Chapter 23: Starting CCA

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"WHAT DO I DO WHAT DO I DO WHAT DO I DO!??!?!?!?" Macey screamed in a hurry. "Chill..." Hailey and Jenna mumbled in frustration. CCA was starting the next day, and Macey did not know what to do. That night at Sir's office... "so, CCA is starting tomorrow huh? Excited?" Sir asked them. Hailey and Jenna grinned and nodded, whilst Macey groaned. "Sir....I don't know what to do! What should I wear, what should I be prepare?" Macey complained with a little sigh. "Hmm...why dont I...ask my friend. She's in dance, surely she should know! Macey gave a dejected smile. "Thanks...what would i do without you?" She thanked. "Heh, that's what mentors are for. :)" Sir said with a little bow. The rest of the night was fun and light-hearted. Before the girls went back to their room, sir called Macey back. "Hey, my friend replied to my bujo. She said you can go to the uniform shop on the first floor to buy some dance wear." He informed. Macey gave him a thumbs up and quickly thanked him. Sir handed her some money and she ran to the shop as fast as she could. For some reason, it was still open and she bought a black legging and a plain black leotard. After putting it in the washing machine, she went to bed.

"Come on! It's time for lessons already!" Jenna yelled. However, Macey was still in the dorm. She had to hang up her dance wear, in order for it to dry by afternoon. The day passed agonisingly slowly and everyone was fidgety. Kate was especially nasty with the poor girl that was helping her that day. Finally, it was lunch break. Macey took a whole big plate of spaghetti for herself, and so did Jenna. On the contrary, this is how Hailey got her food. "Hello auntie, can I have less today?" "Less please." "A little less please" "can you remove half of that?" "Ok, thank you. Can I top up a mashed potato?" In the end, she got two mouthfuls of spaghetti and a lump of mashed potatoes. "Ewww..." Jenna and Macey grimaced upon seeing her plate. "Well....I don't like to eat too much before dance.." Hailey explained. Macey immediately regretted asking for extra spaghetti, seeing how 'the expert' was purposely eating less.

"Grade 1s, come in please." The same lady that did their trials called them in. Hailey and Macey were in front, leading them back into the studio where they had their auditions a few weeks before. "Okay, Beginners stand to the left, intermediate step to the right please." She instructed. Macey waved Hailey goodbye and made her way to the far end of the studio. "Alright, I am Ms Goh, one of your dance Teachers." Ms Goh introduced. Just as she was about to continue, Hailey raised her hand. "Ms Goh...I was put into the advanced, where should I stand?" She inquired. "OH child, you are not meant to be here. Go to the studio upstairs, directly above this studio. Look for Mdm Ogh." Ms Goh said as she directed her out of the studio. The walk to Studio B was lonely, and Hailey felt uneasy. Upon reaching, she quickly took out her shoes and knocked on the door. "Who's there?" An older girl seemed surprise as she opened the door. "Sorry, but grade 1s downstairs." She was about to close the door when Hailey cut her off. "WAIT! Umm I was put into the advanced class...Ms Goh told me to come look for Ms Ogh." The girl's eyes widened. This was the first time a grade 1 was placed into advanced class. "Come in. Ms Ogh is in the room right down the corridoor." The girl invited.

"Come in." Ms Ogh responded when Hailey knocked. Opening the door tentatively, she saw about 10 girls doing some splits in the middle of the room. "Hello Ms Ogh, I am Hailey..." Hailey introduced herself. " Come in. Class, meet your new classmate Hailey. She is a grade 1 but did exceptionally well in trials, so she will join you all. Follow along today and I want to talk to you after this." Ms Ogh quickly directed. It was a fun class for Hailey. Ms Ogh was very strict, and they did many advanced moves, most of which Hailey could catch up with easily. After the class...."Okay Hailey, I think it was the right decision to put you in this class. Training with this class is usually on Tuesdays and Thursdays, 2-5pm. Some things I want to ask. One, do you mind coming in every morning at 5 for a private lesson? Secondly, do you mind coming in on Mondays and Fridays after school as well? Thirdly, what kind of dance do you want to learn?" Ms Ogh started talking at bullet train speed. Hailey thought about it for a while, before replying, "I don't mind coming in every morning, since I do my workout at that time Everyday. For Mondays and Fridays, sure. I think I want to learn all kinds of we get to go for competitions?" Ms Ogh nodded. "In fact, I want you to come in tomorrow morning so perhaps I can teach you a dance. You see, the beginners class is meant to go to a competition in a few months time, but our Teachers are busy preparing the other grades. So, we want you and some other advanced students to be the stand in Teachers. Your own competition will be in a few months too, so we will have to prepare you for that as well. Their class is the same time as the advanced class so you wont be attending the advanced just yet." Hailey agreed immediately. "Right, so I will see you tomorrow morning in the studio opposite the one you had class in today okay?" Hailey smiled and gave a short nod before heading back to the dorm.

