Chapter 7: Tour

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"First, a tour of my study room. You will have a study r0om, but I have a bigger study room since I am a senior, and a mentor. Here are the three carpets. On the other side of my desk, I have my play pen for my pet dog—Bailey. She is 1 years old, and you will only get to play with her when you are being good." Sir introduced, pausing every now and then. Once again, the three girls were awestruck at the large study room. It was as big as their dorm! Then, sir brought them to his room, which was connected to the study. "This is my apartment. I am the only student who has my own apartment, as I was the top of the school last year, and every year before that. It is everyone's dream to be here. You are never to enter here unless given permission or instructions from your seniors to do so. Understood?" Sir turned around and glared. The three huddled together and nodded. "Words." He demanded. "Yes..."They mumbled. Sir raised an eyebrow. "Yes...sir..."They spoke a little louder this time. Satisfied, Sir led them out to bring them on a school tour. On the way, he spoke "from now on, your hairstyles will be decided by me. I will update it in your bujo every morning. I am sure you read through your timetables and realised that your breakfast is at 7.15am. I want you in my dorm by 6.30am each morning, understood?" The girls groaned. They were glad that breakfast was so late, but now it was no use. Sir stared at them. "Yes sir.." Hailey quickly muttered.

Their next venue was their study room. Before entering, they saw the lockers that were as tall as them. Sir explained that all their books were inside already. On the door, it read, "for dorms 59 and 60". Oh, so it was shared by 6 girls? Walking in, they saw 6 cubicles in the room. The girls looked around in awe. The place was aesthetic beyond comparison. "This is where you will be doing your work. These cubicles are sound proof so you will not get distracted. Inside the cubicle, there is another door which actually leads to your private bookshelves. The chairs and tables are like exam format to get you used to exams." Sir explained. Only Hailey was excited, while the other two girls were annoyed. Hailey was most definitely going to come here everyday. "Right, before we move on, I forgot to warn you that misbehaviour results in punishment." Sir casually said. The three girls were slightly petrified...what punishments would there be? Sir seemed really scary and...would the punishments be the same? Sir coolly walked on and the three girls stumbled to catch up with him. After bringing them to a few more places, he made his way to their dorms.

Looking around intently, sir eyed the room. Nodding every now and then, he walked around, the girls nervously standing at the door. They had not planned for anyone to come in, and so they had not packed up the room. Sir narrowed his eyes, upset at what he saw. "Every morning, instead of coming to my room, I want you to be up by 6.15am, wash up, and stand by your bed. I will come for a spot check. At night, at 9.15pm, you will come to my study. And please, remember your manners, and knock before entering." He said sternly. "Yes sir." The three acknowledged, inwardly cursing. This made no sense! Having to stand by your bed? Was this some military camp? What had they gotten themselves into? Just then, the bell rang. The girls jumped up in shock, unsure of what had happened. "Relax, it is the lunch bell. Let's go." Sir said calmly. Nodding, Jenna followed after him, Macey and Hailey behind her.

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