Chapter 48: Finishing School: Week 1

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"How does my outfit look?" Hailey asked nervously. "Chic, but casual. Not bad..." Macey commented. "NOT BAD? I NEED THIS TO BE PERFECT!" Hailey wanted to scream, but that would be defying rule 38. Well, the rule book in her house. Screaming and losing your temper is never ladylike. Ugh. Hailey had spotted a ton of Teachers patrolling their dorms and classroom over the past few weeks. Yes, they had gone to finishing school for a whole week. They were definitely getting sick of it. Jenna had just gotten back from the washroom. "Woah, fancy." She praised. Hailey tensed up.

Was this too fancy? Was this not casual enough? Even with her past experiences, she was unsure of herself. The whole week, Macey and her had been getting scolded by Teachers. They had done almost everything wrong. Their back was aching with their posture, their nails had been painted and repainted, they had been sent to skincare (which turned out to be painful for some parts ouch), their hair had all fallen out with the number of times they brushed and re-combed their hair into "elegant hairstyles".

Macey took her hand and squeezed it, encouraging her before they grabbed their bags and left. Jenna followed behind, and could not help but notice they had different bags from normal. When she asked about it, the two girls seemed hesitant to say it. "Not that we want to offend you or anything....but because of our new curriculum...we need to dress our parents got us...umm......more branded goods...." Hailey explained in the most non-offending way she could. Holding their breaths nervously, they eyed Jenna to see how she would respond. Thankfully, she shrugged and just replied, "cool." They did not like making their friend feel awkward, and feel like she was not rich enough. In fact, they envied her. She did not have to care about what she wore, and she could even wear shorts! Nowadays, Macey and Hailey found themselves "dress-coded" whenever they wore demin shorts, or other shorts. So annoying.

That day, they went through school like normal, and Jenna kept eyeing their Gucci backpack and branded goods. At home, she used to envy people who were much richer than her. She even caught a glimpse of their canteen before, and it was SO fancy. They had servers, and pretty silverware. Ugh....The same feeling engulfed her, but she stopped herself before she fell back into her old ways of coveting. "Stop. Stop. Stop." She warned herself. Convincing herself that branded goods were not worth back aches, silly fancy talking, behaviour, knowledge, she decided to let it slide. At least this once. That afternoon, they went their separate ways again for lunch. Sitting at their usual seats, hailey and Macey resumed their stiff and uptight posture, hands positioned neatly over their knee, "gracefully" talking as they waited for their food to arrive. Just then, they noticed Kate was sitting alone, seeming....lonely.....LONELY? That girl was never lonely. "Why is Kate sitting alone over there? She always had her minions around her!" Macey whispered to Hailey. "Well, maybe they all got sick of her." Hailey replied. "Serves her right." Macey scowled. Hailey frowned at her and focused on the food that had just been placed in front of her.

As they walked to class, they saw Kate walking forlornly ahead of them. Ignoring Macey's warnings not to talk to her, Hailey rushed forward and tapped Kate on the shoulder. "Hey-" "What do you want?" Kate suddenly turned sinister. "I...I....I wanted to walk with you to class?" Hailey quickly made up an excuse. Kate's expression softened, but only for a split second. "Well, I don't want your company. Leave me alone already!" She flung Hailey's arm away and walked off, head held up high. At this point of time, Macey caught up with Hailey. "Told you not to try." She rolled her eyes and smugly commented. Hailey was hurt. All she did was try to be nice. Maybe....maybe she should try again! If anyone were to face this circumstance, they would probably give up already, but that's what made Hailey so different.

Their first class was education on the wealthy people that they should make connections to if they had the chance, how to make connections, and thinking on the spot. After all, whenever they meet other people, they had to know how to make good first impressions. All these reminded Hailey a lot about what she had to deal with at home. Every month, she was sent to a camp for these kind of trainings, and it sucked. Of course, she was expected to be the top  of the camp everytime, which she was. Thankfully. Whenever she got second, she would have private training with specialised Teachers. That was why Hailey HAD to do well in these classes.

At the same time, she wondered about kate. Why was she so sad today? She was not bragging to people about her branded goods like normal. It seemed like....she was being avoided. Even the regular brats were not talking to her, and it was strange. Hailey was definitely not used to seeing the snobby and confident girl so...low. It cam across surprising to her that Kate was going through some difficulties, and she felt like she wanted to help. Furthermore, today was the first day that Kate was given a B grade for dressing in their second class. Usually, she was a fashionista.

Today, they had a new class that was really cool. Self-defence. Jenna would have LOVED this class. Since they were "rich kids", of course many people would try kidnaping them to get a large ransom from their parents. Standing next to Hailey, Macey too, realised that Kate was being strange, like she wasn't really feeling it. She would have been one of the best in everything, but today they witnessed her falling and getting up falling and getting over and over again with a pained expression, until she finally stomped out of the room. A teacher followed after her. Sigh...what could have happened to her?
1019 words if you wanna know
Hey guys, hope you like this update...I really hope you do. Haha I am so sorry for updating kinda late. Let me know what you think about this, and remember to vote! Peace out ✌️ 💓

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