Chapter 69-The Outside World

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    Kate picked herself up from the couch. "I WANT TO KILL HER!" She screamed in frustration. Nearby, Jenna sat on the couch looking depressed. Macey looked at Kate with sad eyes before sighing and forcing herself up to grab Kate. "Look, killing Hailey's mother is not going to do anything." Macey tried to reason with Kate. Kate screamed again before flopping down onto the couch again, running her fingers through her hair. Macey, too, sat down next to her and sullenly put her hand around Kate's thin figure, gently rubbing her absentmindedly in hopes of somehow cheering her up. "Girls, listen up!" Sir suddenly said, breaking the silence. The three of them slowly looked up at him, wondering what he had to say at such a point of time. "I know this is not going to seem like something one would normally say in such a situation, but I am going to say it here. Every year, kids are separated into different classes based on their grades. I am sure that Hailey will be pushed to her limits and she would probably do well or at least forced to do well. If you want to be in the same class as her, you will need to work hard and do well." Sir explained to them. Jenna sighed, and continued staying in her spot on the corner of the couch. Kate reluctantly nodded, and Macey grabbed their hands. "Come on! You heard Sir! Now let's get to work!" Macey tried to motivate her best friends.

     "Good morning class." The headmistress greeted her class once she walked into the room. "Good morning headmistress..." The class groggily greeted her back. Headmistress decided to pretend everything was okay, and carried on. "As many of you may have realised, your class monitress—Hailey, is absent from school. She is currently sick, and no one is permitted to visit her as we do not want anyone to catch the virus. She is extremely contagious and you should stay away from her." The headmistress warned them, faking a sad look. Kate was about to puke from disgust, Jenna almost broke down in tears and Macey could not believe what she was hearing. Was their headmistress going to lie to the entire class, and possible the entire school, about their best friend? This was wrong in so many ways, and no one will ever know the suffering that Hailey might be going through right then in secret. Macey felt sick to the stomach and had to resist the urge going up to strangle the headmistress into telling her where Hailey was. "That's all, thank you." Headmistress gave a sweet smile and stalked out of the class.

    The class erupted into gossip about what might have happened to Hailey, but no one bothered to come ask her closest friends. Sighing, they knew how useless they were, and that they unfortunately could not even go to save Hailey. All they knew was that a day had passed, and now they see the headmistress lying in front of their noses, and all they could do was hope for the best and continue studying hard so that they might all be in the same class the following year. Time passed by awfully slowly and they did their best to focus in class. However, Macey's thoughts just kept wandering back to what Hailey could be doing, and how she was doing. 'Does she miss us? Is she even healthy? Has she eaten? I wish I could go find her!" Macey thought. Looking at Kate and Jenna, they were probably feeling worse. Macey could not help but feel guilty that she ever was against Hailey, and mistreated her. Unlike Jenna, she had strayed from Hailey and yet Hailey still accepted her. Next to Macey, Kate had such a thought too. Kate was once Hailey's enemy, and bully, but Hailey just kept on trying to get close to her, and gave her not just one or two chances, but multiple chances! She wondered what she did to deserve such an amazing girl in her life, and if she would ever get to see her again. Sighing, she hoped this was not retribution for what she once did.

    School finally ended, and the trio could not wait to go back to the study room, feeling more motivated than ever. "I understand we can't do much for Hailey right now other than doing her proud and doing what she would have wanted us to do—work as hard as we can, and to achieve the best results we can achieve." Jenna declared with a motivation she did not know she had. Macey grinned at her friend. She finally was not so gloomy anymore, and that was something Macey was Glad for. Kate too, forced a smile and nodded her head. "We will do what we can." She declared. They entered the study room with stride and set off to do what Hailey would have done first—create a study planner. They quickly planned an unreasonable amount of work to do that day, and they sat down together in a circle, bouncing energy off each other as they figured out how to do question after question. Finally, they finished most of the work they had set out to do, and they were impressed with themselves. Although they were extremely tired from all these work and their brain was spent, they gave each other a pat on the back and handed all their work to Sir before heading for dinner. "I am sure Hailey would be proud of us." Kate beamed. Jenna nodded, and they once again found energy from each other, and from the Hailey they hoped was doing fine. All of them could not wait for Hailey to come back, but they did not know how Long more that would take. Perhaps hours, days, weeks, months, years....never? There was a chance of anything happening! They tried their best not to think too much about it, but they could never shake off the feeling that Hailey was in trouble, and needed their support as soon as she was released.
1023 words if you wanna know.
Hello guys! I am back with another chapter. I am Glad I am able to update today, especially since I have not been so active recently. I hope everyone enjoys this chapter. Yes, we are finally not talking about Hailey in her 'torture chamber' 😂 after 5 chapters of Hailey being stuck in there, I hope you guys are ready for the next chapter! Guess what happens in the next chapter and comment it down below, and dont forget to vote! Thank you for everyone's support, and I will see you guys soon! Peace out ✌️ 💓

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