chapter 14: Seed of Jealousy

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        "Okay okay, I think we need to go.." Kate suddenly spoke. Everyone started to disperse and they headed to the first class—math. It was a boring lesson like most math lessons, and the teacher, Mr Ng, looked like he was done with life. He gave a good deal of homework and even Hailey did not know if she was going to be able to handle it. Throughout the whole class, Macey was checking Hayden out. The way he had spoken just now caught her attention. To be honest, he was pretty cute. Jenna was checking him out too, but she had to remind herself time and time again that she had a boyfriend already. After class, Paige pulled Macey apart. "Hey Paige...what do you want?" Macey asked, annoyed that she was prevented from following Hayden. "I know how you feel about Hayden...but dont you think someone is in the way?" She poked. Macey was now all ears, but Super confused. Face-palming herself, Paige continued, "DID YOU SEE HOW HE LOOKED AT HAILEY?" Macey rolled her eyes. This was another classic attention-seeking girl that just wanted to get in the way of her friendship. Shoving her aside, Macey caught up with Jenna and Hailey and they made their way to science, another Super boring subject. Little did Macey know that Paige's words had sown a little seed of doubt into her heart.

         "AGHHHH FINALLY. DO YOU KNOW HOW BORING THAT MR ANG IS? HE IS SO OLD AND CANT EVEN TEACH PROPERLY!" Jenna exasperatedly cried out. Macey agreed heartily. She would have tried to bribe him to let her skip class if this was not her first day of lessons. She needed to know if he was the kind that would accept her money. Hailey shrugged. "Well...he was...okay...but he gave so much homework!" Despite her feeble attempt at complaining, Jenna and Macey could tell that she really didn't mind him. They were amazed at Hailey.

         After a whole day of lessons, they retreated back to their dorms. Macey fell back onto her bed and sighed. It had been a tiring day, and this was the first time she actually sat through a whole day of lessons. Normally, she would scoot out of the school by the second lesson. Hailey scrunched up her face at Macey. "How can you lie on your bed when you have not changed?" Without waiting for a response, she rushed to the toilet and showered, changing into some home clothes. To her surprise, the water was not cold like in the morning and at night. After some thinking, she realised that the first person that showered would get the hot water, until all the hot water is used up. Hailey greedily took in all the warm water. The other two were so annoyed at her, but they did not know what they could do to take revenge.

After some snacks and time in their room, they quickly went to the study cell. They had a lot of homework to do, after all. Hailey immediately sat down and poured her heart and soul into it. Even Jenna tried to do some. Macey wanted to do hers as well, but she saw her drawing book and immediately started working on it. Meanwhile, Jenna did not know how to do a math question and went to Hailey's cell. Knocking on her cell, she realised Hailey couldn't hear her. Luckily, there was a glass window right in front of the desk, so Jenna stood there and scared Hailey halve to death. Apparently, the study cell provided music. There were ear pieces there that were connected to a tablet attached to the study cell. Hailey was familiar with study cells so she knew about its existence. After creating her own playlist, she had been jamming to classical music. Jenna was amazed at this discovery and made a mental note to search for hers. They squeezed into one cell and worked on their homework together for about an hour, before deciding to go back to their room. They were too sleepy, and wanted to go for a nap. However, they forgot to tell Macey and they went ahead on their own.

        Upon reaching the room, Hailey realised they had not washed their clothes yet. She quickly grabbed a laundry bag and stuffed her clothes in, and was looking for the on button on the washing machine. She searched forever but couldn't locate it, and was at her wits end. Jenna chuckled behind her and asked, "do you need help?" Hailey groaned and nodded her head. Jenna pressed a few buttons and immediately got it to wash. "How are you so familiar with this?" Hailey asked. Jenna shrugged. Her mother often made her wash their clothes as punishment when she was mad. Hailey was shocked. She always had her maids to do that, she didn't even need to touch it in her whole life!! Jenna decided to make a joke out of it and started doing a dance which was exactly like how poor Hailey was fiddling with the washing machine dumbly just now. They sat there for hours watching each other dance and they joked around. By the time Macey realised they had gone up without her, they had been in the room for 3hours already. Macey did not say much, but kept all these things in her heart. Sitting on her bed awkwardly, she watched as the other two kept on with their inside jokes. 'No, its okay...its not their fault. Don't be jealous...' Macey tried to control their anger.

         The day whizzed by and it was time to meet sir at night. After all the formalities, Sir asked, "I want to see your homework." Macey's palm started sweating. "Umm sir, we left it at the study cell..." Macey let out a breath she didn't notice she was holding and thanked her lucky stars that Sir was not going to check. That night, Jenna and Hailey had already gone to sleep, but Macey kept tossing and turning. She didn't know why, but she just couldn't sleep. After some minutes, she slowly fell into a deep sleep.

Sup guys, sorry for this late update. Sorry if the last part of this chapter is not that detailed with the rest of their day. Will try to update one more chapter today. Remember to vote for this book so I will be encouraged to update more regularly. At the same time, thank you everyone for reading this! I cant believe we have 500+ views already!! Yayyyy

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