Chapter 40: Activity danger

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"Welcome students, to this special activity! There are 12 students in this batch, and we expect all 12 to come back here at the end of the day." Sir Sid gladly announced after breakfast, where the 12 students stayed back. JHM looked at each other with a pained expression. This was probably going to be the biggest waste of time. They saw Sir Yuv walking towards them and smiled. Sir Yuv handed them a map, but signalled for them to keep quiet for now. "Students, your Trainers have just handed you a map. You will be using this to navigate through the forest later. Can I have you to follow your Trainers, where they will explain further and help you to start. The first group back gets a very special prize! Good luck kids!" Sir Sid happily exclaimed. Rolling their eyes, they turned to sir yuv, waiting for him to explain. "Well kids, first, I will bring you to a part of the forest, then using that map, you need to go to the places with a cross to collect some things. When you have found everything, you will use that map to come back. Am I understood?" Sir Yuv explained and asked. Nodding, JHM followed Sir Yuv to a car. Climbing in, they realised that the windows were all blocked up, probably to prevent them from cheating and looking for landmarks.

Bored, they started to talk to each other and looked at the map. Hailey thought for a while before speaking first. "I think this is a relatively easy map. Since there are three places to go collect whatever thing, we should just split up and search-" "yea, that's a good idea. Then we can save time and even be the first group!" Macey interrupted. Agreeing on this plan, they comfortably talked for a while until Sir Yuv announced their arrivall. "Remember kids, don't event try to escape. I will be waiting at the campus for your arrival, so don't let me down!" He warned, looking Jenna in the eye. She mumbled her agreement. Just because she had tried to pull a stunt of escape once doesn't mean she is going to try it again! Hailey grabbed their hands and took them to the nearest tree. "Look, this has an X like the one on the map, where we start our treasure hunt. Let's each choose a treasure to find." Hailey showed them. They each chose one place and memorised the route there, before setting off.

"Sigh...this is so easy...we would probably be able to find it Super easily." Jenna mumbled. She had a photographic memory which really came in handy. "Left at the fourth tree, then take a right after 300 metres, and then i should go straight and I will reach." She reminded herself. Carefully following the instructions, she made her way to the place wow...There was a beautiful lake, and a...sigh...of course, they HAD to include an obstacle course. It seemed alright. There was a piece of paper under a rock nearby, and it caught Jenna's eye. What....was that? She bent down and carefully took the paper. Oh, instructions. Of course. Reading through it, she groaned. It read:

Welcome to this station. First, use the stones to cross the river, then you will reach the other side. There is a rope tied to a tree, so climb that and you will have to walk across a wooden bridge. Once you reach, you will have to use a shovel and dig around the tree with the red paint. You will be able to find what you are looking for.

Sighing, she looked at the river. There was a problem. They did not tell her what she was looking for! She placed the instructions under the rock, and started her journey. She found some rocks, and placed one foot unsteadily onto it. Yes, it was quite stable. She slowly balanced herself and tried bringing her other foot onto the next stone. Nope, it was too far away. Cursing under her breath, she brought both feet onto the stone she was stepping on. She mumbled a prayer, hoping she would not fall into the water and wet her clothes. Taking a giant leap of hope, she landed safely on the next rock. Realising the technique to manoeuvre, she became more confident and started moving at a faster pace. The heat of the sun was burning her alive, and she started to sweat. Cringing, she wiped of her sweat as she reached the other side. Just great.

Looking around, she found the tree with a rope attached to it, and slowly climbed up, using the techniques Sir Yuv had taught them before.. Surprising, how she did not try finding a shortcut to this. Looking down, she gulped. She was pretty high up. Don't look down. Don't look down. She hesitantly placed a foot out and found her footing on a plank. However, this simple action caused the whole bridge to shake. Right, it was made of purely ropes and planks. Holding on to the ropes at the side, she slowly but surely made her way across it. Trembling, she stopped every now and then to take in a deep breath and calm herself down. After a Long struggle, she reached the other end. She hopped off the bridge, and excitedly did a happy dance. YES, she did it!

Observing her surroundings, she saw a little cave, a few greenery here and there, and oh, the red tree! She scurried up to it and realised that the person who prepared this course had dug a hole around the tree an replaced the soil with sand. Makes life easier she thought. Grabbing the shovel that was lying next to the tree, she started to dig through the sand. Digging and digging, her arms started to hurt, and she was uncomfortable in the awkward position she was sitting in. However, she did not give up. After an hour of digging around the ginormous tree, she had only found some plastic, random wood, and some other insects. Ew. She started doubting the fact that there was treasure in there. Thunder around her started to rumble. Huh, thunder? But the weather forecast said it would be a sunny day? Hastening her speed, she used all her might to dig through the sand. Just then, she felt her shovel touch something. It seemed really small.

Carefully digging, she digger the tiny thing out. It was a really small glass jar that had a piece of paper inside. Popping the cork out, she took out the piece of paper. "Mission accomplished!" Was written on it. Jumping up in exhilaration, she did a little happy dance when she felt the first drops of rain. Okay, no time to celebrate. She told herself. Keeping the bottle and note safe in her pocket, she made her way back to the wooden bridge. As she had just made her way through 2 planks of wood, the rain started to become heavier, and Jenna looked at the sky. Her heart started beating so fast that it felt like it was going to pop out of her chest.

It was all dark and gloomy, and it did not seem like the rain was going to stop anytime soon. Besides, her vision was starting to become foggy with this rain. Making a split second decision, she turned around and hopped off the bridge. Contemplating where she should stay to escape the rain, her eyes landed on the cave. Dashing in, she felt a wave of relief feeling no more rain pelting on her skin. Looking further into the cave, it was pretty dark, so she stayed at the edge of the cave. Looking back out, she saw the thunderstorm and shivered. Boy was she cold. How Long would she have to stay here? She vowed to herself to leave the moment the rain lessened or stopped. Sighing, she sat down on a rock further in the cave, rubbing her hands to  try and warm herself up.
1348 words if you wanna know
Hello people! How do you like this chapter? What do you think will happen next, comment down below! This is getting exciting huh...thanks for all the encouragement, I will definitely try to pot more often, so stay tuned! Anyways, remember to vote, and check out their Instagram (Although today they might not post there)...thanks everyone, stay safe! Peace out ✌️ 💓

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