Chapter 47: Day one: finishing school

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The alarm blared. Hailey was the first one up, and woke her two best friends up. Seeing how they were going to have extra coaching now because of "finishing school", she figured they were going to need extra energy. Thus, she was not going for her morning workout. They groggily got up and rubbed their eyes in annoyance. "You two are never going to get used to waking up early..." Hailey complained while rolling her eyes. Macey replied, "Yep, so let us sleep.." before her head hit the pillow again. "Mmhhhhmmmmm...." Jenna mumbled, still half-asleep. "We still have the special programme today Macey!" Hailey reminded her in irritation. Snatching their blankets away, she left them in the cold and made her way to the toilet alone. Sighing, she knew they were going to have a long day. She wondered who was going to be in their new class.

After washing up, she returned to the dorm and picked out her dress. Macey joined her shortly, and they opened their bujo just to check if there was a requirement for their uniform. As expected, there was a picture of the day's clothes. A dress that was simple yet elegant. Sighing, they put it on. Below the picture, there were extra notes: 1. Basic makeup. No lip gloss. 2. Wear something on your hair. 3. One accessory, no watches unless classy. Macey groaned. "This bujo is starting to sound a lot like my mom at home....just that now I don't even have my earphones to block out the noise." Hailey pulled the curtains and changed quickly, and skilfully put on her make up. Macey did a pretty decent job, but still needed hailey to help her touch up. They did simple makeup including drawing their eyebrows, blusher, foundation. Hailey put on a cute hair band while Macey wore her hair in a ponytail. Since they were in this different curriculum, Sir did not choose their hairstyle for them.

When they were done, they looked stunning. Jenna was thankful that she did not have to be in that program. First, she hated dolling up. Also, she hated dresses. It was hard enough to deal with the school skirt. Dresses the WHOLE day? No no no. She gave them a forced compliment before they made their way to their respective canteens. Upon arriving, Hailey and Macey found about 100 students in the canteen, about 30 from each grade. Of course, the older kids had less people, since some dropped out.

The canteen had a European touch to it, the chairs definitely fancier, and there was no stalls to choose from. Strange. Scanning the room, they spotted Kate. Kate obviously had to put on lipstick and was talking to other girls. "Omg, look at this material. Our uniform is so not classy. I would rather wear my silk. Ugh." She talked like a complete brat to some other girls that seemed to be quite uninterested. At the same time, they understood how she felt. This was considered cheap quality to what they wore at home. Hailey and Macey overheard this, causing them to roll their eyes in annoyance. They were truly embarrassed to be related to her in any way, even though they were just classmates.

Hailey and Macey found a seat at the far end with some kids who they recognised as Grade ones as well. They soon made conversation, but fell into awkward silence a while after. Hailey and Macey made an agreement to stick to each other. Just then, the Headmistress stepped onto the stage. "Good morning girls. You are all looking just fine. Some teacher will be walking around, observing your behaviour and giving feedback. Your learning starts now, and it will never end. After all, life is a lesson itself. Let's have our breakfast!" She exclaimed before the doors swung open. Some waiters came in with trays and started placing their food on the table. Hailey and Macey looked down at their plate. A tiny burger, and some mashed potatoes. They picked up a fork and knife, and started cutting through the burger, slicing it into small pieces to eat. Orange juice was served in a glass cup, and they each thanked the server. Only kate ignored her server and received a disapproving glance from a teacher.

As they were eating, a trainer came forward to Macey. "Sit straight." She demanded sternly. "Apologies ma'am." Macey hastily replied, adjusting her posture. Both feet firmly placed on the ground, back straight shoulders down. That was the expected. After their food, headmistress spoke into the microphone. "Alright ladies and gentlemen, that's all. Please head to your home rooms. Today's task: posture. Maintain your posture throughout the day. Our teachers will be patrolling your classes to observe your behaviour and poise. Dismissed." Headmistress used a fancy tone to tell them. Hailey and Macey gratefully took their bags and headed to home room, annoyed that they had to sit straight all day. Even on the bean bag, they sat gracefully, shocking Jenna.

The entire day, Jenna felt weird around them. They seemed so different. Maintained poise, not slumping in their chairs. Even walking around, they kept a straight back. Nearing the end of the day, however, she saw them cringe forcing themselves to sit straight. Looks like this needed some adjusting to. Finally, they separated for lunch and digested their food for a bit before they parted ways. Jenna went to the library, while Hailey and Macey struggled not to drag their feet to their first class. Dressing. The Teachers told them first that they were all to call them Lady or Miss or Ma'am, which they were thankful of since there was so many teacher. It would impossible to remember all their names.

The Teachers went through the history of dresses, how people used to dress, and what was considered formal and informal. All these was conducted like a lecture, and they even had to take notes! Kate was so exhilarated when they said their homework was to choose their own clothes the next day which had to fit in the theme: pastel, casual. Kate could not stop going on and on about the type of dress or skirt she could wear the next day, which caused her to get her points deducted. [if you forgot they had a points system] After that, they had poise class where they were thankfully given an A for good posture the whole day. Kate was glad she got an A too, and boasted how easy it was.

Then they went on to lesson where they  learnt some facial expressions that were considered "unruly" like cringing. There were speech lessons on the way to talk, and they all had homework from these classes. Whenever Macey or Hailey or any students slouched in their chair, the Teachers would use a cane to hit their tables. Scary. Macey trembled as her table got hit a few times. Hailey clenched her teeth trying to hold in the uncomfortable position that she was forced to sit in for the whole day.

By the time they were back in their dorm, they had a back ache. "UGH I hate these lessons. And now we need to do ALL THAT homework!" Macey complained as she lay limp on the bed. "I know right! My back is killing me!" Hailey complained while rubbing her back. Just then, Jenna came back and they all wrote in their diaries how their day went. Hailey was about to whine and cringe when she remembered the day's lesson. "Cringing and whining are unruly behaviour!" The teacher's voice rang in her ear. Sighing, she adjusted her poise and sat straight, resuming the position. This was going to take a long time to get used to, and Jenna was probably going to get ear cancer from all the complaining. This was definitely going off well......NOT!
1314 words if you wanna know
Hey guys...I am not so sure if this was a good idea to put in a finishing school, but I hope you like it. Do leave a comment below what you think, and remember to vote 💓 i will try my best to make the story interesting, thanks for everything guys! Stay safe, happy and healthy! Peace out ✌️ 💓

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