Chapter 5: The 3 meet

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"I Guess this is goodbye. Well, I will head to the notice board now." Hailey heard herself mutter, hatred and tears clouding her eyes. Grabbing her suitcase, she stomped to the notice board before waiting for her parents to respond. "They wanted to dump me here? Fine, I will make them live to regret their decision. I could be the best student, and they would realise sending me here was a waste of time." Pushing through the crowd, she grabbed the map and spotted her name on the list. Dorm...ummm...59? Woah, they have more than 59 dorms? Cool!

Hailey scanned the map for dorm 59. WHAT? ITS ON THE TENTH FLOOR? That's...crazy, this school doesn't even have lifts! Oh wait, there are...but they are for the Teachers? That is so unfair! Haikey glanced at her watch, and it was already 8.10am! How was she going to be black in 35min? With no time to lose, she started the struggle up the stairs, wishing she had brought a lighter luggage. Every two floors, she would pause to sit at the side, panting. Finally, she came to her dorm. The whole level looked like a hospital. All the doors were the same mahogany wood, with windows. The floor was wooden, and the room was spacious. Three beds lined up against the left side of the room, a closet and some drawers sitting directly opposite the beds, with three dressing tables as well. Counting the drawers, she realised that a large wardrobe, and two drawers were allocated to each students. It was obvious that three students were allocated to this room.

Walking past the beds she did not have to walk too far as her bed was right next to the door. Leaving her things by the bed, she walked around the room to inspect it. So Macey and Jenna were her roommates...Hailey wondered what they would be like. Hailey went to the table which had name, and saw that there was some stuff there like the other three tables. There was an envelope which she decided to open first. The letter read:

Welcome Hailey. On this table, there are a few things. A key to you locker which is right outside your study room, another key to your study room, a book of rules which you must follow, a box for you to put all electronics in. There is also some letter pads, envelopes and stamps should you miss your family and want to communicate with them. All your textbooks are waiting for you in your locker, and the same with your uniform. You will share a toilet with your roommates, which is down the hallway on the right. You will see your dorm number there. Outside the toilet, there is a water cooler, where you are free to top up your water bottle. Should you want to change in your dorm, there is a curtain which you can pull around this table, converting it to a changing room. There are many more facilities on you map, but another important one you need to know is your study cell, where you will do your homework. On level 3, there are many study rooms, so make sure you go to the correct one. You should find your grade (grade 1) and find your study cell which has your name. Everything else is prepared for you already. On this table, there is also your timetable which you must follow closely. I hope you are prepared to be disciplined, and to have a wonderful time following our rules.

Wow, that was intense. True enough, everything listed was found on her table. Hailey quickly unpacked her bags. As she was finishing up, the door creaked open. A pretty blond girl with a curious expression peeped in. Looking up, Hailey smiled. "Are you Macey or Jenna?" Hailey asked. "Ummm I am Macey. Am I at the right place?" She asked nervously. Just as Hailey was about to nod, they heard a voice behind Macey. "Hey, I am Jenna. Let's go in already!" The girl named Jenna shooed. They went in and inspected the room, realising that Jenna was sleeping in the middle while Macey had the other end of the room. The three of them talked and got to know each other while unpacking their things. Macey and Jenna finished up and read through their letters when Hailey opened a drawer and realised that there was a lot of things provided. Inside had many different kind of stationery and compartments and anything you would possibly need. Looking at the timetable, she realised it came in a notebook. Inside, the timetable was different Everyday. It was basically a calendar! She looked for the day and found that after going back to the School hall, they were going to have free time. At the bottom, a note appeared: Bring your boxes with your electronics inside. Cool! This notebook was basically a gadget!

After letting the others know, she pulled the curtain to change. The uniform was interesting. A skirt that reached half her thigh, high socks, Mary Jane shoes, a white shirt and a tie. Grabbing the school bag, she shoved the rules book, notebook, the map, the box, and everything else into it, before pulling her hair into a ponytail. When she came out, she realised that Macey and Jenna did the same. Glancing at her watch, she realised they had 2 minutes left. Running, they made their way to the hall once again.

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