Chapter 3: Jenna

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"Bye babe, love you." Jenna kissed her Boyfriend goodbye before entering her house. The moment she walked in, her Mother blocked her path. "Jenna, how many times have I told you, no boyfriends till college? YOU ARE ONLY 13! You can't have a Boyfriend now!" Her Mother screamed. She had seen Jenna kiss a boy outside, and was furious. Jenna shrugged and dodged her mom to go back to her room. It wasn't her fault that she fell in love at such a young age.

She sat on the bed and sighed. The night before, she had gone to her friend's house for a play date. She had a landed property with a pool, and a swing, and she even had her own dog! Here Jenna was, stuck in the average sized apartment. She could not understand, why did other people have nice things instead of her? Well, at least she owned an iphone. Jenna quickly pulled out her phone and started typing away, gossiping with the popular girls in her class. She had to keep up with them, even if she wasn't as rich as them. Otherwise, she won't qualify to be popular. Jenna did not notice that she had been using her phone for hours until her Mother called her down for dinner.

Groaning, she continued texting while walking to the dining room. Slumping onto her seat, her eyes were still glued to the screen. Suddenly, a high pitched voice that did not belong to her Mother said, "Jenna, why are you still using your phone?" Jenna looked up at her and saw Aunt Marice. Jenna wanted to cry out in frustration. Why had Mom invited annoying Aunt Marice to dinner again? She faked a smile on her face and politely apologised. Eating her food speedily, she stayed at the table to continue texting after eating. Her mom did not want her to be so rude to their guest, so she snatched Jenna's phone away. "Don't use your phone at the dining table!" She hissed. Jenna glared at her Mother and screamed, "GIVE ME BACK MY PHONE! THAT'S MINE!" When her Mother did not give it back to her, Jenna gave up and slouched into her seat, glaring at her mother. Just then, Aunt Marice pried the phone out of mom's hand. Just as Jenna thought that she was going to return it to her, Aunt Marice turned on her phone and started fiddling with it. Jenna couldn't believe it. She did not set a password as she had promised her Mother she wouldn't, but Aunt Marice had no right to scroll through her phone! Just as she was about to yell, Aunt Marice asked her, "You spent your whole afternoon on the phone.  Before you ask, I know that because of the screen time that you can find in settings. Tell me, sweetie, have you completed your homework?" Jenna was shocked. Since when was Aunt Marice so tech-savvy? Guiltily, Jenna shaked her head. She had not touched her homework yet.

Then, Mother quickly spoke, "Well that explains why your Teachers called me to report on your poor behaviour AND that you failed your exams! Why, Marice, do tell me how to check how often she uses her phone." Aunt Marice's eyes widened her eyes in shock that Jenna had failed her exams. Aunt Marice treated Jenna like her own, and cared for her. She wanted Jenna to realise her full potential, and was disappointed in how she was acting recently. Aunt Marice felt like she needed to do something about this, and came to a deccision. She spoke in a strict voice, "it's settled. I won't need to teach you how to do it, because I'm sending her to AEA. You can't stop me." There was dead silence.

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