Chapter 63: unfair

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    Hailey slept soundly on the sofa as she snored slightly. Sir and Kate stood not too far away, talking in hushed voices when the nurse approached them. "I am afraid Hailey went into another panic Attack, this one worse than the last. I had to give her an injection to stop her from thrashing around. However, she seemed to have suicidal thoughts as she was whispering about death before she was knocked out. I suggest that you get her a therapist or a councillor, and keep a close eye on her. Also, Mr Diego, according to the school rules you will have to speak to her parents about this and they must talk to her through the phone tonight." The nurse told Kate and Sir. Kate felt her heart clench and she noticed Sir's pained expression. They knew that Hailey's parents were the ones to cause her panic attack, and yet by the school rules they had to call them. Sir nodded dejectedly, before sending the nurse out.
    Kate padded softly across the room to sit on the floor next to the sofa, looking at Hailey's sleeping figure. "You know, Hailey, I wish you were my sister, and I will take care of you like you are my sister. You helped me when I was having troubled times, you helped me when I was lonely and depressed, you gave me new reason for life, instead of just bullying others. I'm so sorry that I was ever mean to you...let me help you now. You don't need to act so know, sometimes it is okay to not feel okay, but just please pick yourself up soon. I won't force you to be cheerful and act happy, but it hurts to see you so scared and like this. Get well soon sister..." Kate whispered to Hailey. Although she knew Hailey would never hear this, she felt much better after saying it. Tears threatened to fall out of the corners of her eyes and she quickly wiped them away just as Sir walked into the room.
    A large hand came into contact with Kate's small back and she turned around to see Sir holding her tightly, with an unfathomable expression. He seemed to be in as much pain, probably feeling like he had let Hailey down since he promised to take care of her. Sir sighed softly and brought out a blanket and a pillow, so that Hailey could be more comfortable. He shifted the other sofa nearer so that Kate and himself could sit nearer to Hailey and be by her side if she ever needed anything or if she woke up. Kate took out some textbooks to revise, but she could not concentrate with all that had just happened. She constantly looked up to check on Hailey, and Sir did not even scold her for the lack of concentration. In fact, he seemed dazed, looking out into nowhere in particular.
    Suddenly, he stood up and took out his phone from his pocket, scrolling through it before finding what he wanted. "I...I am going to make a call." He said, his voice quivering. Kate shot up instantly. "H..Hailey's p...parents?" She confirmed with him. Sir sighed and nodded his head before walking slowly to the bedroom, closing the door behind him. Kate resisted the urge to run after him and shout into the phone exactly what she thought of Hailey's parents. She held Hailey's hand tightly as she prayed that the phone call went smoothly.
    Half and hour had passed, and Sir was still not out from the room. Suddenly, she heard a loud shouting from the room. "NO. YOU GUYS WERE THE ONES THAT HURT HER!.......N-........fine.....okay yes ma'am." Kate stood up as the door swung open. Sir seemed disheveled and ran his hand through his hair. "They wanted to come here to give her a beating...I managed to reason with them to let them just have a phone call with hailey..." He whispered almost to himself. Kate was shocked. What kind of parents were they? It sucked that there was a school rule that parents had the right to call their children if anything medical happened to the child. It was unfair, especially to Hailey in this case. They could not do much except sit in the room hoping for Hailey to wake up soon.
    "Woah, what did we miss?" Kate looked up to see Macey and Jenna come into the room. Kate groaned and told them the entire story, and they looked at each other worryingly. They treated each other as sisters, and their hearts ached for Hailey. Jenna and Macey rushed to Hailey's side and checked that she was fine, and only when they were done did they sigh in relief. They then looked to kate, who seemed to be barely holding up. She was clenching her fists so tight that her knuckles went white, and she seemed pale. Macey knew that Kate was not emotionally well and walked over, enveloping her into a big hug. Macey whispered sweet nothings into Kate's ears as she started sobbing and melting in Macey's arms. "I...I'm So Sorry f...for e...everything I e....ever did to yall. I...I am sorry to Hailey....I understand she parents a...are almost b...bad..." Kate broke down and spoke between sobs. Jenna too started getting emotional and they all hugged each other to support one another. "Shhh..." Macey whispered to them, although she too felt like breaking down.
    The group needed at least someone to be strong. Normally, it would be Hailey, but now that she was in her weakest state, Macey knew she needed to toughen up. She knew that she could not control their emotions, but she could be there for them, and that was exactly what she was going to do. At the same time, she was hoping for Hailey to wake up and not wake up. She wanted to know that Hailey was fine, but knew that if she woke up, she had to face her parents and she would not get any better. It was a tough day for them as they snuggled up on the sofa, Sir nowhere to be seen.
1053 words if you wanna know
Hey guys, I am updating faster than the last time 😂 this was a really emotional chapter, and I really did my best to pour my feelings into it. Honestly, I felt heart ache for them, hope you did you think Hailey will get better...? Another question: Where is Sir? Hmmm....another cliffhanger I suppose 😔 Stay safe and strong! Peace out ✌️ 💓

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