Chapter 36: Day 2, survived

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Rustling and shuffling could be heard. Torches shone across the room. Suddenly, a voice was heard. "I assume everyone's up, I'm gonna on the lights now!" There were murmurs of agreement. Just then, the lights turned on. "UGHHH...I'm tryna sleep here." Jenna groaned. Hailey pulled the covers over her head, while Macey continued sleeping peacefully. They had finally gone back to sleep despite the surrounding noise, when the speakers suddenly decided to blare at the. "Students, rise and shine. Breakfast will be served in 15 minutes. Please get ready, and don't be late for breakfast." Sir Yuv's voice sounded. JHM were pulled awake from their sleep. Jenna cursed under her breath, and they dragged their tired bodies to the washroom to freshen up. When they were more awake, they looked at the time. It was...7 am, which meant...THEY HAD FIVE MINUTES TO GET DOWN! They rushed to get their bed tidied knowing there might be spot check, combed their hair into a ponytails, wore their watches and sprinted for the mass. They reached just as Sir Sid spoke into the microphone, "Sirs, please close all doors." Before the nearest door closed, they made it in and ran to find three empty seats. From afar, they saw sir Yuv look at them with a look that was practically yelling: you three are lucky today.

Frightened, the three girls sheepishly took their breakfast and did not complain, even though it consisted of milk and bread (not toasted sadly).. It was a nice meal, but they wished there was butter. Furthermore, the milk tasted horrible. They sucked it up and sat there for another half and hour or so and slowly walked to sir yuv's gym. After all, they had to digest their food before working out. Sir Yuv smiled at them as they made their way into the gym. "Looks like you three pulled a little stunt today, coming to breakfast barely on time huh...I expect better from you three!" Sir Yuv spat, before calming himself down. JHM trembled a little at how fierce he was, just because they were barely on time. "Here's your schedule. You will have some time with me but you will go for your lessons from 9 till 3pm. In the middle you will get your lunch break. When you are done with school, change into your workout clothes and meet me at the jungle where we met on the first day." He informed them, handing them their schedules. They gratefully took it and placed it with their water bottles, before lining up in front of sir.

"Treadmill, 20 minutes. Now!"

They all took a treadmill each and watched in pain as sir Yuv started them up. They were still dead from the workout session the day before. Unfortunately, sir Yuv did not care. They started off nice and slow, but soon found themselves running. By the ten minute mark, they were running as fast as they could go. Jenna held onto the railing for her dear life, and her legs stumbled in front of each other. "I....I c...can't go o...on!" Macey wheezed. Sir Yuv stood beside her and looked her in the eye. "You can." He encouraged. Macey was certain that she was about to faint from exhaustion, and her legs were burning, as if they were on fire.

Never had 20 minutes felt so Long, and they all slumped against the wall, all their energy slowly draining from them.

"Get up! 50 burpees, 60 pushups, 50 squat jumps!"

They looked at each other in horror. The day before, they had barely survived 30 of each, and now he was raising the bar? Hailey was the one that started first, and seeing their best friend taking up the challenge, they took it on too. The 50 burpees had them panting like dogs, and they wanted to stop, but sir Yuv kept yelling at them to continue. Somehow, it worked. The yelling worked. They did not dare to stop. Although they did it super slowly like a turtle, they never stopped once. Thankfully, sir Yuv gave them a 30 seconds break after the pushups and they rolled their shoulders. Doing a quick stretch, they got ready for their least favourite exercise. Squat jumps. The first few seemed okay, and Hailey even thought, 'I can do this, maybe even more.' However, all these thoughts were erased about 20 squat jumps in. She could barely breathe, and struggled to bring her legs up into the air. Her legs were begging her to stop, but Sir Yuv had other plans. When she was finally done, she collapsed onto the floor, holding her poor legs. They did not want to exist anymore.

"Get up. I want you to jump and hold onto that bar."

