Chapter 34: The real deal starts now

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    "Grade one students, please assemble in the hall NOW!" The headmistress' voice blared into the speaker. Hailey, Macey and Jenna looked at each other. Changing out of their comfy matching hoodies that Jenna bought for all of them, they wore their uniforms and ran to the hall. "Alright, just in time students. I have an important announcement to make, I need everyone's attention on ME." The headmistress spoke into the microphone. Everyone knew better than to defy her, and the hall was pin-drop silent, everyone's eyes on her, most clouded with worry.

     "I hope everyone enjoyed their holidays, because I wanted to tell everyone the truth. The past 5-6 months was just a holiday for everyone. I see most of you are getting comfortable, and you might think this is just an ordinary boarding school that is a little more strict. Nope, I am here to tell you this. The real deal starts NOW. You will all be sent to a military camp not too far from here for about three months. In these three months, you will become more fit, and act more civilised. You people are all LAZY IMBECILES! Everyone had to go through this at grade one, so you can be rest assured that you will survive. How well you will survive is up to you. Your new schedules are currently being placed on your beds as I speak. You will receive a new bujo. This one should not have any fancy colours, but will all be plain grey. It works just the same as the previous one. Please return to your rooms when I finish, and pack up your things. Just the essentials will do, as your new uniforms are waiting for you at the camp. In 45 minutes, meet in the lobby area on level one, so we can take the bus to the camp site. You are free to go."

    The hall was immediately filled with chattering. JHM squeezed their way through the crowd and ran back to their dorm. As they packed, they discussed this new arrangement. "ARE YOU SERIOUS? A military camp? Ughhhhh......" Jenna complained. Hailey was annoyed too. Although she was fit, she hated having to wash and do everything in the dirty campsite. Eww. They threw their stuff into their duffel bag, grabbed some stuff they might need. Hailey recommended them to bring torches, and books to read so they would not be too bored. They ran to the lobby and found quite a few people waiting there already. Hanging around, they talked for a bit until the bus came. JHM boarded the third bus and chose the back seat so they could sit together. They took the 30 minutes bus ride to the camp site, to the place where they were soon going to face a whole new set of challenges and create memories.

    They soon reached the campsite, and got down the bus, to find everyone gathered at the lobby. JHM joined them and waiting for a while more for everyone else to gather. "OKAY kids, I am sir Sid, and I am in charge of all of you. I am mainly in charge of the girls, the one in charge of boys is Sir Kied. I want everyone to know some rules we have here. 1. You obey us at all times. Any punishments we give, you will have to comply. 2. It will be tough here, and your safety is first. We are not here to kill you, but to help you. If you are unwell or have an injury, report to med (medical) immediately. 3. You will always reply us when we talk to you. Is that understood?" Sir Sid hollered. "YES SIR!" everyone yelled in response. "Great. Today you will get to settle in. Lunch is in the mass hall. Your first challenge is to find it. Then we will start your training in the afternoon. I know you all had dorms at the main school, so you will still be stuck in the group of three, but your dorms will have 12 people. Each group of three has your own personal trainer. Now, come to this notice board to look at the map and find which dorm you are allocated to." Sir Sid explained.

    Groaning, everyone went up to the dorm. Jenna walked up and searched for their names. Finding the other two, she told them, "seems like we are in the dorm on level three. It's number 14." They all dragged their duffle bags and went up. There were six bunk beds, and they were the first to come to the room. The keys were in a bowl on top of a cupboard right by the door. Each bed had two closets next to it, and they decided to choose the bed at the side of the room. Taking one key each, they started to unpack. Opening their wardrobe, they saw a ton of Long pants and dry fit shirts. Below was a sneaker which they were probably going to use a lot. There was also a waterproof watch which they thought was kind of them. Soon, some more people came in, and they all kept to themselves. JHM crowded onto one bed and laid down, hoping to rest before their Long day and yet wanted to talk as well. Just then, Jenna looked up and saw a clock on the wall. "Ugh it is 12 pm..." she said absentmindedly. Hailey suggested that they start finding the mass which was their canteen.

    They changed into the 'uniform' and wore the watch before making their way down. Walking around, they saw many interesting places. There was a few gyms, a large field, a track, a Swimming pool, some outdoor equipment, and some other places. Finally, they found the mass and it was already half full. Scurrying in, they found a few empty seats and sat down. Some older men and ladies were walking around with a stern look on their faces. After waiting about 10 more minutes, sir Sid shouted, "Okay, you may start collecting your food. Lunch time is over in 45 minutes. Sirs, please block off all exits, and send the latecomers to me." JHM jumped up and ran to the small queue that had formed, looking at how little time they had to eat. As they sat down to eat the rice and vegetables, they heard Sir Sid shouting at some people outside, probably scolding the late comers.

    When they were done with their food, Sir Sid walked up the to the front and told everyone, "Your Trainers are at a certain part of the campus. Sir Kied is currently giving out the instructions on how to get to your Trainers. Follow the map, and you will be fine. YOU GUYS BETTER RUN FASTER OR YOU WILL BE SCREWED!" He yelled the last part. The moment JHM got the map, Hailey snatched it and told them to follow her. They jogged past the field, and into some woods. Around them were trees, but at least there was road for them to walk on. At last, they came to a part of the woods. Looking up, they saw a man standing agains the tree with his arms folded. "You three took Long enough, but since it's your first day, I forgive you guys. Call me Sir Yuv. I am your trainer for the next three months."

1232 words if you wanna know
Hey guys! Hope you liked this chapter. I don't think anyone was expecting this. There will be whole lot more drama here! Comment below what you think about the characters and the story! Thanks for all the support, so sorry about this late update today :( anyways, thankiew!!! Peace out!!!! ✌️

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