Chapter 53: Meet my parents (part one)

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"Bye guys!" Kate called out to her roommates. They looked at her and snorted. "Pink freak!" They commented before bursting out into laughter. Kate rolled her eyes and toughened herself up. She was used to this, this wasn't the first time. Taking a last check at the mirror on the door of their dorm, she was pleased with her looks and walked out, just to be scared by Jenna. "BOO!" "AHHH!! omg Jenna!" Kate screamed. She glared at her for a second until she broke into hysterics. Jenna chuckled as Hailey and Macey joined them. Kate would probably never get used to hanging out with them. She enjoyed it, yes she did. But she was always surprised when they waited for her at her dorm. She thought it would take a long time for them to be friends and to act like this, but they seemed to friendly and did not seem to care about her past self. Kate found herself giggling more and more. It was definitely a good thing!

Sadly, Jenna parted ways with them as she left to go to the other dining hall. Kate never understood why they could not eat together. Furthermore, she was getting fond of Jenna, and really wanted to spend more time with her. She did not like the fact that she was treated to specially. Well, but she also learnt to be grateful for that. After all, without finishing school, she would never have been friends with Hailey. They sat down at their normal table and ate greedily, definitely starving. Halfway through their meal, Kate was called out. "Kate? Please follow me." A teacher requested. Kate swallowed her last mouthful and smiled at Hailey and Macey before standing up to follow the teacher. Hailey and Macey looked at each other in confusion. Why was Kate called out? Kate too wondered, but followed the teacher without question.

They walked through the entire canteen and came to a different room that was located at the end of the canteen. Kate was about to ask why she was here when the teacher handed her an envelope. Kate raised an eyebrow before tearing open the envelope and taking out the paper. It was pastel pink and was of fine quality. She glanced at it, and immediately know who wrote it. The handwriting was her father's distinguishable handwriting was all over the small piece of paper: "Dear Kate, I see you have found new friends." Kate froze at this point, and her palms were sweaty. Did her father not like her choice of friends? Was she going to be asked to leave them? She calmed her nerves and read on. "I'm proud of you daughter. You have made friends with the daughter of my soon to be business partner. I knew you could choose good friends. I would like you to let me meet your friends. Although I don't like the other two girls, I will close one eye this time due to that girl. During your lunch, bring them to this room. I look forward to having you at lunch."

Kate looked around and observed the room more carefully. The room theme was elegant purple and had a velvet sofa. The wooden table in the middle gave it an ancient touch, and it was definitely posh. Just like father. Sigh. Kate shook her head and the teacher interrupted her thoughts. "Kate, I believe you are done reading. You may go. Please don't forget, or your father will be greatly disappointed." She spoke coldly before directing, wait no, shoving Kate out. Kate scowled and sashayed back to her seat. She couldn't help it, that was what she did when she was unhappy. She grunted as she slumped back into her seat and sulkily drank her orange juice.

"Hey...Kate...what um happened?" Macey prodded carefully. Based on her mood, they knew they were treading on thin ice. To their surprise, Kate immediately opened up to them. "I might as well tell you since this involves you. My busybody father wants to meet you three. I understand if you don't want to, I'm fine-" "no no, we will come. I can't wait to meet your family!" Hailey quickly responded. Macey wasn't so sure how to take this. Being friends with Kate meant signing up to be interviewed by her parents? It was as good as being her boyfriend! Sighing, she felt her leg being kicked sharply and she quickly nodded. "I'm sure Jenna would be Glad too!" Kate obviously relaxed and smiled sadly. "I'm sorry for dragging you three into this..." she said.

"WHATT YOU WANT ME TO MEET YOUR PARENTS!?" Jenna screamed. She had heard horrible things about them, why would she want to talk to them? She saw an ashamed Kate who was staring at the floor guiltily. "You are sure this isn't some trap..." Jenna confirmed. Kate nodded her as fast as she could. "My dad gave me a letter. You wanna see it?" She asked. Jenna shook her head and let her keep the letter. "I believe you. Fine. I'll go. Sorry about my outburst I was just shocked." Jenna responded. Kate was obviously glad and smiled. She seemed to hesitate for a while before leaning in and hugged Jenna. "Thank you." She whispered. Kate left the toilet and went back to the classroom, giving Hailey and Macey a secret thumbs up. Shortly after, Jenna returned back too and they continued their lessons as per usual.

"DING DING DING...." the lunch bell rang above them. Everyone ran to the lunch hall, while JHM + K walked slowly. Jenna's stomach was doing somersaults. This was her first time in the canteen for finishing school students, and she was going to a secret special room. Wow. They walked slowly to the end of the canteen where Kate led them and they noticed many students and Teachers giving them weird looks. Jenna looked at her shoes, embarrassed, scared that they were gossiping about her. However, Macey was not having any of that and pushed her head up she she would walk straight, and walked next to her. Macey took Jenna's hand and squeezed it to give her comfort, while Hailey did the same to Kate. Kate was obviously sweating, absolutely terrified of what was going to happen. They came to the door and Kate sharply took in a breathe, looking at her friends for encouragement. They did not fail to give her bright smiled and a firm nod, to which Kate knocked thrice on the door, and took a step back to face the large wooden door.

1098 words if you wanna know
Hello! Didn't expect to be able to write a chapter today but here it is. Cliffhanger for once MWAHAHAHAHA hope you liked it! Comment and vote! Thanks for everything people stay happy and safe 💕 peace out ✌️ 💓

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