Chapter 9: On their own

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"Yo girls, that was intense" Jenna sighed as they opened the door to their dorm. Being around sir was way too stressful. It was only the first day in this crazy new school, and they were already so tired. With nothing much to do, they first finished unpacking their things and cleared up the mess that sir disapproved of before. Within 45minutes, Every piece of clothing was neatly folded into their drawer, ever sock arranged, every piece of uniform ironed and hung up, every bed had been made, and they even took out their skin care products to fill up the dresser. Looking around the room, they found a little washing machine. So they had to wash their own clothes huh. In reality, the girls were really surprised at how everything turned out. Never in their lives had they imagined that they would be this neat. Next, they grabbed everything else like books and stationery and their bag, and made their way to their study room.

When they came to the lockers, they each opened their own. It was amazing. 3 drawers below, and many compartments for different things. They mainly put their extra journals and notebooks in, and a few books that they wanted to read during their stay. Hailey even brought an extra pair of PE shirt just in case. Going into their study cell, they saw that their personal bookshelves were already filled with textbooks and extra assessment books. Furthermore, they were arranged by subject! To the three girls, this was all so foreign to them. Never once in their lives had they ever been so neat. Inside their study cell on the desk, there was the colourful journal that had been promised to them. Surprisingly, the notebook design was exactly based on their favourite colours. Looking into the drawers next to their desk, they found them arranged once again by subject, each with a file for the subject and a notebook, probably for them to take notes. However, Jenna threw them aside, scoffing. She was never going to take notes! She didn't need them.

By then, it was already about 3pm, and they had to start working on their first piece of "assignment", the journal. As much as Macey and Jenna wanted to skip it, they knew that Sir would probably check it. They poured out their honest thoughts and feelings about their first day in, probably just like how you are reading this (HAHAHAHA). Soon, they were done. Macey flipped open her bujo, and saw that sir wrote: Expected hairstyle is two braids, and I want you to bring your new journals. Macey quickly told the other two to check their bujo. Looking at the time, they decided that it was time to go. Although they had another 10 minutes, they remembered that everyone in this school seemed to be early.

Just as they were walking out of the study room, three girls bumped into them. "HEY, WHAT DO YOU WANT BITCH? GET OUT OF MY WAY." An unfamiliar girl screamed as she picked herself up from the floor. Looking at Jenna, she smirked like an evil witch. "Ha, so you are the trouble maker that caused a scene at today's assembly. HA. Tata~" The girl winked and sashayed past them, purposely bumping her shoulder with Jenna. "GRrrrr." Jenna growled, her fists clenched and her face red with fury. Just then, a little girl spoke up, "sorry about her. I Guess we are sharing the study room with you three! I am Lily, this is Flora and the girl that was rude was Esther. So sorry about her!" Eyeing them, Jenna cooled down and introduced her group, hoping to get friendly with them. If she wanted revenge, she had to know what her opponent was like. Looking down at the time, Macey hurried them along before they were late for Sir's meeting.

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