Chapter 31: Disgrace

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"Hailey from grade 1, could you please come to my office now." The headmistress spoke sternly into the system. The speakers blared, and Hailey groaned. Making her way to the office, she felt her stomach churn but pushed that feeling down. "Please, take a seat." Headmistress directed Hailey to a seat. Headmistress was going to go into a lengthy talk about her grades when she notices the beads of sweat trickling down Hailey's face although she was in an air-conditioned room, and how pale she looked. " okay?" Headmistress said softly. Hailey looked up in shock. Headmistress wasn't one to care about students. Hailey paused before nodding slightly. "I wanted to talk about your grades. Honestly, you are a good student Hailey, I have watched how hard-working you are. However, the results are not showing. Your sir will be doing his weekly report to your parents through the app on his ipad, and I have requested that he write a short memo about how hard-working you are so hopefully your parents are not so upset." Hailey was even more shocked by this. Since when was headmistress so kind? "I think maybe we should get you a tutor to help with your studies? Or do you want Sir to teach you? He was the best student in his grade, well, he still take your time to think about it." headmistress offered. Hailey bit her lips and nodded. "I am quite disappointed with your results Hailey. I mean, you are a bright child. Work harder, okay?" Hailey nodded and excused herself. On the walkway, She could no longer hold back her tears and started to cry.

    "Well well well, look who's here. Never knew hailey was such a CRYBABY! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA." Someone snickered. Hailey looked up in annoyance, to come face to face with Kate. Just great. "Crying after visiting the headmistress huh? Heard you got REALLY BAD GRADES, isn't that just GREAT? Honestly, a 4 year old could do better than you!" Kate taunted. Hailey was already on the verge of a meltdown, and this obnoxious girl just had to use this chance to rub salt into her wounds? "I am so sure you parents are going to be so disappointed..." Kate used a whiney voice. This was the last straw for Hailey. Usually, hailey would snap at kate and tell her to mind her own business, but instead, she immediately ran back to her dorm. Thankfully, no one was there and she had the biggest meltdown. After cooling down, she felt oddly tired and fell asleep on her bed.

    "HAILEY, I AM SO DISAPPOINTED IN YOU!" Mother screamed. Dad slapped her on the face. "You ungrateful brat, we sent you to a school to learn and that is how you repay us?" Hailey was kneeling on the floor, sobbing so hard. Words of pain were thrown at Hailey by her parents, and she felt her heart being stabbed again and again. Soon, her brothers joined in, scolding and taunting Hailey. She could take it no longer and covered her ears with her hands, begging everyone to stop. Her family turned into monsters. Things were crashing and broken. Shouting could be heard. Hailey was broken. All she could do is huddle in a corner and cry her heart out. "IM SORRY...I..IM....S..SOOO...*HICK.....SORRY...." Hailey tried to apologise in between her tears. However, this is no good and only caused her parents to be angrier. "SORRY? WILL A SIMPLE SORRY FIX OUR FAMILY REPUTATION? WE DID NOT SEND ANY LETTERS TO YOU BECAUSE WE WANTED YOU TO FOCUS ON STUDY. WE READ YOUR LETTER, AND IT'S PLAIN STUPID. LOOK, IT EVEN HAS GRAMMAR ERRORS!" Father screamed in hysterics. Hailey grimaced as he raised his hand to hit her again.

    "AHHHH!!!" Hailey shot up in bed. It was just a was just a dream.....father would never yell at her like that...her parents were kind.....hailey looked around and was so Glad that she was safe and sound in her room. She couldn't ask for more. She found her pillow all drenched after all the crying she did, and she shivered. She was still sick, but she didn't care. Taking baby steps, she found herself outside Sir's office. She collapsed into the room and her throat closed up, causing her to be unable to breathe. "I-I...can't breathe......" Hailey slurred. Sir was worried and rushed to her side. "It's okay hailey, calm down. It's alright...shhhh...." Sir comforted her, slowly guiding her to the sofa. "Thanks..." Hailey said after she caught her breathe. Sir stroked her hair softly. "It's okay...what you had just now was a panic Attack. It isn't your fault. Do you know what triggered it?" Hailey guessed that it was from the nightmare, but she did not answer. She stayed in the comfort of his arms and soon fell asleep.

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