getting accepted into the CCA, there are different categories. Beginners (Macey), intermediate, advanced, senior advanced (meant for older kids that are Super good, but Hailey got in). Back to the story. Hailey did feel good to be the only person in the senior advanced team, and for once, Macey wasn't jealous. She knew that she was truly a beginner. To even be able to join the team is a blessing!

After looking at the list for a while more, they realised that Lily, Flora and Esther [people in the same studyroom]  were also on the team. Staying for only a few more minutes, they then decided to leave. Suddenly, a senior tugged at Jenna. "Your sir wants you three to go to his office in 10 minutes." Looking at each other, their eyes widened and they sprinted back to their dorm to shower before finding sir.

'knock knock'. "Come in." The girls rushed to their places on the sofa. "How dare you girls not tell me when you were going for the trials? Jenna, you didn't even tell me you were going Swimming. Macey, Hailey, I didn't know it was today!" Sir sounded angry. Then he continued. "And how dare you girls do SO WELL?" He tried to sound stern. Suddenly, everyone broke into laughter. Sir led them to the sofa and took out a box. "This is your reward for doing me proud. Chocolates, and these headphones are on loan to you this whole week." He said. They screamed. It had been so Long since they had a piece of chocolate. They all  gulped theirs down, and quickly took their headphones as if someone was going to steal it. Sir laughed and they started casually talking. Maybe...just wasn't so bad after all.

"Class, I'm sure you have all gotten your CCAs already. Now, its time to choose your class monitors. You will submit all votes in three days." Headmistress announced to the whole cohort. That day, everyone was chattering about the choosing of monitors. Ever since they came to this school, they had realised it was not very different from a normal school, except that the school punishments were too extreme. Well, we will see about that......

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