Chapter 35: Serious

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"FASTER! HURRY, TIME IS NOT ON YOUR SIDE RIGHT NOW. GO! GO! GO!" Sir Yuv was yelling. JHM clenched their teeth. Sir Yuv really was getting on their nerves now. He  was making made them run 6 km and did not even give them a break? They were so thirsty, and never had to run this much, in their whole 13 years of existence. Even Hailey was huffing and puffing—she never had to run this fast without warm up! "Hurry. You guys are taking 10 minutes to run 1 km! At this rate, we will never make it back to the camp! You guys were sent here to learn some discipline and to get fit, not take a stroll in the park!" Sir Yuv continued shouting. Their breathes were ragged, and they were tired. They focused on each step, and finally stumbled back to the place they started. "Finally, you three took forever. No sitting down, go over there, touch that tree and come back before you drink water." Sir Yuv forced them. Their legs burned, and they felt as if their face was on fire. They looked at each other in understanding. They just wanted to sit down and down their whole bottle of water, and they struggled to make it to the tree and come back. Although it felt impossible, they did it.

JHM gulped down their water and was really annoyed that Sir Yuv was so bossy. "Okay, now that we got our warm up done, let's do some training. Follow me." Sir Yuv told them. JHM almost spat out their water. That was just warm up? But-! Groaning, they limped behind him to go back to the campus. He brought them to a room and turned on the lights. There were a few treadmills, some bicycle looking equipment, weights, pull-up bars, and other fancy equipment. JHM was stunned. "This is my personal gym, and we will train here today. Put your stuff on the shelve, and line up behind me." He barked. They hustled into place and he nodded. "Fifty push ups. DROP!"

They almost cried. Fifty pushups? Dropping, they placed their knees on the floor, hoping that sir Yuv would at least let them do the lady's pushup. After all, they were dead tired and had just ran 4 km. Unfortunately, their dreams were broken when he pointed it out. Shouting out the number of pushups they did, Jenna almost broke down. Never had she done more than 10 pushups so fast! "IF YOU STOP, OR DROP FROM THE POSITION, YOU WILL START FROM ZERO AGAIN!" Sir Yuv threatened. This motivated Jenna to continue on. Macey's hands trembled and shaked, and she had barely reached 15 pushups when she fell to a side. Hailey's face was flushed, and she was slowly doing each pushup. Seeing Macey fall, she felt bad. The dreaded words came. "Macey, get back up. Start from zero." Sir Yuv told her. Macey groaned in frustration. This was their first day here, and they were already being killed by sir Yuv. After much struggles, they did it. They had never felt more beaten, exhausted, and yet accomplished.

"IS EVERYONE SERIOUS? I HAVE NEVER SEEN ANYONE TAKE LONGER THAN YOU GUYS TO JUST DO 50 PUSH UPS! 30 burpees, go." Sir Yuv hollered. They did not even have a break? They got up to the push up position and started doing the 30 burpees. Hailey finished first, before Jenna and Macey. They wanted to lie down on their bed so badly, and just wanted to leave this place. Huffing and puffing, they clutched the side of their stomach and looked at sir for their next instructions.  Somehow, they didn't want to just give up and fail, despite their circumstances.

"30 seconds to drink water."

JHM ran to their bottles, drank up and came back. Sir Yuv made them do more workouts that almost made them cry, and taught them how to lift weights properly and safely. By the time they were done, they could not feel their hands, and their hands and legs literally trembled. They had never been more grateful to be released to go shower. As they walked back slowly, they discussed this place. "Gosh, it's literally torture. He doesn't kill us, but we feel like we are dying." Macey complained. "I know right! My arms are dead right now." Jenna agreed. They turned to Hailey, and giggled. She was cringing so hard at the shower area, probably thinking about all the germs, and the COLD WATER.

After their cold but strangely comfortable shower, they changed into their own casual clothes and dried their hair in the dorm. They decided to talk to their dorm mates, and were really surprised. The other girls [the boys were in another dorm so they couldn't talk with them] had a good time, and they seemed to be the only one that had a serious workout on the first day! However, they could not say the same when they walked into the mass. They saw a lot of other people who were limping. Some looked in worse conditions. Sighing, they already knew that their sir was not one to be kind, but thankfully was not the worst. After the not so nice dinner, they laid down on their bed and almost fell asleep immediately. Looks like they were that exhausted...

890words if you wanna know
Thanks everyone for all the support and comments. So sorry about this short and late chapter. I will try to update more in the next chapter. I luv yall, thanks for all the encouragement. Peace out! ✌️ 💓

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