Chapter 61: Finishing School Finals

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"Alright ladies and gentlemen, there are a few parts to today's examinations. This exam is for those taking grade 1 of finishing school. We are sure that yesterday's class would have been enough to prepare you for today's test. First, you will have a theory exam on dressing and general history, then you will have a poise practical exam, and you will find out the rest later." The teacher said before strutting off the stage.
Everyone was gathered in a large auditorium and they each had their own seats. Most students were sitting upright and seemed calm, while some seemed to be sweating and yet acting calm and some just breaking down completely. It was obvious who did not prepare for this exam. Hailey gave Kate and Macey a comforting nod. The time had come for the first finals of the year—finishing school. Hailey, of course, had been preparing for this exam day and night for the past week. She had to do exceptionally well for this because her parents felt strongly about this subject. The same went for Kate, but she mostly ended up falling asleep on the table which resulted in Sir having to water her up all the time but to find her sound asleep on the desk once again within 15 minutes. Macey....boy....she was worse. She did not even bother to prepare for this exam. She felt that it was a useless subject and she did not even want to take this class.
Soon, the papers were placed on each student's desk. "You may" The teacher announced the moment the clock ticked 8am. Hailey took in a deep breathe before quickly flipping the papers open and starting the papers. Next to her, Kate was furiously writing on the paper as well and they were done with half the paper while everyone else was still on the first few pages. Hailey's forehead started to sweat as she squinted hey eyes, trying to recall what she had recalled what she had revised the previous day. Within minutes, she was off to the next question. The strange and confusing questions were not hard enough to stop her though. She was strong, and would not give up easily like she used to. No, she had to stay strong and continue on whatever challenges she faced in this paper. A good 30 minutes before the exam ended, she was done, and this was a new record for her. Definitely not the speed, no. But the fact that she did not get a panic attack during the exam. Seems like Sir's efforts the previous week to help her centre herself and to calm herself down worked. She was amazed, and thankful to him at the same time. She did not know what she would do without sir. Maybe AEA was not such a bad place after all...
Later after the exam, Kate and Hailey collapsed into each others' arms. "OH. My. God. I almost fainted in there." Kate gasped. Hailey too nodded, a bit out of air. Macey calmly grinned. "Thankfully my parents already know I am a hopeless case." She saw their exasperated looks and she smirked slyly. Macey ALWAYS squirmed her way out of trouble somehow. Somehow. "Okay girls, please move to the room to your right and you will have your next exam there." The teacher instructed and ushered them on. Kate and Hailey hugged each other to wish each other good luck and winked at Macey, who winked back.
Very soon, all their exams were over. They had so many practical and theory exam, but Hailey felt....good about it. Usually, she would be so worried when she came out of an exam hall, but today was different. It was as if she...just seemed to be at peace with herself. She immediately sprinted to sir's room once she was dismissed and jumped into his arms. "THANK YOU!" She squealed. She knew how much of an effort Sir made to keep her comfortable and to reduce the chances of her having a panic Attack in the exam hall. "So?" He asked. Hailey told him about her new encounter of an exam, how it went smoothly and she just rambled on and on. Of course, sir smiled sweetly back at her. It was amazing how much of an impact he had on her. All he did was assure her multiple times that everything would be okay, talk to her about it, give her some breathing and centring exercised and BOOM, she was all well and good. He gave her a hug before pushing her out of the door slowly.
"Now now Hailey, I know you want to prepare for your next exam, but we need to take care of both your physical and mental health. Go get something to eat, then go to your dorm and rest. I don't care. I need you to be recharged and relaxed, okay? You can come back her at..." Sir looked down at his watch before continuing, "5pm. It is now 1 pm, so go get some food and rest. Don't come here earlier than 4pm!" He instructed her. Hailey groaned but nodded. She trusted Sir. He always made the right decisions and knew how to manage her and to help her be in tip-top conditions. Therefore, Hailey did as he told her too. Now, they could only use all the time they had to prepare for the next big hurdle. The whole bunch of exams she has to take. If she did not do well, she would once again be dumped in this awful school building, with a tough punishment and no chance to return home for an entire year. No one knew how home-sick she was. She never showed it, because that meant that she would seem weak. Comes to think of it, she never saw anyone terribly homesick other than Jenna...she realised that she had came to the canteen already. She paused before opening the door to see something she never expected, and she could only gasp in surprise. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!"

1019 words if you wanna know
Hello guys a little cliffhanger here haha but I think you should know what is coming next. Actually, I am really curious. What do you think will happen next? Comment below and let me know! Also, I am glad I am updating more frequently now. Not daily, no. But more like every alternate days? Well its ok. The book is ending soon. Are you excited? Welp everyone, please stay safe and healthy! Peace out ✌️ 💓

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