Chapter 24: Rebel

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"Oh, my, Gosh. Seriously, we have science and math back-to-back today? The two worst subjects?" Jenna groaned in the dorm. [people who like those subjects, no offence.] "I know right...what if....we skip those classes? I mean, we have been planning for really Long, right?" Macey happily suggested. Jenna and Macey exchanged a knowing grin. They had wanted to this for oh so Long, now that they had the perfect chance, and the right reason (it was right in their eyes), they were definitely going all the way. Going over the plans once more, they were about to execute it when they turned around. "Hailey, care to join?" They invited. As expected, she scrunched up her nose. "Nope, I am heading to home room since there is time before science." She rejected. "Oh wells, we would be at the library if you change your mind. After all, there is air-conditioning there." "But...won't the teacher notice that you are gone?" Hailey asked curiously. "Nah, they will know we are gone but they will think we have a valid reason." Jenna explained like it was no big deal. Shrugging, Hailey stepped into the classroom while JM made their escape.

        Hailey walked quickly to the home room, and everything was going just fine until the middle of Science. It was so boring, and they had practical which meant that she had to stand for Long periods of time at the lab. "Oh come on... i wonder what the other two are doing right now." She mumbled to herself. Somehow, their plan worked and they had not been caught yet. SoMehOw....In between the two classes, there was a little break which Hailey took as the chance to see how the other two were doing. She quickly made her way down to the library, hoping no one saw her. Going to the secluded spot where she knew they were hiding, she was just about to make her presence known to them when she saw the silhouette of a boy and a girl making out. Wait no....two boys and two girls! Upon closer look, it was... MACEY AND JENNA! "ExcUse Me!" Hailey demanded and stomped her foot. It was clearly written in the rules that relationships were strictly banned.

Jenna had a tinge of guilt written over her face, while Macey seemed more shocked. "Jenna, dont you have a boyfriend at home? Macey, you too! And don't you know that you are not allowed to have relationships? It is written in the rule book!" Hailey started chastising them. "Ugh, well this was just a one-time make out session. It's not like a really like him." Macey rolled her eyes and groaned. "Ahem, he is right there. See, this is what Macey really is like. Anyways, you were making out with a SENIOR? Come on, he is at least two years older than you!" Hailey continued her lecture. Macey and Jenna looked at each other in desperation. They just wanted to fool around. They were getting bored just reading in that pathetic corner of the library. "I am going to tell the teacher. Even better...The headmistress!" Hailey announced before stalking off. Even if they were her best friends, she could not allow them to go around breaking all the school rules. Besides, this is only fair for them to be punished. Just as she was about to reach the headmistress' office...

"UGH VICTORIA, WHY CANT YOU DO ANYTHING RIGHT?" Hailey heard someone yell. She paused and slowly retraced her steps to the room where all the screaming was coming from. Then she heard a painful cry. Hailey covered her mouth in shock, and peered through the door that was partially left open. In there, kate was shamelessly beating their classmate Victoria, who was the girl on duty to serve kate! "You filthy rat! You can't even do my homework properly, can't do anything right! Can't wash my toilet, and you don't even have enough money to let me use to buy some snacks from the vending machine...Ugh, i give up. I am going to use the bathroom. You are free to do anything you want." Kate was evidently annoyed, wait no, raging. Hailey hid around the corner and saw kate leave for the canteen. She quickly snuck into the room and found Victoria there on the floor, covered in bruises and scars. "Hey vic..l..." Hailey started to talk. Victoria jumped in shock and quickly told her to keep this a secret. It would be too embarrassing. Hailey wanted to bring her to the doctor, but Victoria was scared that they would suspect something and dig into it further. "Look, just bring me somewhere safe. I don't want to go to class now." Victoria pleaded. Hailey was at loss as of what to do. Should she bring her back to their dorm? No, the Teachers will look for her there. Suddenly, she remembered. The other two were still in the library. Although she was still mad at them, it was the best for Victoria. Even though she had those ambitious plans to reveal her BFFs, she realised now that life wasn't fair. Kate was basically treated like a queen just because she was voted by everyone. And, she was shamelessly going around PHYSICALLY abusing people. With no other alternatives, they made their way back to the library.

"oh my Gosh, what happened girl?" Jenna asked the moment they saw Victoria. Ignoring the previous conflict, they quickly patched Victoria up and bandaged her wounds. After talking about what happened to her, they were furious. Unfortunately, they realised they could do nothing. The headmistress wouldn't believe them, and kate probably blackmailed everyone not to tell anyone about all these things...despite that, they knew that they had to find a way to resolve this, before Kate hurt anyone else, or worse, anyone from JHM...

For the rest of the time, they were sharing stories, and chit-chatting. They secretly went back to class after Math was over, and promised to do this sometime again. Meanwhile, Hailey was still fuming mad at Jenna and Macey for breaking the most important school rules. Even though she herself broke some, the other two was on a completely different level, and she wasn't going to forget that. Ever.

Hey, hope you liked this. Sorry its kinda late, but here is the promised naughty scene front them. They disobeyed, but they helped someone.

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