Chapter 54: meet my parents (part 2)

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    "Come in." A males voice could be heard. "That, would be my father..." Kate explained, before calming herself down and opening the door. "Afternoon father." She spoke as calmly as she could. "Daughter! Come in come in, make yourself at home girls." The man spoke. He had brown hair and deep eyes, tight lips and was formally dressed. Luckily they had changed into something more formal in the morning after knowing about this. Father eyed all of them head to toe, before beckoning them in. "Welcome. My wife, and our other daughter and son is inside waiting for you." He told them.

    Wasn't this the room? Inside? Father led them into another room that was way fancier. Kate was shocked. "BRO!" She squealed and bounded up to him. "Hey sister. Sit down and calm down, we have guests." Her brother winked. The girls blushed and sat down next to Kate. Kate was shocked that her entire family came. "I thought brother had to go to army and couldn't make it?" Kate asked. "Well... I took leave." Her brother explained. JHM looked at each other and smiled. Her brother seemed nice and sweet.

    "Omg, can we just eat already?" A girl at the end spoke. Kate rolled her eyes and whispered that she was her sister. "Waiter, please serve our food." Father spoke, before continuing. "Let's introduce ourselves. I know who you three ladies are. Kate's sister is over there, she's called Cathy. Her brother is Kenneth." Jenna and Macey took a look at Kenneth before cheekily smiling. Hailey politely thanked father for inviting them to lunch and sat patiently waiting for the food. The food came shortly after, and they had an amazing time eating. Father would cast glances every now and then, while Kenneth, Jenna and Macey seemed to look at each other very often.

    Hailey quietly ate her food and occasionally squeezed Kate's hands to give her some encouragement. Kate was extremely thankful and they continued to eat awkwardly. Kate's parents interrogated Hailey and peppered her with questions, ignoring Jenna, Macey and Kate's existence. It was fine for Macey and Jenna though. They were obviously swooning over Kenneth. Kate was glad the attention wasn't on her, or she would be so scared. However, she was not happy that her parents were making Hailey feel uncomfortable by giving her an interview sort of conversation. Hailey plastered a fake grin on her face uncomfortably, and hurriedly ate her food.

    Soon, they were done with their meal and Kate's mother talked to Hailey, while Kate's father called Kate out. "Kate dear, follow me..." her father lowly growled. Kate was so nervous that she stuttered, "y...yes f..father...." before giving Hailey a depressed look and following him out of the room. Hailey started being annoyed by Kate's mother and sister, who were rude, bratty, and money faced. Couldn't they do something better than shopping? Shopping IS fun, but you shouldn't be doing that every spare minute of your life! However, she kept her thoughts to herself, smiling and nodding. "OMG, so I heard that Zion has a new backpack collection, and they cost half a million dollars." Cathy gushed. Hailey did everything she could to stop herself from rolling her eyes while saying, "I thought it was released a few weeks ago? I'm using a bag from their collection for school..." Cathy widened her eyes in shock. "MOTHER! WE NEED TO GET THE BAG NOW." Hailey heard Cathy whisper loudly to her mother.

     Hailey pretended not to hear and said casually, "Maybe you should get a new backpack from the Trinity collection by Morgz." Cathy smirked slyly and whispered to her mother, "You heard her!" Her mother rolled her eyes. "Miss know-it-all. Ugh." She commented under her breath. "Then tell me, what bag should I buy?" Her mother asked like a brat. Hailey absolutely detested this conversation but politely replied, "maybe the Doll collection from Bionza [all these are fake Brand's]. The hot pink bag will match the lipstick you are wearing and you heels." Her mother gasped and immediately went onto her phone. "How could I have missed a new collection from Bionza?" She muttered to herself. Even though Hailey did not spend all her time on shopping, she had to have basic knowledge, since she never knew when she would be caught off guard, or when her parents will quiz her (somehow).

     Sighing, Hailey looked to her side to see what her other two friends were doing. Of course, they had to be flirting with Kenneth. Giggling and twirling their hairs around their fingers, they batted their eyelashes at Kenneth. He seemed to enjoy the attention and laughed in a manly way, which was quite hot. No wonder they fell head over heels with him. Just then, Kenneth rose. "I need to use the toilet. Macey, would you show me the way?" He requested. Macey blushed and stood quickly, almost tripping over herself. "O..of course! C..come!" She barely managed to say due to her excitement. Jenna groaned at basically being rejected but soon got over him. After all, she still had her boyfriend. Macey is single as a Pringle, and could take any men she wanted.

     Macey skipped ahead of Kenneth and grinned like a stupid child at him. He laughed at her innocent ways and followed her. Honestly, he was drawn to her smile, her little actions, her blush, everything. Macey took him to the nearest toilet at waited outside the toilet for him, before deciding to spy on the students in the next door classroom. To her surprise, the classroom was empty. Maybe they were still on break. As she was about to leave, she heard some voices.

    "Good job my child. Keep up the good work. That Hailey girl will definitely be an asset to us. The better relationship you have with her, the higher the chance I will get to work with her dad." Kate's father spoke Macey's hand flew to her mouth. Was kate using them? She then heard Kate say, "Yes father, I will do you proud!" Macey frowned at the next sentence made by her father. "Try getting rid of the other two girls, or don't invite them to meet us next time. They are annoying and Low-class." She heard Kate gasp a little but Macey quickly left, sure that Kenneth was out of the toilet by then. Calming herself down, she saw Kenneth looking to the left and right outside the toilet, probably looking for her. "KEN!" She went back to flirting with him. She made a mental note to tell the girls what she heard, but for now she was going to make this man hers. No one, not even Jenna could take him away from her.
Hey guys, sorry for not updating yesterday. HAHAHA now I see what cliffhangers do to you guys...sigh...okay maybe I should stop being so mean. Here is a half cliffhanger, i Guess. What do you think will happen next? Remember to vote and comment 💓 thanks for everyone being patient and I will do my best to update more often. Peace out ✌️ 💓

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