Chapter 71 - Justice

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"Father, I have something to show you." Asher (Hailey's brother who went to visit her) immediately explained the moment he entered his father's study. His father sighed and looked up from his laptop, leaning back on his chair and nodding for him to continue. Asher swiped out his phone and pressed the play button, to which revealed his conversation with Hailey's best friends and Hailey's "new tutor". By the end of the recording, father was frowning at the phone. "We leave in 10 minutes, go get your mother." Father commanded with an authoritative tone, before chasing his second son out. He could not believe the woman he married would do such a thing. Yes, he was extremely concerned about the image of his family but he never wanted to abuse his only daughter, and he could tell his wife was taking amusement from their daughter's plight. He quickly gathered his things and went to the garage with his driver. "To AEA." He instructed before sitting back comfortably, a plan forming in his mind. He could not allow that crazy woman to get out of control and abuse kids, or worse destroy their image. By the time the mother-son duo came to the car, he was already on his phone continuing to work and was no longer worried of what he was going to do with that woman. Hailey's mother looked at her husband curiously, wondering where they were going and why they had to leave in a rush. She had thought her husband finally made the time for them to go out after such a long time of him working, but apparently not. He was still texting and emailing his subordinates on the phone, which definitely meant this was not a romantic date, especially not one with their son. She leaned back and decided to leave all that thinking to later, and filled her thoughts with tea parties and events she was going to attend.

Finally, they reached the school and Hailey's mother was quite surprised to be back, especially after being here a couple of days ago. She wondered what her husband was doing as he leaned in to Whisper to their son before nodding  and walking ahead, forcing her to rush and catch up. As they walked down the halls, she realised they were going to Hailey's room! She did not think anything was wrong, as her husband had obviously said to "take care of that girl and just make sure she improves". The next thing she knew, she was being forced to hand over the keys to the room and her husband walked in. Outside the door, they could not hear anything but once the door was slightly opened, they could hear painful cries and pleas...of their only daughter. Hailey's father glared at his good-for-nothing wife who was checking her nails and was extremely bored.

Realising she was not going to do anything to help, Hailey's father briskly entered the room to see an unknown grown man hitting his daughter ruthlessly and throwing worksheets at her. Suddenly, he stopped as he realised he had an audience. "Who are you?" He asked rudely. Hailey was crying on the floor with bruises on her face and arms. Upon seeing her father, she screamed hysterically and backed into the corner. Her father straightened up and put on a stern face, to which Hailey got frightened of and flashbacks of what happened when she was young came back to her and she passed out. "Son, get Hailey out of here and bring her to the nurse. Now." Hailey's father boomed. Asher quickly went forward to pick the limp Hailey up, but their mother stopped them. "WHERE IS SHE GOING? SHE IS TO STAY IN THIS ROOM UNTIL SHE IS A PERFECT GIRL AND NOT A BRAT!!" She tried to keep Hailey in. Suddenly, Hailey's father yelled and she got scared, quickly letting them pass. "Did you get him to 'tutor' our daughter?" He questioned with a menacing look. Hailey's mother stuttered, "y-y-ye-yes...but w-what's wro-wrong?" She looked like she was about to cry. "SO MANY THINGS ARE WRONG! First, who the @%^&&#^$% is he, and how did you get him? Secondly, are you not worried when you see your daughter so badly beaten? And you still dont want her to get treatment even after she passed out? Third, please dont tell me you were the one that asked him to physically abuse our daughter. Did you see how pale she is? And look, he intends to STARVE HER." Hailey's father did his best to remain cool, but was too furious to not shout. He could not believe what he was seeing. Hailey's mother looked appalled, but still reasoned, "Y-you wanted be to i-improve her g-grades! A-anyways, I w-want her to s-stay here!" Hailey's father ran his fingers through his hair as he heard what she said. Sighing, he glared at Mr Ng in The Eye and spoke with an air of dominance, "you. Are. Fired." With that, he turned to leave the room with a confused yet annoyed Mr Ng and a woman that was literally insane.

They looked at each other and she mouthed a "sorry" before rushing off after her husband, pretending to be a lost and abandoned puppy who wanted the forgiveness of her owner. Did she learn her lesson? No. Did she know how to be a suck-up? Yes. And that is exactly her plan. Get back on her husband's good side, and hopefully earn his forgiveness. She scowled at the prospect of her not being able to use Hailey to relieve her stress anymore, but she knew she had to lie Low for a while, or her husband would suspect her. Yes, she was indeed a cunning snake and she was Glad she was born with the 'smarts' to think of all these 'fantastic' ideas of hers. She chuckled as she chased her husband who was fuming off to the nurse's office.
1011 words if you wanna know
Hello guys! I am back with another chapter! Thank you to all my followers and readers for always supporting me! I hope you like this chapter, and remember to comment and vote! Thanks guys, stay safe and healthy! Peace out ✌️ 💓

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