Chapter 26: Take her down!

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        They walked briskly back to Kate's dorm, and Hailey politely informed, "Headmistress, I think something is going on in this dorm..." Headmistress was suspicious, hoping this wasn't one of the prank that students liked to play. They would often do this and lock Teachers in a room. Headmistress sighed and decided to go take a look, since Hailey seemed sincere. She only took one step in and was so shocked that her eyes almost bulged out of their sockets. "KATE HENNINGEN, YOU ARE A CLASS MONITRESS, I THOUGHT YOU SHOULD KNOW BETTER THAN TO MAKE OUT WITH SENIOR BOYS AND HIT YOUR CLASSMATES!" She hollered like a madman. "Was your last punishment with me not enough?" Headmistress demanded and took a large stride towards her. "NO ma'am! I just saw Macey making out with him, so I decided to punish her!" Kate lied. Headmistress rolled her eyes and said in a-matter-of-fact tone, "Obviously you are lying. Only your lipstick is all smudged, and macey is innocent." Just then, Jenna arrived. "Headmistress, I wanted to let you know that this is not the first time. Ever since she became class monitress, she was forcing everyone to take turns being her little minions. All these classmates behind me are victims, and they can testify." She proclaimed. Kate lost her cool, and started screaming at the top of her lungs, "WHY CAN'T ANYTHING GO MY WAY SMOOTHLY, IT'S ALWAYS HAILEY'S FAULT! I ONLY GOT TO BE CLASS MONITRESS BECAUSE I SENT THAT GIRL TO HARASS JENNA SO HAILEY WOULD FIGHT AS WELL!" Headmistress had had enough, and started to take charge again, "Those who are willing to testify, give me a report by tonight about the date and what happened. Hailey and Jenna, bring macey to the office to patch her up. Kate, and you boy, come with me. I will deal with you separately, since apparently kate has done more incredulous things like sending someone to harass her own classmates." Kate's face paled, and tears started streaming down her face. At first, she kicked and screamed, refusing to follow Headmistress, but soon relented and followed limply.

        Following headmistress' instructions, hailey and Jenna rushed forward to help Macey up. She had been beaten pretty bad, and Kate even spilled the coffee on her school uniform. "UGH thank goodness you guys arrived fast enough, otherwise I would not have been able to deal with her anymore and take her out there and then." Macey groaned. Jenna grinned, proud of their plan. "Well, seems like kate is going to be in a whole lot of trouble, even selling herself out for that time when the random girl harassed me!" She exclaimed. They exploded into laughter and by then, they reached the office. Hailey and Jenna stood outside talking while Macey was being treated. They were pretty sure that by then, the whole class, no wait, the whole school knew about this event. They were so proud that they wanted to throw an entire party to celebrate this.

         That day in the morning, everyone was gathered in the home room as usual. Everyone tensed up seeing Headmistress walk in. "Good morning girls. From this point on, Kate has been stripped of the title of being the class monitress. Hayden, you will still be the assistant monitor. Class, we need to vote for someone else. This time, Hailey, Jenna and Macey are included, since it seems like they learnt their lesson, and they have been forgiven so that means you can vote for them as well. Same procedure applies." She announced. Everyone cheered. Immediately, they took out a pen and paper, proceeding to write the names of who they vote for. Hailey decided to vote for Jenna, since she felt it was not right to vote for herself. When it was done, headmistress took the votes out to count on the spot.

        "Alright class, we have your new class monitress! I will announce the results. Jenna, two votes. Hailey, 34 votes. Obviously the winner is Hailey, congrats. This is your new book of rules, and I trust that you will not abuse your power like Kate Henningen." Hailey beamed with pride as she took the rule book, and the new brooch that was given only to class monitors. Headmistress left to deal with Kate, while Hailey stood up to address the class. "Hey class! Thank you so much for all 36 people who voted for me, I am really touched. Right now, I just want to promise that I will do my best, and I will never abuse the power of being class monitress. Hayden, I hope we can work closely to make this a better class." Upon finishing, everyone broke into a round of applause. She updated the duty roster such that everyone had a fair share, even she had to do some of the duties. Sharing it with the class, everyone liked the new roster.

        For the rest of the day, things were going extremely well. Many people came up to congratulate her, and even sir threw a little chocolate party for them! Although all these happened, Hailey did not feel like the day was complete, so she did something for the very first time—write to her parents. Taking out the nice letter pad provided by the school, she hesitated at first, before pouring out her feelings onto the letter. When there were emotional parts like how much she missed home, some tears fell onto the paper. By the time she was done, she had written a 4 page essay! Placing it into the pale pink envelope, she found the stamp book to choose a stamp to send to her parents. Then, she walked over to Sir's office.

        "KNOCK KNOCK" "come in" Sir was surprised to see Hailey. Just as she was about to sit, sir invited her over. "Oh, hailey, why are you alone? You don't need to sit there since you are alone. Have you been crying?" He inquired. He had noticed the red puffy eyes and red nose, and immediately understood when he saw the letter. Hailey started to breakdown and cry again. "Sir, you t...think parents love me? They haven't sent me a letter at all.." it was true. Macey and Jenna had gotten one a few weeks back, but until now, Hailey had gotten none. It was as if her parents did not care about her. Sir comforted her for a while before promising to post the letter for her. "Don't worry, I am sure they did not forget about you. Go to bed, it is late already." Hailey thanked Sir and went off, however, she could not sleep. Only after some time did her eyelids start to droop, bringing her to deep sleep....

Hello! This chapter is posted a bit earlier so you could enjoy it. If I have time, I will post one more today. No promises!
Now that most drama with kate is over, what do you think will happen next? Comment below! Thanks so much for al the encouraging comments, I hope I will not let yall down. I really try to write as best as I can 💓 peace out ✌️

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