"Hey Hailey! How was advance class?" Macey asked. Hailey told her all about it, and in exchange, Macey told her all about the beginners class. "GOSH mine was boring. They said that a new teacher will come to teach us soon, and today all we did was registration, and tons of stuff like writing down our shoe size, our shirt size etc...." Macey complained. The next day, Hailey woke up exceptionally early to go to the studio. "Alright, lets start." Ms Ogh was eager to begin the moment she reached. "You will be learning a lyrical dance, so let's get down to it!" Ms Ogh explained. [lyrical is a dance genre, I won't explain too much.]

The next few hours was tiring. Hailey had perfected the routine, and had done some deep stretching that left her aching. A day passed, and Hailey still did not feel any better. The next day was a Thursday morning, and she went back to the studio to practice the dance again. "Feeling confident?" Ms Ogh asked. "Umm i Guess..." Hailey replied nervously. "Good, because today you shall go to teach the beginners class, just as I have taught you." Ms Ogh said with a satisfied smile. Hailey's eyes almost popped out of their sockets. She, was going to teach them already? But- "I am sure you will do okay." Ms Ogh comforted her upon seeing her nervous look. The day passed in the blink of an eye, and Hailey got more and more nervous with each passing minute. She could not get over the fact that she was going to teach the people her same age, and she only had two lessons before that! Although Ms Ogh had told her they were doing this because they believed in her abilities, she was still nervous. Furthermore, she should be grateful that at least she did not have to teach the older students. That would have been AWKWARD.

It had been 5 minutes since everyone came to the studio, and they were all chatting casually. Macey was trying to make new friends like everyone else. Just then, the door opened. Everyone rushed to their positions, expecting Ms Goh to start their warm up. To their surprise, it was Hailey, wearing her sweatshirt and leggings. Wasn't she the special girl placed in advanced class? "Hello guys, I am Hailey, your dance instructor for who know's how Long. You will be preparing for your first competition which is in...4 months. I will be teaching you the dance. I know this is awkward since we are all of the same age, but I have been given this job so I will do it as best as I can. I hope everyone can cooperate with me. Just call me Hailey." She introduced after putting her bag down. "Afternoon Hailey!" They all said in unison. Hailey then started off with warmup and stretching. "Make you feel the stretch under your thighs! Yes Macey! Yes, Belle!" Hailey walked around the room instructing. She brought them through stretches they had never done before, like over-splits, handstands, cartwheels, and some barre work.

"Alright, lets go through the first part of the dance once more before we leave!" Hailey encouraged them to continue working on the dance. She had finally managed to finish teaching the first part of the dance. It was hard work trying to be patient with them and teaching them step-by-step, but she did it. They were all sweating but satisfied by the end of the class. They were amazed at how fun Hailey had made the class, and the interesting way she had created methods to remember hard movements. "OMG you were AWESOME Hailey!" Macey immediately gushed when everyone had gone out. Hailey blushed. "Thanks....i Guess. It was harder than I thought it would be." They laughed and talked about the lesson as they walked out hand in hand.

Hope you enjoy this chapter. It has 1500+ words, like I promised. I have been really busy, but I try my best to upload more. I hope you don't mind this Long chapter about Dance >.< i promise the next few chapters will not include this much dance anymore.

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