Chapter 28: Macey's grudge is back

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        It was after dinner already, and there was still no sign of Macey and Jenna. It had been a horrible day. After a long scolding, they had returned to classes for the day. Immediately after that, they had to go to sir's office to do their work there so he could watch them, before they went to headmistress for punishment. Since this was a serious issue, they were going to be punished by both Sir and Headmistress. Hailey was pacing around their dorm the whole day, extremely guilty of what happened. She felt terrible that she had done that to her best friends, and seriously being a 'goody-two-shoes'. She wanted to make it up to them, but she did not know how. It wasn't like she could take their punishment for them. After her nightly routine of talking to Sir and getting ready, she sat on her bed reading a book while waiting for them. Finally at about 9.25, the two girls stumbled into the room. They were so used to sleeping at 9.30 that they were already tired. Seeing Hailey waiting for them, their mood did not improve. They had bruises on their legs, their eyes were red and puffy from all the crying, and their knees hurt. They ignored Hailey and she felt horrid. With no choice, she slunk into her bed to sleep.

        "Hey, Hailey, wake up." Jenna whispered to hailey. Hailey rubbed the sleepiness away from her eyes and looked at the time. It was 4.10am, what did Jenna want? She pushed back her doubts to follow Jenna. They came to a bench near their dorm and Jenna asked her to sit. Hailey was Glad at least they were on speaking terms, after what she did yesterday. "Look, I am really sorry about everything-" "It's okay Hailey. You did what you were meant to do." Jenna comforted. Hailey gave a weak smile and asked, "so what happened yesterday?" Jenna slouched into her seat and gave a little sigh before starting her story. "Well Long story shortened, Headmistress gave us a scolding, we went back to class, then we went to sir to do our homework, then went to headmistress. She deducted like all our demerit points, gave us a beating and sent us to sir. Sir did his usual but went so much harder. Yesterday...he...used his belt. He even made us hold a few copies of the rule book above our heads for a good 40 minutes!" Hailey gasped. Their rule book was very heavy, and when sir uses the belt, it is never a pretty scene.

            After the heart-to-heart talk, it was time for Hailey to go for dance practice. By the time she came back, Macey had left, and Hailey was too tired to look for her. She quickly showered and rushed to home room to get some class monitress work done. That day, she wanted to talk to Macey, and ask for forgiveness, but she did not have the chance. In the end, she retreated to stick with Jenna for the rest of the day. Macey was fuming and raging that Hailey would backstab her. She even spoke to Jenna about taking revenge on Hailey, but Jenna had sided with Hailey. So annoying. She purposely avoided Hailey all day so she could make her feel bad. Just then, someone came up to her, "Hey Macey, i see you hate Hailey now. Wanna trip her over with me later? I really hate her." Macey spun around to see Paige. [Kate's BFF] "Seriously, I don't stoop so Low." Macey said spitefully. Yes, she did not like Hailey, but she was not going to do that. Besides, she will only be like this temporarily. At that moment, Hailey walked past them and Paige stuck her foot out. Hailey got caught over her foot, and sent her books flying in the air and landed face flat on her face. Paige snickered, while Macey stood there doing nothing. She was not going to cause Hailey pain, but she was not going to help her either. Paige hooked her arms with Macey and skipped off with her in tow. "Did you seriously need to do that?" Macey said, irritated. "Well, she did not even feel half of the pain you felt yesterday right?" Paige said with an angelic smile. Macey groaned, knowing it was true. She felt a Pang of guilt that she enjoyed watching Hailey flail and fall. "Wanna hang out with me and Summer? Since, you know, you are kinda avoiding Hailey and you will be lonely." Paige offered with a Barbie doll smile. Macey thought for a moment and nodded. "Yea, sounds cool." She agreed.

        During lunch break, the two walked to the table at the end of the canteen. Upon arriving, Macey saw Kate hanging out there as well and cursed under her breath. "Didn't you say just you and Summer?" Macey hissed. Paige shrugged and replied tactfully, "I am pretty sure I said me, summer AND kate. Anyways, suit yourself." Macey wanted to leave immediately, remembering what Kate did, when she saw Jenna and Hailey having a good time without her. She felt like she wanted to prove to them that she was doing just fine without them. So, she stayed for lunch. And dinner. And they hung out more and more. Days pass, and they got closer and closer. Macey learnt to deal with all their annoying habits and characters, and soon got used to their weird antics and fake smiles. One day, they asked her to join them to skip class. Without much thought, she agreed.

         "Hey, let's go!" Kate whispered to them. They sneakily left the home room after their attendance were taken, and took her to a place behind the school where no one ever went. Macey soon got bored of talking and demanded something fun. Normally, she would hide in the library where there were books to read or boys to kiss, but this place had none of that. It was so secluded! "If there is nothing fun, I will return to class." Macey warned. Then, kate took something out of her pockets. "Wanna try?" She asked. Holding up some weeds and cigarettes, she smirked evilly. "Now, THAT'S what I'm talking about gal." Summer exclaimed and took a weed. Macey had never smoked in her life, and had never intended to. However, the offer was too inviting. She started off with a quarter of a weed, but as the days went by and they skipped school more often, she could soon smoke 3weeds at once! It was fun. They started bringing her on little journeys to find other school mates. Sometimes they would bang on the boys, or they would demand things from the girls. Usually, they would choose those that they have some information on so they could threaten them. They did not like to really use the word...'blackmail'.

        Throughout this whole time, Hailey and Jenna were silently worried for her, but did not know what they could do to help her. Macey on the other hand, loved her new life and even opened up more to Kate. Luck was on her side this whole time, they had not been caught yet.

1211 words if you wanna know
Wowww third update of the day. You guys really were in for a treat. I'm hungry tho 😭 what do you feel for the characters? Comment below! I really hope you have been enjoying. I have a lot more drama up ahead, so keep on reading!

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