Chapter 72 - Reunite

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"Welcome, please take a seat. What may I do for you two today?" The headmistress greeted as she waved to the armchairs in front of her. Hailey's parents elegantly sat down and Hailey's father waved his hand for a guard to place a phone down on the low glass coffee table. "I heard that you allowed my wife to lock my daughter up in a special room, then lie to my daughters classmates and even decided to fire one of the tutors at the end of year?" Hailey's father spoke harshly. Headmistress remained a calm facet and nodded grimly. He turned to his wife and gave her a death stare, before continuing, "I want you to reverse all that. Tell the truth to my daughter's classmates, remove that room and make sure that tutor stays." He looked at the headmistress in the eye as if challenging her. She paused for a while before agreeing. With that, he was satisfied and got up to leave. "Thank you." He stated as he gripped her hand and left. Hailey's mother followed after him after bowing to the headmistress and off they went to see their daughter.

The white room with anti-septic was slightly claustrophobic for Hailey as she slowly opened her eyes to see many people in her room. First, she saw her older brother at the end of the bed, then Sir having a death grip on her right hand and Kate on the other, with Macey and Jenna staring at her. She smiled lightly, and looked at sir and her friends. Her heart ached for them and she missed them so much. Kate stared blankly back at her, salty drops of water raining down her cheeks. Hailey removed her hand from Sir and dried her tears. Her one simple movement made the entire room alive again, as they all started sobbing and hugging her. "Poor girl...are you okay?" Kate sobbed. "Do you need anything?" Sir, ever the practical man. They all squeezed her so tight that she could not breath and the machine next to her started beeping at an extremely fast speed. Nurses and Doctors rushed in and ordered everyone away from her, glad that nothing too serious happened. The doctor checked her vitals and asked her a few questions, before concluding that she just needed to stay for some more observation and had a proper meal ordered for her.

Kate stared at her tenderly while Jenna demanded to know what happened. Hailey slowly told the story of her lonely two days while her best friends told her about their side of their lonely two days. Hailey was extremely relieved that her best friends remembered her and did not abandon her. She started to tear up and hugged them again, this time she was the one squeezing the life out of them. "T-thank *hic t-thank y-you g-guys! *hic" She managed to squeeze out. They hugged her back and consoled her, until the curtains opened again. Hailey unwillingly let go of her best friends and looked up. Suddenly, the machine started beeping louder and faster, the colour drained from Hailey's face and she screamed, before backing away and covering her mouth, her eyes wide open. Doctors rushed in to calm her down, but she would not stop trembling until her parents left her sight. "'s okay...we are here..." sir comforted her, holding her tight and assuring her.

Outside, the Doctors spoke to Hailey's parents. "I'm sorry sir, and ma'am, you are not permitted to see Hailey for now in light of her situation, and that she gets overly stressed out when seeing you two. Do you two know the reason?" The doctor asked. Hailey's mother quickly replied, "NO!" And immediately kept quiet again. Just then, a familiar voice said, "I know." They all looked behind to see Hailey's brother. "They were the one that caused her to have all these injuries, and they emotionally stressed her out since birth. They give unreasonable expectations, they make us mentally unstable, they beat us to no avail, and subject us to the tortures of these 'tutors' that woman hires AND LEAVES US TO BE BEATEN TO DEATH!" He spat out, starting to get worked up. The doctor immediately got Nurses to restrain him as he tried attacking his mother. "I AM SICK AND TIRED OF YOU WOMAN! YOU ABUSED US, AND WE TOLERATED IT SILENTLY! NOW YOU ARE ATTACKING OUR BABY SISTER? YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF YOURSELF!" He screamed in frustration, as the Nurses brought him to another room to calm himself down.

The doctor finally understood what was happening and looked at the mother who muttered, "ungrateful brat...I should give him a good beating to knock some sense into him." The doctor frowned and replied, "you will do no such thing. Now I suggest you get some treatment, or at least stay out of your children's sight. Do you see how unhealthy this is for your children?" They scoffed and rolled their eyes before walking off. Before leaving the compound, Hailey's father stuck his head in Hailey's room which scared her, and he quickly said, "by the way, you are not fired sir. Please continue to take care of my daughter." Sir was shocked and confused, but quickly gave a firm nod and replied, "I will." Hailey's father nodded back and immediately left before he could cause anymore stress. "There there, now everything is fine..." Sir promised as he stroked Hailey's thin and frail hand.

Eventually, the food came and so did Hailey's brother. While Hailey ate the small portion of food, she questioned her brother what happened, as all she heard was shouting. He remains silent but smiles and gave her a look not to worry too much. Hailey and the others were curious, but let the matter be as they chatted for the first time in what seemed like forever.

*Bonus scene*
"How is my daughter doing?" He asked. "Good. She is chatting with her friends and eating heartily. Your son also returned to her room." The man replied. They both nodded and Hailey's father finally let out a small smile with a sigh, wondering if his children will ever forgive him after all he put them through. Suddenly, the phone rang and he quickly picked up. It was time to get back to work, and he would put that woman back in her place after. "Remember to pick my son back up when he is done with the visit, or arrange his living arrangements there. Dismissed." He reminded. The man bowed and quietly excused himself out.
1106 words if you wanna know
Hello people! I am back today with another chapter! I'm Glad my uploading schedule is coming back. I will try to finish this book soon, as I have a Super busy period ahead of me soon and I don't want to keep everyone waiting while I finish my business. At the same time, I hope you guys can continue to follow me as I will start book 2 before the end of this year and hopefully upload it consistently like the start of this book :D Hope you liked this, and dont forget to comment + vote. Thanks for all the encouragement and support, peace out ✌️ 💓

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