Chapter 42: Jenna in trouble

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Looking out at the rain calmed Jenna down. It wasn't as boring as you might think it is. It was soothing due to its repetitive sound, and she took this time to think. Her mind wandered from what Hailey and Macey could have been doing at that point of time, to how long she might be stuck there, and whether she would start to be hungry. She then thought about what was happening at home, if her mother was thinking about her, if her boyfriend was missing her....suddenly, she saw a puddle of water seeping into the cave. She immediately tensed up. Looking around, she no longer felt safe at the spot she was sitting in. She hastily stood up and walked around, making a decision. She was going to move further into the cave. Taking in a deep breath, she walked into the dark cave slowly. Further in, she found more random stones lying around. After finding it a safe distance from the edge of the cave, she decided to sit down. She leaned her head against her hands, bringing her knees up to her chest. Sighing, she slowly closed her eyes and fell asleep out of exhaustion.

Jenna shot up and was immediately wide awake when a loud thunder struck outside. She looked around in confusion before remembering she was stuck in the cave. Glancing at her watch, she realised that she had been stuck in the cave for at least an hour now. She was just about to go into panic mode when she realised that Sir Yuv must have noticed that she was gone and will send a search party team to come look for her. Yes, she must believe in Sir Yuv. But...was Hailey and Macey okay? She bit her nails nervously, silently praying that her best friends were in a better situation than her. Jenna rested her chin on her hands, thinking about when the rain would stop, and whether the search party team would come by then. At most, she would wait until the rain stopped and make her way back. Thunder shook the cave all around her, and she rubbed her palms together, trying to keep herself warm.

After another half an hour, she started to feel bored. Her thoughts no longer occupied her, and she wanted to do something else. Ugh, if only she had her phone. Standing up, she decided to walk nearer to the edge of the cave. Maybe the rain has lightened up and she could go! Walking baby steps in the dim cave, she did her best not to stumble over the stones, and made her way nearer to the edge of the cave. As she was walking, she realised water was splashing onto her legs, and her shoes squeaked and felt like they were walking on water. Yep, the cave was flooded she thought. cannot be that bad. After all, it is only until her shoe. Turning back, she walked back to the stone further in the cave and sat down again. She was most definitely getting bored, and she wanted something to do. First, she talked to herself, but ceased doing so since she did not have clean drinking water that she could use if she felt parched. Then, she silently played a word game with herself, but got so frustrated when she was stuck that she had to move on. This continued on and on for another half and hour.

Groaning in frustration, she looked at her watch. It has only been 2 hours? Firstly, why has the rain not stopped yet, and secondly, why did it feel like a whole week has passed already? Her body shivered from the cold and she rubbed her arms to hopefully create some heat. Suddenly, she felt water seeping under her shoe. She jumped up in shock and almost had a heart Attack. Oh no oh no oh no... the cave...was.....officially...FLOODED! Her heart raced, and she panicked, her hands trembling in fear and adrenaline flowed through her veins. What now? She thought. Sighing, she hastily made her way further into the cave. Treading further in, she started to think that there were sounds around her. what if there was a dragon? No, that is silly, those are just children's story books. Just then, the cave rumbled, and Jenna was completely convinced there was a dragon in there that she had to be wary of. Speaking softly into the dark, her words echoed through the cave, and Jenna got scared again. Her heart seemed to be beating so fast that she was going to pass out, and her knees trembled. She walked a considerably safe distance and found yet another rock to sit down on. It was hard and cold, which was definitely not ideal for Jenna. Unfortunately, she did not have another choice and so she sat, once again. This time, she fell asleep, hoping to wake up and find that this was all a nightmare.

Sadly, Jenna HAD a nightmare when she was sleeping. She dreamt that there was a real dragon in the cave, and it was going to attack her. The dragon roared loudly and Jenna's eyes were immediately wide open. She was brought back to reality, and realised all the 'dragon's growls' were just thunder in real life. Sighing, she knew what that meant. It was still raining outside. She looked down at her watch, and realised she had slept for another hour! Oh Gosh, how Long was she going to stay here for? Standing up, she cracked her stiff neck and loosened her muscles. Walking around, she did some stretching and started to play some mind games with herself, or else she might just lose her mind. This whole process repeated itself multiple times, and Jenna finally went back to sleep on the rock yet again.

Jenna woke up after a Long rest, and thought her ear had some problems. There was no longer the familiar rain sounds, and the occasional thunder was gone.....was she free?! Jumping up in exhilaration, she started to make her way towards the way she came from. However, she was still walking when she felt her shoe stepping into water. Right, the cave was still mildly flooded. However, she could manage this. She had to survive. She took a few baby steps and was starting to get confident, when the most annoying sound came back. Rain. Rain rain rain! Why can't there be sunshine?

This was the most depressing point of time in Jenna's life. Just when she could possibly save her life, be free, the rain just had to come back. She thought about it for a while, and realised that the point which she stepped onto the water was much further than the previous. This was all so confusing, but it soon made sense. It could only mean one thing. When she was sleeping, the rain had stopped and the flood receded, but she was sleeping so she missed her chance. She inwardly kicked herself and cursed into the cave, immediately regretting it when she thought about the 'dragon that might be living further in' and the echo that surrounded her. Jenna walked to another rock to sit down, annoyed that she had to sit on hard cold rocks all the time and cursed her luck over and over again.
1232 words if you wanna know
Hey guys, sorry for updating so late and for not updating on the Instagram. I will try to update soon, thanks so much. Hope you liked this chapter...honestly my heart started racing whenever Jenna got scared, i dont even know why HAHAHA, but either ways, thanks for all the support, i will do my best to make this story more interesting, and that's all. Remember to vote and comment! Peace out ✌️ 💓

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