Chapter 51: Make it up to you

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    "Alright, bye Hailey! Thanks...for ummm....letting me open up to you and thanks for telling me about you too....yea...could we perhaps hang out some day?" Kate rubbed her arm awkwardly, avoiding Hailey's eyes. "Yeah sure. No problem girl, thank YOU for being so nice to me...and of course we can hang out..." Hailey responded slyly. "What about now?" Hailey asked cheekily. "NOW?" Kate half-screamed. Hailey nodded her head and grabbed ahold of Kate's wrist and led her into their dorm. The moment they entered the door...

    "HEY HAIL-.....ey......umm.....hey Kate?" Macey bounced up to Hailey and was about to hug her when she noticed Kate. Jenna looked up from her book and her eyes widened. "What's KATE doing here?" Jenna asked spitefully. Hailey gave Kate a look that said 'you have something to say'. Glancing around awkwardly, she spoke softly, "I...I think...I will just leave now. Bye hailey!" She turned around to run out when Hailey held her back, gave her a reassuring smile, and guided her shoulders so she faced them. "Do I have to?" Kate whispered with a grimace. Hailey nodded and gave her shoulders a small squeeze. "Fineee...I'm....ummm....sorry Jenna and Macey...for treating you girls so horribly...." she mumbled. A look of shock plastered on Jenna's and Macey's face. They never expected her to apologise to them. They gave Hailey a questioning look but Hailey returned a bright smile. Jenna and Macey both wondered, what on earth happened to this two girls? Nevertheless, they pretended nothing was wrong and forced out a smile. Jenna recovered from the shock first and spoke, "Hey, Kate. It's alright. We all make mistakes sometimes, but we forgive and forget. Right Macey?" Realising Macey was still dazed, she nudged her in the ribs. "Oof....right..." she almost doubled over but did her best to stand straight.

     The duo exchanged glares before smiling sweetly at Kate. You would never imagine how awkward this was for Kate. "Come on! It's time for dinner!" Hailey grinned and announced, taking Kate's hand and leading her out, Jenna and Macey in tow. Whilst Jenna and Macey whispered behind Kate's back about how weird this situation was, Hailey chatted to Kate. Soon, Kate loosened up and by the time they reached the canteen, they were laughing and giggling like old friends. Macey still had her suspicions about Kate but decided to play along, or she would have no one to talk to. Very quickly, Macey realised that Kate could be a really funny and carefree person, as long as she was not scolding or doing something mean. Macey may have her doubts, but she was going to let that slide and just enjoy the night. When they came to their usual seat, they were about to sit down together when someone from the table said, "Hey girls. What's Kate doing here? Don't you know there is only enough seats for us?" Kate had a hurt look in her eyes and backed away, while Hailey asked, "Who is sitting here?" The girl glared at her and replied, "well, anyone BUT Kate." Sighing, Macey stepped in to the rescue. Taking them by the arms, she brought them to a more secluded table. "Why....why did you two not sit with them?" Kate asked, surprised that they were so nice to her. "Well...we did not want to leave you alone. Anyways, they were so annoying. I now realise how rude they are." Macey shrugged and explained as if it was no big deal. "Aww...thanks..." kate thanked and they started eating the moment their food arrived.

    Halfway through their meal, Kate started to choke and soon, tears rolled down her face. "What's wrong?" Hailey and Macey asked, extremely concerned. "T...thank g...girls. I was mean to you b...before, and yet you are nice to me!" She choked out. Macey widened her eyes and looked at Hailey, who was comforting her. She had never thought Kate would be this weak. The thick and high walls that had been built around her crumbled the moment they showed her a glimpse of kindness? Strange, wasn't it. Macey had her doubts about whether Kate was faking, but she pushed them to the back of her head. Kate stopped her waterfalls quickly so no one will notice, and spoke up. " you want to know what made me mean?" Macey froze. Of course she wanted to know! Nodding slowly, she stopped eating and faced Kate, so she could start her story.

    By the end of the story, Macey was sort of in tears. No child should ever have to go through that! And of course she would be mean, she was brought up that way. Macey now understood the situation better, but she was still going to be cautious around Kate. Macey hugged Kate who was tearing up for the third time in the day. They finished up their food and Kate decided to bring them to her dorm. Of course, they went to look for Jenna first and the four girls made their way to the dorm. "Woahhh...." Jenna and Macey were mesmerised. Even though Hailey had been here the entire afternoon, she was still amazed at it as well. Firstly, everywhere was pink and orange, and as you should know, Hailey is crazy in love with pink. Secondly, the room was way bigger than the amount of space you will get in the dorm. Thirdly, everything was so pretty, and most of the things there were branded goods. Jenna noticed how friendly Macey, Hailey and Kate were, and started to feel strange. 'I thought Macey did not like Kate...why is she becoming like Hailey?' Jenna thought to herself.

    Excusing herself to the toilet, she left the dorm just to find Macey chasing after her. Slowing her footsteps, she allowed Macey to catch up with her. "Hey, what's up Mace? [not typo, its a nickname]" Jenna coolly greeted. "The sky." Macey answered seriously. They looked at each other with poker faces before bursting into laughter. When they finally regained their composure and stopped laughing, they continued walking. "Hey...wanna know what happened to Kate? She told me and Hailey the story before, and I thought I would tell you..." Macey asked casually. Jenna was stunned. There was a backstory? She nodded her head, but confirmed first that Kate did not mind Macey sharing the story with her. Actually, when Jenna left, Macey asked Kate if she could tell her the story so Kate would not have to repeat again. Kate was very grateful and could not thank her enough for being so nice, and Macey quickly caught up to Jenna.

    By the time they reached back at the dorm, Jenna had calmed herself down. She could finally understand why Kate was behaving like that, and felt kind of sorry for her. Kate tensed up when they came in, but immediately melted when Jenna gave her a friendly hug. That night, they had an amazing girl's night. Kate could not wipe the grin off her face, and they truly had the fun they deserved. 'It's so nice to be kind and friendly and nice....I don't know why I never tried it...' Kate thought to herself as Macey and Jenna were playing charades and Hailey falling asleep by her side. Jenna and Macey soon left the past behind them, and forgave Kate in their hearts. They found that Kate could be generous, hilarious and kind, if she wanted to. Soon, they cuddled on Kate's gigantic bed, promising that this was just going to be for a few minutes before they went back, but soon their tired eyes closed, and they drifted off to la la land in each other's arms, a small gentle smile playing on their lips.
1280 words if you wanna know
Hello everyone. I am SO SORRY for not updating yesterday. This is the first time I did not post daily. I am really sorry, yesterday I was just too tired and had too much work. Please forgive me! I will try to make it up to yall soon. Hope you like this chapter. Remember to vote and comment below what you think about this. Thanks for everyone's support, stay safe and happy! Peace out ✌️ 💓

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