chapter 43: Lost and Found

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"So, anything found yet?" "No sir. Apologies sir." "UGH, DON'T COME BACK UNTIL THE JOB IS DONE. GO!" Sir John hollered at his men. He had sent out a search party, but after a whole two days, they had not found Jenna. He was frustrated to the core. Usually, it would only take them about half a day to succeed, but with this weather it was close to impossible. He sweeped the papers off his desk and clutched his head. They had mapped out the forest and figured she was probably in the cave, but the cave was flooded, and they had no way to get in. Although it was a shallow flood, it was still a flood. Jenna must have been too scared to come out, and the helicopter could not land outside the cave. In this weather,  even sending the best men they had right now to climb the easy obstacle course would be a challenge for them. Unless.....unless...they send Sir Yuv. He had worked in these circumstances before, and there was a rescue Mission where he partnered with Sir Sid, which they did well in. Perhaps he could send them. He called them to his office and told them the plan. Sir John knew that Sir Yuv would probably accept, but what about Sir Sid? He did not seem too pleased when he knew Jenna was missing.

Looking at them intently, Sir John awaited his answer. As expected, Sir Yuv immediately replied with a, "YES SIR, MISSION ACCEPTED." And also as expected, Sir Sid hesitated. However, he shocked everyone with a, "YES SIR, WE WILL NOT LET YOU DOWN." Sir Yuv and sir John looked at him in surprise, but Sir John quickly changed his expression to a proud one. "Come back safe. This is an order!" He yelled at them before nodding allowing them to go ahead and prepare for the Mission. Sir John solemnly walked to his dorm to get his things, like waterproof suit, etc. Seeing Sir Yuv standing outside his dorm all ready, he quickly left the dorm and they made their way to the car. Starting it up, Sir Yuv sat at the wheel, breathing in and out nervously. "Hey bud, you ready?" He asked his old pal. Sir Sid gave a thumbs up sign and they drove into the rain.

Even with the headlights on, they could not see far, and did their best to inch their way in. Sir Yuv's memory of the previous missions and trainings he had gone through began to resurface, and he went into that mood for missions. He had a goal. It had to be reached. Finally reaching the place that Jenna started the journey, they looked at each other one last time. It had been a while since they had taken on such a Mission, but this Mission was important. Jenna was almost like Sir Yuv's daughter, and Sir Sid, he had his personal reasons. All in all, they needed and wanted badly for this Mission to go smoothly. Thunder growled above them, and they knew they had to start this Mission now, because they had exactly 32 minutes before the rain started to get heavier.

They squinted as they got out of the car and the rain started to hit them mercilessly. They started to make their way to the lake, and they could not see the stones that were meant for the students to walk across. The river current was extremely fast, and they observed the wave patterns for a short while. They had to cross the river, even if it was short. It was going to be a short swim, but it was going to be tough, since the currents were strong. They walked to the widest point of the river and started their journey. They fought the current, struggling to stay above the water for Long enough periods of time to get air into their lungs.

Heaving, Sir Yuv managed to find his footing but he was pretty much submerged in the water. Shuffling his feet, he used all his strength to stay upright and get across the river. Next to him, sir Sid held his hand and did the same. They did not want to lose each other, especially not in the start. Wincing, the finally made it to the other side, but they felt a strong gust of wind and they shivered.

"Let's go!" Sir Sid reminded Sir Yuv when he spaced out for a few seconds. Nodding, they did a few seconds of jumping jacks to get warm before jogging to the tree that had a ladder, leading to the bridge. They climbed the ladder with no problem, but the bridge caused them to pause. Narrowing his eyes, Sir Sid looked down at his watch. "We have 26 minutes left. Let's hurry!" He told Sir Yuv. Sir yuv nodded and looked at the bridge in front of him. Going ahead, he shakily made his way on the first step of the bridge. He could not see clearly, so he groped his way to find the next step, and the next, and the next. Sir Sid followed behind, and they safely made their way to the entrance of the cave.

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