Chapter 15: Prank

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As usual, Hailey woke up way before the rest and went to exercise, once again demanding her headphones from Sir. It has been 3 days of lessons and Hailey was surprised that Jenna and Macey had not skipped classes yet. However, she knew it was coming—they had been planning it. Macey had not been submitting homework and Sir made her stand in the corner for a whole 20minutes. That day, they went to breakfast in the morning and Macey had to go to the toilet. The moment she left, Jenna leaned in to Hailey. "Yo, girl, do you think we should prank Macey?" Hailey grinned. She was not the perfect Barbie girl. Back home, all those pranks she did on her tutors were so fun, and the looks on their faces were priceless. She wanted to do the same to Macey. They talked for a while and had the perfect prank. After breakfast, they had some break time and Macey was tired, so they decided to go back to the dorm to let her sleep. This was going exactly as Jenna planned. 5 minutes before classes started, Hailey rushed to the toilet and filled up a bucket of icy cold water. Dragging it back to the room, the partners in crime whispered. "!" They squealed on the last count and poured the water onto Macey. Macey screamed as she was woken up from her beautiful dream to find herself shivering, drenched and very annoyed. "!@#$%^&*#$%^&*! NOW I NEED TO GO CHANGE AND DRY MYSELF! HOW MUCH TIME DO I HAVE BEFORE THE NEXT CLASS?" She started to panic. Hailey and Jenna laughed till their stomach ached. Macey marched off to the toilet and the duo continued laughing at the hilarious expression on Macey's face. They took their bags and ran to the next class, seeing that they only had 2 minutes left before they were late.

Macey went back to the dorm, expecting to see Jenna and Hailey waiting for her. But no, there was no sign of anyone. She hurriedly packed her bag and ran as fast as she could to the next class. She had been punished for not submitting her homework and promised to be good for the rest of the week. Hearing the darn bell, she cursed as she reached the classroom. She was late. As she stood outside the classroom as punishment, she comforted herself by saying, 'They will apologise. Don't worry. They never wanted me to be late.' Little did she know, they purposely woke her up late so she would go to class late. She was booked and the teacher informed sir. She even had to stay back during break time!

Throughout the day, Macey could not focus on school. When she finally had free time, she walked over to Jenna and Hailey. "HOW COULD YOU TWO?" She demanded. To her horror, they just shrugged and smiled sheepishly. "Well...the look on your face was priceless." Hailey commented before the two went into hysterical laughter. Macey was annoyed to the core. They did not even apologise for making her late!

In the afternoon, the three was called to Sir's room. After being acknowledged, they scrambled into the room and sat down. It was unusual to be called here in the middle of the day. Just as sir came out, he said, "Macey, stand." Macey knew this was about her being late. "What do you have to say for yourself after what you did today?" Sir asked. Macey immediately opened her mouth. "I'm sorry. But-" "uh uh uh. No buts. Hmm what do you think about 30 strokes today? You cursed outside the classroom, so plus a 10 strokes." Sir decided on the punishment.

The next few minutes were hard to watch and I shall not go into the details. However, the moment the three returned to the dorm, Macey started shouting. "IS THIS WHAT YOU WANTED? ME TO BE HIT BY SIR LIKE THAT? LOOK AT MY CALVES!" Hailey and Jenna started to mumble apologies and for a moment, the room settled in awkward silence. Jenna then walked over to Macey and gave her a large bear hug. "We are so sorry..." she said. Hailey then hooked her arm with Macey and started skipping off to the study room. "Come on! We gotta do our homework fast before we can show you our surprise!" Hailey helped Macey with the rest of their homework, while Jenna stayed in the dorm. When they were finally done, Hailey brought Macey back to the dorm to reveal the surprise. "TADAAA" They announced. Macey gasped and hugged her friends. Hanging on the wall next to Macey's bed were fairy lights that were artistically placed by Jenna. Jenna and Hailey had wanted to surprise her with what she really wanted to make it up to her, even though they felt like they did nothing wrong. To them, it was just a harmless prank, but they felt bad seeing how Macey got punished because of them. Hailey opened her bujo to check for new updates and immediately squealed. "OMG Mace! There are dance tryouts! YOU MUST COME WITH ME!" Macey was never interested in any CCA, but she decided to try just this once, hopefully so she could reconnect with Hailey and not feel so left out. Hopefully, she could be in the same CCA as Hailey and show Jenna that they could get along too, it was not just Hailey and Jenna that could get along.

There, i did it. Two chapters in one day. Enjoy it folks, and see you in the next chapter! Remember to vote! 💓💓

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