Chapter 66 - Hailey in captive (part 2)

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Before Hailey could calm herself down by counting to 10, a man walked into the room. "Good morning Hailey." He spoke, his voice deep and husky. Hailey hummed a soft "hmm", still staring into blank space. "You will NOT talk to me like that. Look at me." He spoke roughly. Hailey unwillingly turned her head towards him, just wanting to get done with all these. She had wanted the day to herself to at least collect her emotions, but he JUST had to walk in and ruin her day. "I have rules. 1. You address me by Mr Ng. 2. You will do anything I tell you to do. 3. You will respect me, and you will not talk back. 4. You will look at me and answer me verbally every time I speak to you5. Everyday, you must do at least 3 practice papers for each subject, or I will have to punish you." He listed, before walking to the door where there was Hailey's schedule, and he pasted a piece of paper next to it. "This is not to be taken off." He demanded, before softening his gaze and extending his hand, "Hello Hailey, I am Mr Ng. I will be your mentor. I heard your previous one did not work out well, so I am here to help. I have some punishments up my sleeves, and I doubt you would want that." He introduced. Hailey nodded and turned away, already bored of this guy. She did not like this man and he started off on the wrong foot the moment he mentioned Sir.

"You just broke two rules Hailey." Mr Ng said, before walking to the wall and using chalk to draw two lines. "Two strokes already hmm. I will see how many you have at the end of the day and we will punish you based on that." Mr Ng informed Hailey. Sighing, Hailey mumbled, "Okay." He raised an eyebrow at her and she shouted, "OKAY OKAY I GET IT! CAN WE JUST MOVE ON?" All of a sudden, she was being slapped, and heard a yell, "YOU DO NOT SHOUT AT ME." Hailey froze, obviously scared, and started sobbing. She felt a sharp stinging pain on her calfs, and she knew Mr Ng was beating her. "I did not think that I would have to punish you so soon. Now...ah yes, have you even read your schedule?" He asked. "No." Hailey replied hastily, looking at him for two seconds before shifting her gaze back to the floor. "Sigh. I expected better. Let's see, it is now 10am, so you will have a 10 minute rest until 10.10 and we will start off with some math, followed by science, followed by lunch, then english and mother tongue. By 6pm, you will have done everything and you will do some exercise, before dinner and we will have a test at night. I will see how you do and what time you are to sleep." He informed Hailey.

He stared at her for 5 seconds before raising his voice, "AM I UNDERSTOOD?" Hailey rolled her eyes and glared at him, saying, "Yes sir..." Mr Ng decided to go easy on her and nodded, before directing Hailey to the bed. "Sleep." He ordered. He took a chair and got himself comfortable in the room, sitting down to read a book while watching Hailey sleep. "C-can you l-leave? I am not comfortable with y-you in the room w-watching me sleep." Hailey stuttered. Mr Ng glared at her before replying, "Sleep." And returned to his book. Groaning in frustration, Hailey turned on the fan and turned to the wall, pretending to sleep. She was not going to sleep in front of this random man called Mr Ng. Who knew what he would do when she was sleeping, and this was so creepy! She wondered what her friends were doing, and hoped they were not too worried about her, and was studying for the exams. At the same time, she hoped they were thinking about her, and not forgetting about her.

Sighing, she was lost in her thoughts before she heard a loud bang and she sat up immediately, causing her to get dizzy. Mr Ng was standing next to her and grabbed her wrist to bring her to the study room. Hailey clutched her head with her free hand and tried massaging her temple to ease the throbbing headache caused by sitting up too fast. She only realised where she was when she was directed into a chair that felt oddly familiar. "Good morning again, hailey." Mr Ng greeted, standing in front of the whiteboard on the other side of the room. "Good morning...Mr Ng..." Hailey sighed and greeted. "Good. Now let's make some things clear. When you come in here, we will start off by me returning you your work. Since you have not done anything, we will go straight to the next part. I will do some teaching here, then I will give you some exercises to do. Between classes, you have a 10 seconds break. I may or may not let you have the break..." Mr Ng set the ground rules, then looked at Hailey expectantly. "Yes sir.." she whispered.

With the throbbing headache, she did her best to concentrate. She was grateful that she at least had a bottle of water next to her. Finally, Mr Ng was done giving the lecture, and she was handed a practice paper. "Normal time given: 1 hour 15 minutes. I want you to do this in 30 minutes." Mr Ng instructed. Hailey's eyes almost bulged out. "GO!" He yelled. Hailey hastily grabbed the nearest pen and started on the paper, scared to death. Her hands moved as fast as they could, and she at last finished 2 minutes before the timer rang. She was bored of checking and she looked around the room while massaging her hand.

The tall bookshelves seemed to tower over her, and she was sure that she would be forced to all the books in the room by the time it was exam day. "Times up, come here." Mr Ng called out. Hailey stood, the chair scraping across the floor, before walking to the large oak desk directly opposite her, Mr Ng's intense stares drilling holes into her as she walked over.  "Every time you are done, you will walk here and hand it into this basket. Then take the next book and start on it. You will do the chapters that I taught earlier, but you may feel free to do extra. On the top right hand corner of each assignment, there will be a time that you should take to do it. I want you to divide that in half and do it. If you take anything longer, I will punish you. Understood?" Mr Ng demanded. "Yes sir." Hailey spoke, her voice cracking.

She was hoping for some more rest, but of course she could not expect anything less from her mother. The next 4 hours were hell, having to learn math and science. She was sure that most of the topics were not going to be tested, but she was forced to learn them, and she had 4 strikes by the end of the morning, two from before and two for finishing some practices late. She was not liking her stay here at all and was not looking forward to the next few weeks.

1247 words if you wanna know
Hohoho! I am here with a chapter for yall! I did promise yall I had a good feeling about this chapter, so here is a chapter just for yall. Once again, we have a cliffhanger. 😂 well hope yall are enjoying this book and let's hope Hailey survives. Stay healthy and happy people, and peace out ✌️ 💓

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