Chapter 33: Mid year break

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    The mood in the campus was mixed with lightness and dreariness. The students had successfully spent half a year in this boarding school, and they survived! They had a two week holiday to spend, and they were allowed to go home. Some people, like Macey, were really excited about going home. She wanted to find her boyfriend again, and get away from the awkward relationship she had with her roommates. "Macey! Omg, it's been so long since I last saw you! How has school been?" Macey's mom bounded up to her. Macey was holding a small suitcase of things she might need, and upon seeing her mom, immediately went hysterical and hugged her tightly. She had so much to tell her mom, and maybe her mom would pity her and stop sending her to this horrid school, seeing that she wasn't even on good terms with anyone. Meanwhile, in the dormitories upstairs, Hailey was one of the few people who were not going home. Her parents were so disappointed in her that they did not want her home, and neither did she want to go home. Jenna was still in their room doing her last checks. "I see you've packed." Hailey said with a sad smile. "See you haven't." Jenna said with a smirk. [Harry Potter reference hHAAHAHAHHA] "I won't be going home." Hailey said with a sigh. Jenna was shocked, and felt horrible for her friend. While Jenna did not really like home, she got to see her boyfriend again, which was amazing. And sir returned them their phones for the holidays. Hailey was grateful to at least have her phone for company. "hey, we haven't swapped numbers! Maybe we could text and call Everyday?" Hailey asked. Thankfully, Jenna agreed. Hailey really needed at least some social interaction with someone while she was here. There were only three grade ones staying back, and she was not close with the other two so she resorted to doing her own things.

    [Hailey's side] Hailey walked around the campus, feeling strange that it was so empty. Normally, it would be packed with students. Hailey was lonely, so she walked to the library to find some good reads. After all, books were meant to take you to a new world and perhaps she could find some friends in those books. After reading for the whole morning, she took out her phone and saw a message waiting for her. "Hey gal, how you doin?" Jenna had texted her. Hailey replied: ☹️ After setting her phone down, she walked to the canteen to have her lunch. Jenna was having lunch with her mom too, so she could not text Hailey. After the sad pathetic lunch, Hailey went back to the dorm to rest. Life was so boring, but she could do nothing about it. Waking up from her afternoon nap, she made her way to the gym to do some serious workout. Then she texted Jenna some more, went to shower, and forced herself to the study cell for two reasons. One, she still had holiday homework. Two, she wanted to improve. At first, she was thinking about just completely giving up on herself, but she did not want to be this depressed anymore. Gone were the days of getting bad grades and leaving her parents disappointed. Maybe this holiday, she could turn this all around! After dinner, she went back to her dorm, lay down and video called Jenna. That night, she could not really sleep and since there was no lights out, she went to the studio and choreographed a new dance for herself. At midnights, she finally felt sleepy and retreated to bed. She continued this sad routine for days..and days...and days......

    [Macey's side] "Ah! It's so good to be home! I wonder what my boyfriend is doing...maybe I should go surprise him?" Macey grinned as she set her stuff down onto the floor of her room. Macey thought for a moment. Her mother never approved of her relationship, and she did not want to be on bad terms with her parents this holiday. Just then, her mother came into the room. "Honey! What are your plans for tomorrow?' She asked. Macey decided to take this chance. "Mom, can I go find um..." she thought for a moment. "Becky? Yea I haven't seen her in so Long. We can talk more this evening right?" Mother paused, and contemplated, before nodding. "Sure, be home by 5!" She agreed and left a kiss on Macey's nose. Macey was Super excited, and changed into a nice sundress before heading to her boyfriend, Ethan's house. "KNOCK KNOCK!" "Oh! The pizza is here!" Macey heard Ethan say. Pizza? Hahaha now she can surprise him acting like the pizza delivery man!

    Ethan swung open the door and stared in shock, Macey doing the same. Ethan was half naked, and was all flushed. Ethan obviously wasn't expecting her, and Macey was expecting him to at least be half-decent. Recovering her composure, she hopped onto him. "ETHANNNN! I missed you so so much! You know, I have so much to tell you!" She squealed. "Umm yea...that's great." He suspiciously said while trying to close the door. " parent's are home and they told me I can't go out since I was grounded so yea I really have to go..." he made an excuse. "Oh dear, but since when did you care for the rules?" Macy was confused. This wasn't the boy she loved....something"Babe, you left the money upstairs!" A female voice spoke seductively behind Ethan. She slowly walked into was Macey's best friend, Lila! "ETHAN, I DEMAND AN EXPLANATION! I THOUGHT YOUR PARENTS ARE HOME AND YOU ARE GROUNDED? ARE YOU CHEATING ON ME?" Macey screamed, tears clouding her eyes. Ethan shook his head, and was thinking of an excuse when Lila spoke for him, "you left for so Long, and he is so hot. Why would he want to stay waiting for you?" Although Macey had also cheated on him, it felt much worse to be on the short end of the stick.

    Macey ran home and jumped onto the bed, sobbing her eyes out. Mom came into her room with worry. "What happened dear?" She asked. Macey was so devastated that she poured her heart out. "It...It's LILA! My bo.....boyfriend....cheated on me...with h...her!" She wailed through her sobs. Mom's face darkened. "Honey, i thought you already broke up with him? You went to find him?" Macey knew she was in trouble on the spot. She thought her mother was going to comfort her heartbroken daughter, but she didn't realised she spilled all the tea and was now in big, big big trouble. "Macey. I am disappointed. You lied! I don't want to see your face. You will spend today and tomorrow here, but on wednesday, you LEAVE THIS HOUSE! Yes, i will send you back to AEA early." Her mother decided. Macey wailed even louder. Now her plans to stay home was ruined, and her own mother turned against her! She stayed in her room sulking for the rest of the two days until it was time to go. Reluctantly, she followed her parents into the car as they took the Long journey back to that dreaded campus.

    "Hey...Macey, what are you doing here?" Hailey asked, surprised. Macey sniffled and started to unpack, but soon tears fell out. Hailey stopped being so awkward and cold towards her and wrapped her hands around Macey. "Shhh...tell me what happened." Hailey cooed. Macey told her everything, about how she just wanted to be accepted, how she had been feeling so down the past few weeks and what happened at home. By the time she was done, Hailey felt really bad for her. Seeing that she was willing to open up, Hailey decided to tell her about her grades, and her parents issues. "Parents are jerks." Macey commented. Hailey agreed wholeheartedly. Seems like they were kind of in the same boat now. The two decided to forgive each other, and used that two weeks to catch up on the time they lost when they were still angry with each other. By the end of the two weeks, they were like two peas in a pod, and could never be separated. Once again, JHM was formed and completed.

1397 words if you wanna know
Hello people! How do you like this chapter? Don't you think this half a year went by so fast? Don't worry, this is not the end of the book. I still have the second half of the year to write! How do you like this so far? Comment below if I should make a sequel out of this after I finish this book, and dont forget to vote!! Thanks for all the support, peace out! ✌️

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