Chapter 74-Warning

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It has been all fun and games as Hailey was on the road to recovery, but reality could not be changed, or stopped. Finals were coming in 3 days. Hailey had gotten so much better and the doctor declared that she was fit enough to attend finals. Sir was unsure of what to do, and was worried that he would not be able to help Hailey enough, for he knew how much grades mattered to her. After all, that is the exact reason why her family had so much chaos.

"Hailey! There's a letter for you!" Sir announced as he strode into her room. Hailey groaned as she woke up from her sleep, wondering why she had to be woken up at such a time. It was way too early to be awake, for her at least. "Come on, aren't you excited to see this letter? And WORSE, you should be awake by now. IT'S ONE PM!!!" Sir exclaimed in shock. Hailey rolled her eyes and muttered, "Still too early to be awake..." Grabbing the letter from Sir, she tore it open and read through it once really quickly. However, she widened her eyes upon reading it and sat up straight, her thoughts racing. Sir was concerned at how she reacted and quickly snatched back the letter, scanning through it as well. Hailey started shaking and Sir quickly hugged her tightly, wishing that it would help to hold her together in one piece before she broke down again.

Hailey looked up at Sir with her eyes brimming with tears. "W-why....why must she do this to me?" Hailey sobbed. Sir's heart broke into a million shattered pieces. Hailey looked so devastated, so broken. All because of that letter. The letter that read:

Hailey, you know how I always felt about your grades. You are a disgrace to our family,
bringing our whole family name down. You got lucky this time with your father,
but you should not pull us down anymore. I regret ever having you as my daughter.
Should you want to stay in this school, you need to pass all your subjects. If you fail to
make this come true, you can say bye to your school. This is a manageable goal,
if you fail I will be utterly disappointed.

Sir held Hailey for a while more, uttering sweet nothings to her. After a while more, he felt like Hailey was ready. There was no time to waste if she wanted to achieve her goal, but first he had to receive Hailey's confirmation. "Do you want to stay?" He asked in all seriousness. Hailey looked him dead in the eye and nodded. After all she has been through this year, she could not imagine herself anywhere else other than this school. She was not going to leave her best friends and mentor so easily without a fight! "Then we need to start work. Go freshen yourself up, change, and meet me in my study room." Sir directed. Hailey wiped her tears and quickly rushed to the bathroom. Sir took this as a good sign and immediately headed towards the study room to prepare. There was determinedness in his eyes that were hardly seen before. The students in the hallway parted as he strode purposefully back to his dorm. Nothing, absolutely nothing, was going to stop him from helping Hailey. He had a goal, and was going to reach it. He had failed Hailey before, and could never do it again. Look what happened when he failed her! History must not repeat itself.

Sir did not have to wait long as Hailey came to the study room faster than he expected. Sir took out a piece of paper with a plan written on it. "I have looked through your practice papers, and identified your weaker subjects and topics. We will focus on that today. Tomorrow, you will do a group study with your little friends and we will do some light practice papers on the final day before you need to go for your exams. Understood?" Sir explained. "Yes sir!" Hailey exclaimed. They wasted no time before diving into the books, Hailey holding on to Sir's dog [if you forgot, he owns one that lives in his room] for comfort and emotional support. Time flew by, and Sir could not even convince Hailey to go out to the cafeteria to eat. Instead, he had to run down to grab a bite for the both of them and allow Hailey to eat in the study. Hailey was grateful for Sir looking out for her. Although she often faced issues and got confused with about half the books he gave her, she reminded herself to calm down every now and then, thinking through everything she knew and trying to recall them. She could not fail this time, she was going to pass. She had to!

The next day, they gathered Kate, Jenna, Macey and the dog to go for a walk. They were grateful for the chance to see daylight again, stretch their legs and to bond. Unfortunately for the girls that were dragged onto this walk, they started to get quizzed by Sir whilst walking through the woods. Hailey started to get competitive, sulking when she got a question wrong. However, Sir's dog was there the whole while and Hailey was grateful that she got to hold his leash the entire way. He really was an emotional support for her. By the time they reached the campus, they were all drenched in sweat and exhausted. Sir allowed them to rest and fill their stomach before some serious work in the study room. Every hour or so, Sir demanded that they do some relaxation exercise, for fear of Hailey getting another panic attack. Hailey could not help but tear up that night, thinking of how much effort Sir and her friends were putting in for her. Jenna even hugged her when she felt down, Macey always reassuring her and Kate always helping her solve any difficulty that came her way. Grateful for everything, she felt her eyes droop and soon the world was black.

The final day came around soon. Too soon. Hailey woke up at 6am, which was much later than she expected. She figured that is what happens when she goes for a tiring walk with the group, and she chuckled to herself. Things seemed to be going smoothly. Hailey did some light revision, and some practice papers just to test herself. Unfortunately, things started to go downhill when Hailey saw the score on the cover of the papers. Her heart raced. She felt cold. She felt sweat dripping down her back. She felt tears gather in her eyes. Her eyes were clouded with tears and they fell to the ground. Splish. Splash. Splish. Splash. Sir noticed this and quickly rushed to her side. "Hey, don't worry, don't get angry over this. The only thing you need to focus on is that you improved! Negative days, negative nights, you will be wasting all your time! Look at the positive side. Let your anger fade into the background, and let's move forward together, okay?" Sir calmed her down and tried to reason. Hailey sobbed into his shirt, nodding. He gave her a few more minutes before slowly walking her through her mistakes, figuring out what went wrong in her steps and helped her to readjust her methods. Encouragement helped her the whole way, and she slowly grew confident everytime Sir said a simple, "good job Hailey!"

The day slowly faded into the night, and Hailey made it to bed earlier than usual. Kate took her spot in the extra bed placed in their room, and they talked for a while. Macey and Jenna gushed about how the year went by so fast, and how they were going to spend their holidays. Kate talked about how much she missed Hailey. Meanwhile, Hailey kept quiet. Before going to bed officially, they took a few minutes to do the centering exercises, and Hailey felt much calmer. She drifted off to sleep easier than expected, with Macey whispering into her ear, "Do good Hailey. You can do it."
1366 words if you wanna know
Look who's alive! I am SO sorry to everyone who thought I abandoned this book. I really deserve death for not updating as frequently as I promised 😭 I have been editing this book so PLEASE tell me if there are still mistakes, I will correct it immediately! As you can tell, the book is about to end, and yes, I will be making a sequel as promised. I assure you that the next few chapters will be out faster than before, and that I will work hard to bring you the future chapters and books! I might be adding a few bonus chapters (or perhaps write a whole book) about the girls' holiday adventures. Do tell me if you would rather I add it to this book or make a new one for that.
Thank you so much for all your support, I hope you don't hate me and please stay healthy and happy. Smile wherever you are! Peace out ✌️ 💓

P.s. I added some Blackpink reference in this chapter, by changing part of their lyrics from their latest album. Can you spot it? 🙈

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