Chapter 19: Fight! Fight!! Fight!!!

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"OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG!!!" Hailey screamed once she had the chance. "Can you believe it? Choosing a monitress?" She exclaimed. Jenna smirked. She too, wanted the role. "Heh I think ill try for it too...i mean, the Teachers will trust you more if you are a monitor, and you have more excuses to use when you do something 'illegal' ya know.." she said. Macey was bored. Seriously, all this fuss over nothing? Suddenly, Kate appeared next to them. "Heyyy sisterrrsss...are you girls trying for the role of a monitress?" She casually addressed. Jenna felt something was weird about Kate, and gave her a curt nod before quickly pulling Hailey and Macey towards their dorm quickly. "What is it?" Macey asked. "Don't you think Kate was behaving really...idk....suspicious?" Jenna stated. The two shrugged.

The next day, the three went to their home room to assemble as usual. This time however, they got a shock of their lives. On the wall, there were posters everywhere with...KATE's face on it? Wow, she really was shameless. Just then, someone spoke into a microphone. Turning their heads, Kate was standing on a box in front of the class. "Hello everyone, hope you are having a wonderful morning! I have prepared some drinks at the side of the home room, so feel free to take them! You see, i want the best for our class, and I promise that I can help to make the class a better place. I will not be too strict, I will do my best and I promise to always be there for everyone. However, to do this, it would really help both me and you if you chose me to be the class monitress!" She announced. The three stood at the side and sighed. "Seriously, she is trying too hard." Macey muttered. Next to her, her two friends nodded. Throughout the day, Kate tried to make these silly speeches at every chance she got. Hailey, however, had another trick up her sleeve. Instead of announcing to everyone to vote for her, she started to get to know everyone personally, starting off with the people who was most likely to vote for her. Here's an example:

"Hey! Victoria right?" Hailey walked up to Victoria during break time. " me vic. How may I help you?" Vic replied. Hailey smiled and shrugged. "I just want to get to know you. What CCA did you get into?" "Well...I got into concert band...but I don't really like it." "Why?" " mother was the one that wanted me to go there...but I find it really tough! Next time, i wont even have enough time to do my revision....dont get me wrong, I'm not a nerd...its just that I want to go home...." "I learn music too! At first, I thought it was really hard, but i trusted myself and i succeeded! By the way, if you need any help with your homework, feel free to find me! I can help you!"

To be honest, Hailey impressed everyone. They felt like Hailey truly cared about them, and really wanted the best for everyone. She helped everyone whenever they needed help, and even gave them advice. There was a really high chance that she was going to be voted for as the class president...but then came to the third day. The day for everyone to vote.

Everyone was meant to vote at noon, both Hailey and Kate were nervous. Of course, there were other contestants who obviously made an effort to be noticed, but they could not compare to these two. It was between math class and discipline class that everything went wrong. The three had barely sat down at their seats when an unknown girl stepped into the class. After looking around, she made a beeline to Jenna! "YOU! YOU ARE JENNA RIGHT?" She screamed. Jenna nodded just to receive a TIGHT SLAP on her right cheek! Jenna was so confused and felt anger rising in her, like a volcano about to erupt at any moment. She was innocent, what was that slap for? "I see you dont remember me...I was at the Swimming trials too. Don't think that I would never find you. Aren't you the one that TORE MY SWIMSUIT AND RUINED MY GOGGLES? You caused me to be unable to tryout for the Swimming team!" Jenna stared right back at her. "SO? ANYWAYS, I DONT KNOW WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT? EVEN IF SOMEONE DID RUIN YOUR CHANCES, YOU CANT JUST GO AROUND SLAPPING PEOPLE!" Jenna defended. Suddenly, the girl threw a few punches at her face. "STOP IT! WE CAN TALK THIS OUT!" Hailey tried to break them up. "Oh yea? GET LOST @#$%^&*&^%$#@!" The girl challenged. Jenna was going to retort back when the girl prepared to throw another punch. Jenna shut her eyes tightly, awaiting the next punch.

However, the hit Jenna expected to receive never came, and she opened her eyes slowly. She was shocked at what she saw. Hailey was holding the fist midair that threatened the punch. Then, she flung that fist down and punched the girl squarely in the nose. "THAT IS FOR STEPPING INTO OUR CLASS WITHOUT AN INVITATION." Hailey screamed. Then, she sent a kick towards her stomach. "THIS IS FOR YELLING AT MY BEST FRIEND!" She continued. After that, Hailey twisted her arm behind her back. "And this, is for physically hurting my bff." Hailey was about to continue, when Macey stopped her. "Look, Hailey, you will get into trouble..." she started. Hailey stopped and looked at her in confusion. Macey was never one to care about getting into trouble... "I will finish her for you." Macey continued. Macey grabbed the girls hair and pulled it behind her, before following up with a punch to her face. "And this, is for cursing at my bff." she said with a smirk.

"LADIES, STOP RIGHT THERE. THIS IS SUCH UNRULY BEHAVIOUR. EVERYONE ELSE, STOP STARING AND RETURN TO YOUR SEATS." The headmistress appeared out of nowhere and commanded. Apparently she was late for this discipline class, and was appalled at what she saw. "Young lady, are you not meant to be in the other class? Go to the office to get patched up." Headmistress demanded, before chastising the three girls for their behaviour. "GO, GO TO YOUR SIR AND I WILL WRITE HIM A NOTE. HE WILL DEAL WITH YOU BEFORE I DO. AND YOU THREE ARE DISQUALIFIED FROM THE VOTING SINCE YOU WERE INVOLVED IN A FIGHT, WHICH IS UNACCEPTABLE OF A CLASS MONITRESS..." "But-" Hailey tried to explain. "NO buts, go NOW. Hailey, I am honestly disappointed. I thought you would be the voted one." The headmistress sighed, before shooing them out.

Dragging their feet, the three found themselves in the corridoor.

Hello guys! What did yall think of my fight scene? Was it good? Was it not juicy enough? I hope today's chapter was more interesting... more will be explained in the next chapter. Thank you all for all the support! All the comments were so encouraging, thank you! 💓 💕 i will do my best to write more often, but it may be slower at times because this is originally fresh baked from my brain HAHAHAHAHA! Okay never mind, just enjoy!

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