Chapter 4: AEA Grounds

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        "Father...I promise I can work harder at home! Please, I can improve my grades!..." Hailey cried to her Father. To be honest, she did not mind attending AEA as she could finally leave her parents, but she couldn't bear to leave her pets to the untrustworthy maids at home. And what about all her siblings? What would they do without her?

        Not too far away, Macey was wailing too. "Mother, why can't you convince Father not to send me here? I wanna go home!" Seeing how uptight her parents were, she sulked and pouted. Normally, this expression would soften their hearts, but it seemed like they were really mad this time. "Sweetie, once we get reports from the Teachers that you are behaving better, we will bring you home instantly. But for now, YOU WILL ATTEND AEA." Mother spoke sternly. Pursing her lips, Macey walked towards the school hall where she was to assemble, hatred written all over her face.

        Meanwhile, Jenna was looking for the school hall, while chewing gum. She hated this. She still had her Boyfriend waiting for her at home, and she didn't even have the time to say goodbye to him. She was brought here by Aunt Marice so that she wouldn't try escaping. That morning, she had an argument with her Mother. "WHY WOULD YOU LISTEN TO THAT STUPID OLD WOMAN??" She had yelled. Her Mother responded sternly, "Firstly, you are not to call Aunt Marice a stupid old woman. Secondly, do you know how prestigious this school is? She was so kind to pay for your fees so you can do better in school and behave better." With that, Jenna stormed out of the house to find Aunt Marice waiting to bring her to AEA.

        By 8a.m. sharp, all the student were gathered inside the hall—the existing students on the left, the new ones on the right. Just then, the headmistress walked up onto the stage and cleared her throat. "Morning to everyone present. Welcome to AEA, Academy of Excellence in Academics. Here, we guide everyone to lifelong self-discipline, and to discover their talents. To my existing students, you know the drill. You will go to the notice board and find your dorms. On each of your beds, you will find your schedule. Lessons start tomorrow for the existing girls. You are dismissed. New students and their parents, please stay here." She addressed the crowd. Looking around, Hailey couldn't believe her eyes. There were so many students in here, and she was so used to being homeschooled with only her and the teacher.

        Jenna was devastated. She HATED Aunt Marice with her entire being. How could she? Jenna was so upset about not seeing her Boyfriend anymore that she lost her cool. "AUNT MARICE, I DO NOT WANT TO STAY HERE. BRAD IS STILL WAITING FOR ME AT HOME!!!" She yelled, sobbing into her hands. The room was pin-drop silent. Headmistress slowly focused her gaze on Jenna. "You, the one who caused a commotion. Stand up. Now." Jenna continued sitting down defiantly, and the headmistress rolled her eyes. "I would punish you right now, but since it is your first day here, I will let you go. I know that some manners would be knocked into you by the time you graduate. I'm giving you One More Chance. Stand. Now." She enunciated each word slowly and carefully. Jenna growled silently. This woman was a tough nut to crack. Normally the Teachers at her school would learn to not mess with her the moment she did this. She slowly stood up, hands by her side. "Name?" The headmistress demanded. "Jenna Lilliana Ray." She replied. The head Mistress studied her carefully, before nodding to let her sit. Jenna sighed, annoyed that she had not gotten away . Furthermore, she had gotten into the headmistress' bad books on the first day. Everyone's eyes were on her, and she looked down at her shoe, slightly embarrassed.

        The head Mistress walked across the stage, eyeing the students carefully. "Now, I would tell you what to do. First, you will come to the front of the hall where there is a notice board. There, you can find your dorms. Next to the board, there is a table. Take one map from that table, so you can find your way around. In your dorms, you will see all the furniture has been labelled. Find your furniture and further instructions are there. Unpack your things and meet me back here by 8.45am. I hope I have made myself clear. As for the guardians and parents, you may leave. There will be an app that you can download to track your child's Progress and reports. Whenever you are unhappy, you can select a punishment and schedule the time and venue to punish your child for misbehaviour. if you wish to reward your child, you may do so as well." Seeing everyone's head bobbing up and down, she smirked.

        "Remember, you are on AEA grounds. No fooling around. You RESPECT me." The headmistress spat at the students before turning to leave.

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