chapter 44: Last Day

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    It's their last day in the military camp, and they have mix feelings about it. Jenna had recovered after being bed-ridden for an entire week. Throughout the week, Hailey and Macey visited any chance they had, even skipping some classes to go find her. They felt so different when Jenna was not with them, and they missed her so much. Sir Yuv was recovering from his twisted ankle. It was not completely better, but definitely in a better condition than it was a week before. Macey and Hailey always had to remind him to not stand around so much, even having to bring chairs for him on their daily workout sessions that he insisted on overseeing. Jenna was back in their dorm, packing up her things, and getting ready to start the last day of camp the moment she was discharged from the ward.

     "Wow, it has been three months already!" Macey exclaimed. Hailey smiled sadly and replied, "Exactly...I think I even grew some muscles!" Jenna grinned and added, "Well, it was a sad thing we still had school in the morning here though..." They all agreed when they heard the all too familiar announcement from the speakers. Sighing, they quickly gathered their things and made their way to the mass for breakfast. Sir Sid was standing in front, looking at the students flood into the mass. Hailey and Macey could never understand why he went to help Jenna, but they never dared to ask. Jenna too, wondered and made it a point to ask him before they left camp. He gave Jenna an encouraging smile and she smiled back. After the incident, they seemed to share some connection. He was going to be her saviour forever, and nothing could change that.

     Just then, Sir Yuv sat next to Macey opposite Hailey and Jenna. "Aren't you eating at the staff table?" Hailey asked. Sir Yuv chuckled and motioned for them to look down the row. All the Trainers were sitting with their students. Seems like there are special cases for the last day. Instead of standing up to collect their food, some workers came forward to deliver their breakfast to them, which was a surprise. Upon receiving the food, they cheered and the mass rose into applause. The Trainers finally allowed them to eat sausages and bacon, something they had not had since coming into camp. Sadly, there were eggs and salad as well. Perhaps they were just there to remind them that they were still in camp. Glad to have at least a treat, they tucked into their food, completely forgetting Sir Yuv's existence. Only when they were done with their food and were all stuffed, they looked up and saw Sir Yuv slowly eating his food. They looked at each other and Hailey started to stifle a chuckle. Seeing her laugh, Macey who was sitting opposite her started to laugh too. Jenna soon joined in and the three suddenly broke into laughter, clutching their stomachs and trying to have a poker face for a while, before bursting into laughter again.

    Sir yuv was completely dumbfounded by this, but he did not say anything. He gave them a questioning look and continued his meal. Suddenly, Jenna kicked him in the foot and he jumped in pain, giving a little squeak. Jenna paused immediately and paled, realising what she had done. Sir Yuv too paled out of pain and realising he had just seemed weak in front of Jenna, when he promised himself he would be strong. However, everything soon returned to normal when Hailey started chuckling, and they all erupted in laughter. "S....sir Yu....yuv! s....squeaked!" Hailey said between her breaths, before continuing her laughter. The mass was filled with chatter and laughter, this obviously being the first time they ate with their Trainers and being so casual with them. They got to know each other better, even though this was the last day they would spend with each other.

    After breakfast, Sir Yuv let them rest for a while before taking them to a room. He had made them close their eyes and slowly led them to the room. He brought them in and turned on the lights. "Open your eyes!" He announced. Removing their hands from their eyes, they took a few moments to adjust to the bright lights before squealing. "WE ARE DOING TAEKWANDO TODAY?" Jenna screamed. Sir Yuv nodded, and the three jumped up and down. It was the most interesting activity they had ever experienced in the whole camp, and they were more than happy to do it again as their last workout. They had a Long taekwando session, and sparred with each other. Laughter filled the room and they thoroughly enjoyed themselves. Sir Yuv did his best to demonstrate some moves despite his injured ankle. He would fall around awkwardly and JHM would always have to pick him back up, which took a lot of strength since he was filled with muscles. When they were done with the session, he told them to strike a pose and he took a quick selfie with them, confusing them. They thought nothing of it and brushed it off. It was probably just for keepsake.

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