Chapter 16: Trust?

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        "Hey, Macey. Wake up. Dude. Hurry up!" Someone whispered into her ear. Macey stirred and was annoyed. Who was waking her up so early. Rubbing the sleep out of her eyes, she yawned and looked up in shock. Hailey was dressed in a sleeveless shirt with yoga tights. "Gosh, it took you forever. Btw, the Dance auditions are next week, and we need to choreograph something! I think you may not have any experience, so I want to help you." Hailey grinned and explained. Macey shot up, inwardly groaning. What had she just gotten herself into? Daily dance class with Hailey? Gosh, no! However, she thought about the benefits. She could get to know Hailey better, make Jenna jealous and perhaps get into the CCA! Why did she want to make Jenna jealous? She wanted Jenna to feel how left out she had been feeling for the past few days. Nodding, she quickly washed up and changed. She was still sleepy and craved to go back to bed, but she had to take the chance. "Come on, sir is waiting!" Hailey complained. Macey froze. Sir...was....what!?!?!?!? Before she could clarify, she was literally dragged to the dance studio.

        "morning sir. Finally got this lazy bug to get up. Right, sir do you have the headphones?" Hailey greeted as she entered the studio. Macey was shocked. No wonder Hailey was so friendly with Sir...but did she hear correctly? Hailey was demanding things from sir? As if Sir could read minds, he said, "yep Macey. Your friend here is SO DEMANDING. And yes, she works out every morning before you even wake up." Macey quickly masked her envy. Of course she would be envious that Hailey had extra time with sir to get to know him and show off in front of him! Just as Macey was going to continue talking and thinking, Hailey got impatient. "Come on, lets get this class started." She quickly said. Hailey put on some music and taught her a basic warm-up routine she normally used. Then, Hailey tested Macey's flexibility. 'Hmmm....not bad...' Hailey commented. Although macey could not really do the splits, it was better than she expected for a beginner. Macey was so distracted with sir, wanting to show off that she was as good as Hailey. However the hard truth was—she wasn't nearly half as good as Hailey. Next, Hailey told her to choose her favourite song. After tons of thinking, she decided on "kill this love" from BLACKPINK. (BLINKS, i see you!!) Hailey thought for a moment and nodded. She learnt the dance before. Originally, Hailey wanted to choreograph a new dance for macey, but she did not want to do that with a song that already had a dance. Based on memory, she started to dance in front of the mirror. "Wow...she is like a dancing machine! She could be as good as Lisa!" Macey thought. (People who dont know, Lisa is the main Dancer in BLACKPINK) Hailey ended and grinned. "Thanks" she said. Macey's eyes widened. She didn't notice she had made that comment out loud.

        For the next hour, Hailey patiently taught Macey the moves, even teaching her how to make it to look better. Macey was a fast learner, and learnt one quarter of the dance by the end of the session. Sir was doing his push ups at the other side of the room and gave Macey a thumbs up. "Good job girls! Hailey, you are such a great teacher!" He complimented. However, macey was furious. Why was Hailey always noticed and not her? She was jealous. Hailey was hardworking, smart (well, smarter than her), talented at dance, what could Hailey not do? However, she pushed all that to the back of her head. She needed to learn to be grateful. To be happy that Hailey even wanted to teach her. Maybe, just maybe, Hailey was a nice person...

         That day was the first day of a lesson called 'discipline'. Nobody understood what that was, as no one had ever taken that lesson. Chatter filled the air as everyone sat at their wooden seats and discussed who could be teaching the strange subject 'discipline'. Suddenly, the aura in the room changed. Everyone's head slowly turned to the front, and their mouths dropped open. The headmistress was standing in front of the class. She looked around as if expecting something. "Class stand" Hailey quickly said. Although she had been scolded for saying that before, she could not stand the awkward silence. Heads turned to her and flashed her a smile to thank her for leading. Other students stood up slowly as if they hated their entire existence. "Thank you... Hailey? Right?" The headmistress said. Hailey nodded. Everyone studied the headmistress from head to toe. She had a tight bun on her head, and she wore a blue blazer with a blouse inside, with a tight blue skirt that matched her blazer and black heels that were at least 4inches high. "Morning class, i am your discipline teacher, you may address me as HM, short for headmistress." She greeted. After all the formalities, HM asked everyone what was the definition of 'discipline'. Not wanting to lose to Hailey, Kate quickly said, "the practice of training people to obey rules or a code of behaviour, using punishment to correct disobedience."

        HM narrowed her eyes. "Yes. Correct. However, please raise your hand before answering next time. Otherwise, like you said, i will need to punish you." Kate banged her fists on the table and sat down. No one, absolutely NO ONE was going to speak to her like that. HM glared at her. "Young lady, you DO NOT bang your table. Looks like you need a lesson." She smirked and said. However, Kate did not want to obey. If she was going to rebel, she had to do it all the way. HM straightened her jacket and walked to her desk, stopping for three seconds to give Kate her last chance. Seeing that Kate had no intention of complying, she grabbed her by the wrist and brought her to the front of the class. Of course, Kate struggled. HM strapped her hands to  handcuffs that was attached to the table and made her bend over the table. "!@#$%^&*(*&^%$#@!, GET  OFF ME!! !@#$%^&*(*&^%$#@!#$%^&*" Kate swore. HM had had enough. "Oh little just landed yourself in a whole lot of trouble...." HM said before taking Kate by surprise. "BAM!" The classroom rang. HM had just caned Kate with as much force as she could. The next few minutes were hard to watch. Every now and then, you could hear a cry of pain from Kate. "AHHH PLEASE, STOP!" "PLEASE, IT HURTS!" "I WILL NEVER DO IT AGAIN!" "ILL DO ANYTHING!"

        Finally after half an hour, they were dismissed, including Kate. Her calves were filled with red stripes, and occasional bruises. Everyone felt bad for her, and terrified at the same time. While they were kids who always caused trouble, they knew who to avoid getting into trouble with. The boys and girls in the hallways laughed at her as tears rolled down her cheeks out of pain and embarrassment. Kate was limping back as fast as she could, but she looked awkward trying to run as fast as she could although her legs were in pain. She obviously didn't want anyone to see her like that. It was such a scene...

Sorry this chapter is a little weird and kinda late. Really tired today :( but thanks for sticking with me! Hope you liked this Long chapter!

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