They all shakily got up and looked at the bar that Sir Yuv was pointing at. There were three pull up bars there, waiting for them. They treaded over and jumped a few times, before finally reaching the bar.

"I want 10 pull-ups. Try at least."

Jenna clenched her teeth. Using all her might, she tried to pull herself up, but she went no further than 3cm. Extending her arms, she heaved before trying again. This time, she pulled herself further up, but it still wasn't much. The others were struggling too. Macey saw little to no improvement, and had not done a single one. Finally, Jenna did a successful one. She had never felt prouder of herself. However, luck was no longer on her side. She tried and tried again, but still couldn't do it after that one success. Hailey, on the other hand, managed five, but no more than that.

Sir Yuv was disappointed, and decided to give them a little punishment. "Look, there is 15 more minutes till your first class. Hang from that bar for the next 10 minutes, and don't let go." Jenna was Glad. They no longer had to do those dreadful pull ups, but this wasn't much better. Although it was something she could do, it was painful. She felt a burn in her arms, and her shoulders felt dislocated. 10 minutes finally came, and they all let go of the bars immediately. Their arms were sore, and in pain. "Dismissed." Were sir yuv's words and the three made their way out. Their shirts were soaked with sweat, and they ran up to their dorms to change before going for their class. Apparently, their books had been brought over for them.

Throughout the class, they could not focus. They're heads kept leaning onto their shoulder, and their eyes just wanted to close. They were half awake at most, and not even a sweet can help them. By the third lesson, they were more awake and paid more attention in that class. Looking around, they saw a few other students in the same condition and shared a pitiful smile. At lunch, they gulped down the whole portion. They had been starving after that serious workout, and they wanted to eat more than what they were given, but unfortunately they had no choice.

After lunch, things went downhill again. The full lunch had caused them to become ever so sleepy again, and they could not focus in the class. Sighing, they sat through a whole day of boring lessons, mainly fighting the urge to sleep, or trying to find a position that they could sleep in and the teacher wouldn't notice. They waited for a Long time for the teacher to finally dismiss them. Exhilerated, they brought their books and went back up to their dorm. They laid down on the bed for a while before Hailey dragged them to go find sir Yuv again. They soon found themselves standing in front of him. "Late." Was all he said. Leading the way, he took them to jog around the campus. First he brought them through the jungle, then through a beach. By then, they were dead tired and was about to flop onto the ground. Despite their state, sir Yuv wasn't going to budge. He took them to climb a small hill and when they reached the top, he let them rest. It was a nice green area, and the scenery was beautiful.

The girls had never been happier to sit down. However, Sir Yuv had other plans. "We couldn't possibly be in such a nice place and not do some planks!" Dreadfully annoyed, they got into the plank position and started to have a workout session on top of a hill. When they finally had had enough, sir Yuv took them down. Of course, they were forced to jog. They thought Sir Yuv was done with them, but they were once again wrong. He took them over to another part of the campus, where a course laid. It was a few ropes dangling down. "Today, we will learn to climb these." He explained, and held them as if they were babies. They learnt how to use their feet to make the climb easier, and actually managed to climb up! Well, halfway at least. Now they understood why sir Yuv focused on their arm muscle so much just now. They had to use the same muscles to pull themselves up.

This was a Long day of fun learning new things, and JHM were extremely spent at the end of the day, that their bed was heaven to them and as they climbed into their beds, they did not even have the energy to say goodnight. Their eyes closed and a snore could be heard from Jenna.
1657words if you wanna know
Hello people! Thank you for all the support that you have given me. Today when I woke up, I could never be happier to see we are on the 9th ranking for unusual. Indeed, this story is quite unusual ahaha. I was thinking of starting an Instagram for JHM, what do you think? Don't worry about the posts, i know what imma post already hahaha. Anyways, luv yall, vote and comment what you think will happen next, and PEACE OUT! ✌️ 💓

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