Chapter 39: All is well?

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    Jenna wakes up to find her pillow wet, once again. Sighing, she left the pillow there in hopes that it would dry by night time. A week has passed since she tried to escape, and she would cry in her sleep every other night. It was really getting out of hand, but she couldn't do much about it. She couldn't control it. Sir Yuv had gone back to his old tough trainings, but he definitely took their feelings and limits into consideration, and Jenna really appreciated that.

It was a usual day, up until lunch time. Everyone was in the mass chattering and eating, when Sir Sid walked up the stage. "I need everyone's attention please." He spoke into the microphone. The chattering died down, and everyone looked up at him. JHM were confused. Sir Sid never interrupted their meal times, why would he be sharing an announcement now? "I have just information about a special activity that will take place soon. Everyone will be taking part in an outdoor activity which will teach you skills like navigation and using a compass. You will go in groups on different days, and I hope you will enjoy. Please, continue your meal. Your Trainers will tell you more." He announced, and walked off the stage.

Once again, the mass was filled with talking, but this time it was about the activity. There were many different groups of people. Some people were thrilled, there were some that absolutely hated the idea, some were concerned, and others...didn't seem to care. Hailey rolled her eyes, while macey shrugged. Jenna rolled her eyes too. "I'm perfectly fine with staying here all day and doing workouts boy." Jenna commented. Life went back to normal, and this silly activity was pushed to back of their heads. After all, they did not really care about it. It did not seem very fun. However, it surfaced again that afternoon during training.

The three were feeling much more confident going to training nowadays, knowing they were improving. These exercises were helping them in a way they did not even know. They were feeling more and more confident in themselves every time they drastically improved. Today, there was a spring in their step as they came to the forest. Sir Yuv was surprised to see them happy, and early. For once, they were early to a workout. Grinning, he waved at them. "You three seem happy today! Let's go for a jog." He greeted and wasted no time to start. JHM placed their water bottles and towels on the ground before jogging to catch up with Sir Yuv. Everything seemed completely normal to them, just strange that he took the shorter route today.

"Okay girls...remember the fun activity that Sir Sid told you about at lunch?" Sir Yuv excitedly asked. JHM groaned and nodded. Sir Yuv was concerned. Why were they so down? He asked them about it and they shrugged. They just did not really like the idea of the activity. Sir Yuv smiled and said, "well I think you will enjoy it. Not like we have a choice though haha. Anyways, we need to prepare." JHM winced. They did not want to prepare for this silly activity. They wanted to workout, to improve. Sadly, life will force you into situations you don't want to be in, and you just have to suck it up. It was the most boring afternoon, the whole time spent on making sure they knew how to use a compass, and how to read a map. Even how to remember special landmarks, and some cool facts about nature that they should know 'just in case'. There and then, Jenna felt like she might die of boredom. Yep, maybe she should have escaped that day.

During dinner, Jenna casually asked, "hey girls, what if I use that chance to escape?" She meant it as a joke, but Macey and Hailey got all defensive. "NO!" They both yelled in unison. "What will I do without you?" Macey said with teary eyes. "There will definitely be Guards surrounding the whole forest!" Hailey tried to explain. Jenna rolled her eyes and explained that it was a joke, they did not have to get all serious about it. Unfortunately, Sir Yuv was there at that point of time and brought it up in their nightly workout, warning them all not to do any funny monkey business.

He told them about some of the security measures they had put in place, but did not tell them all in case they used it to their advantage to plan an escape. After a ton of pinky promises not to escape, he finally calmed down. Sir Yuv really hoped that they would not cause any more trouble. The previous attempted escape had landed him in a lot of trouble with the higher ups. He definitely did not want to have to go through all that again. Even now, he shudders at the memory of the punishment he was given. Boy, his back and shoulders still hurt right now. All those pushups for not being a good trainer and making his students want to run away, oh boy. He stopped thinking about it and sent the girls off to bed.

That night before bed, JHM squeezed onto Macey's bed and discussed the activity. They all complained about how boring it would be, and went to sleep feeling annoyed. Everyone was making way too much fuss over a silly idea of an activity. Maybe everyone should just chill, and not go for the activity. I mean, who wants to be forced to read a map? The next few days were agonisingly slow as they learnt silly skills that they might need for the activity. The people who went for the activity already were complaining about how boring it was, and how much of a waste of time it was. Of course, there were some supporters who made the whole trip sound so happy and exciting, although those people were more like the story tellers that exaggerate absolutely everything. JHM were absolutely sure that all the interesting parts were made up. They did not sound realistic at all.

The night before the activity, sir Yuv warned them about it and told them they would get to skip one day of classes for the activity. Jenna and Macey did not know how to feel. Should they be happy they get to skip class, or sad that they had to go through this boring torture? Hailey was obviously agitated, seeing that her 'precious lesson time' was being robbed. Unsure of how this would go, they went to sleep. Hopefully it would all be over soon, and nothing very much will happen. They might even enjoy it. Who knows what surprises are waiting for them?

1136 words if you wanna know
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