Chapter 67 - Hailey in captive (part 3)

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"Times up. Let's go for lunch now. Hurry up." Mr Ng said, before standing up and snatching the paper off Hailey's desk and placing them on his desk. Just at that moment, the front door opened and the same lady that brought her breakfast earlier came in. "Darling, time to eat your lunch!" She squealed, as if forcing Hailey to eat her lunch was the best thing on earth. It made Hailey feel sick to the stomach, even making her lose her appetite. Just then, Mr Ng grabbed her by the arm and forced her to the table, before grabbing a chair to sit in the corner of the room. The lady passed him a packet of food for him to eat, and he shoved it down his throat so fast that Hailey had barely started with her food when he was done. Hailey turned around to look at Mr Ng reading his book, and she sighed, feeling how awkward it was to have to eat in front of now, not just one, but two people.

The lady took a seat and once again stared at Hailey, making Hailey shift uncomfortably. "Could you..umm...not stare?" Hailey tried to ask. Unfortunately, the lady did not listen to her request again and continued to glare at her. Hailey winced before starting on her food. Halfway through, she felt like she had to throw up. The food had an unusual amount of sauce in the salad, and the coleslaw was horrible. Hailey was about to gag when Mr Ng grimly stated, "No." Hailey fumed. How could her mother hire such a man to 'take care' of her? This was ridiculous. She had every right to feel sick. Besides, he was not even the one that was eating the horrendous tasting food. She got so sick of it that she harshly stood up. "NO ONE IS GOING TO TELL ME WHAT TO DO ANYMORE!!!!!" Hailey screamed in frustration, banging the table and leaving the room, running to her room and crying on the bed. She couldn't stand this place. All that fussing about her having to listen to orders, being bossed around. She was sick of this place and just wanted to leave. Maybe she could run away and find her friends and sir. Sir would take care of her.

Mr Ng paced towards her and without any warning, grabbed her by the arm and threw her onto the floor. "Now you better listen to me young lady. Choose: you eat that food like a demure young girl and listen to me, or you can go without food for the rest of the day, until I feel like feeding you." Mr Ng stated clearly, not even bothering to reprimand her. Hailey hysterically cried in frustration at the situation she was in. What did she do to deserve this? Why was she being tortured like so. Hailey continued to wail, unable to make a decision. Did she want to force disgusting things down her throat or did she want to starve? She thought about how horrible the food was and immediately gagged. Nope, she was willing to starve. Before she could answer, Mr Ng slapped her. "You made me wait too Long. I will not permit you to have food for the next 3 days." Hailey scowled. She was willing to make that decision on her own before, but now she felt like she wanted to rebel because he was forcing it upon her. "NO!" She squealed as she watched her last meal being packed up, and the lady left without a glance. Hailey knew she would not be seeing her for quite some time. "10 seconds to stop crying, or you will have a punishment." Mr Ng growled.

However, tears were not one to stop in 10 seconds, and she obviously continued to cry. Mr Ng left her room and came back, only to drench Hailey with water. "Stop. Crying. Follow me." Mr Ng demanded. Hailey silently followed him, willing herself to stop crying, but this was harder due to her shivering body that was all wet. "Look, you were being disrespectful, did not listen to my instructions and you made a mess out of yourself. An additional 4 strokes. Go dry up and come back to the study room in 2 minutes. Go." Mr Ng instructed. Hailey, who was still trembling, ran to the toilet and dried herself before changing into the only clothes she found in the closet. Hailey reached back to her seat in the almost empty study room and quickly composed herself. "Almost late, but still on time. Let's move on." Mr Ng informed her. Hailey muttered, "You did not even give me a timer." Unfortunately, mr Ng heard that and replied, "I am sure you are capable of counting in your head, and dont be such a smart mouth. Now is time for lessons. Listen up because you will regret it if you dont."
826 words if you wanna know
Hey guys sorry for this later update that is slightly shorter than my normal. And yes i know this is still the same day but its already part 3. I will not try to drag this too Long but i wanted to split this part up so there may be 1 or 2 more parts, pls bear with me. Anyways, thanks for all the support! Luv yall, peace out ✌️ 💓

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