Chapter 6: Meeting Sir

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        "Just in time students, you are all on time. However, this is still not acceptable. You should be at the next venue at least 10minutes before the time." The headmistress told everyone. Then, she explained that there would be mentors for everyone—one per dorm. They were all seniors, and mostly boys. Apparently, we had to report to them Everyday, and they would take care of us. Everyone started chattering. They were going male mentors? "Everyone, stop talking. This is such disrespect. I will let your mentors come in now. You are to obey them fully, or they will give you punishments as they see fit. The rest of the day will be spent with them. Mentors, please come in." The headmistress snapped.

        Suddenly, the big doors were pushed open and everyone turned around to look. About 30 young men walked in in two straight rows. Some of them were really dashing, but mostly average looking. The three looked at each other, mortified. They were allowed to give any form of punishments? They were all praying silently that their mentor would be nice.

        Just then, they noticed a dashing blonde walking towards them, and they thought "this is it". However, when he walked over, he did not introduce himself as their mentor. Instead, he told them, "Your mentor is waiting for you at his private study room. The room number is M-01." The three looked at each other, confused. However, with no time to lose, they took out their maps and navigated their way there. After about 15minutes of searching, they finally came to a door labelled M-01. Taking in a deep breath, they knocked at the same time. Waiting for a while, they didn't hear a response but they went in anyways. The room was breathtaking.

        It was like an office—bookshelves were lined up against the wall, a large wooden desk at the end of the room with so many shelving, bean bags, sofa, carpets. The theme of the room was basically wood. Dark brown wood. It was a very serious place, even the girls were intimidated, losing any confidence they had before. Suddenly, a deep voice spook. "Tsk tsk disrespectful, entering without permission. And you took so Long to come here...sigh." The three crowded together, cowering in fear. Then, the arm chair behind the large desk turned around, to reveal a handsome young man with chocolate brown hair. His eyes shone brightly, but masked any emotion he was feeling. He motioned for them to sit on the sofa and he stood up to sit with them. "Let me clarify some things first. You are to call me Sir, or Sir Diego. Now for the rules. 1, whenever you are told to go somewhere, knock and wait until you are acknowledged before entering. Do NOT barge in like today. 2, whenever you come to this room, sit immediately on the sofa, and wait for further instructions unless I tell you otherwise. 3, you are to obey me at all times, no disrespect, no rude words. If there is anything that you dislike, you need to use your words. 4, you are to obey everyone other than you peers or juniors. 5, You are to report to me Everyday. If you did not notice, your bujo (the timetable notebook) is electronic. I can see anything you write on it, and I will use that to tell you information. Speaking of which, could you hand me your boxes. I will be keeping them for the rest of the year. should you wish to talk to your family, you may write letters."
        The three girls froze. They could not bear to part with their phone. They needed it to control their anger, to listen to music! Sir then spoke, "if you are good, we have some headphones which we will give you. It has access to any music. To talk to me, just use your bujo. There is a specific page where you can write anything to me. You can even write to each other, just state the name and it will appear in that person's bujo, but remember that I can see it as well." Hearing this, they relaxed and unwillingly passed Sir their boxes. However, Macey secretly kept an extra phone in her backpack, exactly in case this happened. Somehow, Sir knew. Probably because of the smirk on her face "Macey, you have anything else? If you lie, you will get a nasty punishment." Macey's smile immediately vanished, and she hesitated before passing the secret phone to him. Sighing, he muttered, "You girls need to get used to obeying. I will add more rules later. Today, i will give you a tour. Also, I want to visit your dorms."

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