Chapter 27: Don't play favourites

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        It had been about 2 weeks, and Kate had not returned to school yet, making everyone very happy. Things had been going very light-heartedly. No one had been abused, and things were going just fine. Headmistress had given a Long lecture to everyone about how they should be behaving, and not abusing the privileges given to them. She even announced that she was going to use the demerit points more often! [the demerit points is the points in the brooch]. Duties were surprisingly completed on time by everyone, and Hailey was proud of that. Jenna and Macey still skipped classes, but considerably less since Hailey was now a monitress. Other than that, things had been going just fine, as if this was an ordinary high school. This all ended on the third week.

         "class, Kate is back. I hope no one holds any grudges against anyone else. Please, be civilised." Headmistress made the dreaded speech before bringing in a Kate that did not seem to have changed at all. Well, her body had blue and black here and there, she seemed skinnier and paler, but her demeanour was the same. She had her head held up high, with an arrogant air. It seems like no matter how you try to break her, she is unbreakable. There was tension in the air, and nobody talked for a while. Kate walked over to her minions and pretended as if 33 pairs of eyes were not staring at her back. She made casual conversation which included her vividly describing what happened during that two weeks and how horrid everybody was. Then she went on to talk about one of her amazing holidays which she probably repeated at least 8 times already.

        Hailey decided to make the first move and bravely stood up. "Umm hey Kate! We are really happy you are back, it's great to see you around again!" She lied through her teeth. The rest of the class could see her struggle but was grateful that she was doing this. Kate rolled her eyes and said, "oh, so you are still the goody-two-shoes actor and wants to be everyone's favourite. Sorry, I pass." Hailey clenched her fists and let go, before plastering a smile on her face and said, "I shall ignore that, I just wanted to let you know I am the new class monitress, and the duty roster is on the board for you to follow. Things work slightly differently here, we don't have rosters for children to be slaves." Kate chuckled. "So you want to rub into my face that you took over me? ha, suit yourself. I'm good here, so please leave." Hailey calmly smiled and went back to her friends.

        Kate really proved to be a piece of work. She had already skipped the second class of the day, and this was her first day back from the isolation room! Hailey decided to take on her role as class monitress and pointed it out to the teacher. Then, she went to look for Kate. As expected, she was found at the cafeteria sipping her coffee. Unfortunately, she struggled quite a fair bit, and Hailey took a lot of strength to pin her down and bring her to the headmistress' office wher Kate was punished heavily for skipping class. While they walked back to class, Kate spat, "I know Macey and Jenna skipped class too, why did you not book them huh? Are you an irresponsible monitress?" Of course, Jenna and Macey skipped science class...and now Kate was using this against her. That night, Hailey begged the two of them to stay in class for at least the rest of the week, and they reluctantly promised to.

        The next day came, and Hailey was rest assured that Kate couldn't use them to blackmail her anymore. To Hailey's annoyance, her two friends made their escape again. They had broken their promise. All day Long, kate kept taunting her about it. "Do you really want to let the class down?" Kate would often Whisper. Finally, it was the last class, and Hailey could take no more of this nonsense. she breathed in and out, before raising her hand. "Mdm, Jenna and Macey are skipping class." Everyone was quite shocked that she had sold her best friends out, but upon seeing the way Hailey glared at Kate with piercing eyes, they understood. Hailey made her way to the library where she knew they hid, and caught them...making out with senior boys again. Macey was grinding herself against the poor dude, and the other dude was feeling Jenna out. "STOP IT. NOW. I AM GOING TO HAVE TO BRING YOU ALL TO THE HEADMISTRESS' OFFICE." Hailey screamed. Macey glared back at her. "I thought of you as a trustworthy friend. Are you serious?" Hailey gave the death stare, "I thought of you as a friend who would keep her promise. You said you wouldn't skip classes this week. Now Kate forced me to catch you guys. What do you have to say for yourself?" "IT ISN'T EVEN A BIG DEAL, JUST SAY THAT YOU REALISED WE WERE IN THE TOILET AND IT SOLVES IT ALL." Macey retaliated. "You know what? I AM DONE. YOU FOUR, COME WITH ME. NOW." Hailey used her authoritative tone with them.

        The way to the Headmistress' office was a Long, silent and awkward one. The boys did not even think about escaping. Not once. They saw how scary Hailey was and kept quiet. "KNOCK KNOCK" "come in, oh it's you again Hailey, what's wrong?" the headmistress curiously asked. "I have four students who skipped class, and I saw them making out. I know that is against the school rules. Furthermore, this is not the first time for the girls, I am not sure about the boys though." Hailey reported. Headmistress thanked her and sent her back to class and got a shock when she saw they were Hailey's best friends. As they crossed paths, Macey gave Hailey the middle finger, and Hailey did all she could to stop herself from giving her a tight slap.

Heyyy this is the second chapter in the day, and I am so Glad I found the time to do it. I hope you like this treat! Guess what is going to happen next! Do you like how this is going? I have a whole lot more of drama planned out just for you guys, so keep on reading! Stay safe 🤗

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