Chapter 52: JHM + K

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"AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" Everyone shot up from the bed and looked at whoever was screaming. Of course, Jenna had to be the one that hysterically screamed and wake everyone up. Looking at them sheepishly, she covered her mouth. "Oops...." she whispered softly. Macey rolled her eyes, Kate groaned and Hailey asked her, "Why were you screaming?" Jenna blushed in embarrassment and replied, "When I woke up to somewhere that was not my bed, or our dorm, I got scared." Hailey nodded, half understanding half annoyed and got out of bed. "Hey, thanks Kate for being such a great host. We need to go back and get ready, sir will be visiting our room anytime [if you forgot about that]" Hailey quickly thanked Kate once she saw the time. Dragging the covers off, everyone helped to wake Macey up for good. Finally getting her awake, they bid Kate farewell and tip-toed back to their room, collapsing over each other on the floor when they reached. "PHEW! I thought we would get caught. I didn't notice we stayed over though." Macey exclaimed.

As usual, they got dressed and went through their usual morning routine before changing up their routine a bit. They paid Kate's room a visit and waited for her outside the dorm. "Bye guys!" They heard kate call out cheerfully. Jenna peeked through the crack in the door and was shocked to see Kate's roommates ignore her. She quickly stood up straight as Kate neared the door.

She came out looking sullen and gloomy, and squeaked when she noticed the crowd outside her door. Smiling for the fourth time in her stay here, she shyly waved. Wow, she was really stylish today. A cute red hair and, purple bow that held her hair in a high ponytail, a cute red dress and matching boots. Adorable. With her bright and happy face, the look was complete. "Wow....what a beauty..." Hailey commented, her two other friends adoring her as well. She truly looked much better especially since last night was the first time she slept so well in years. Kate kept quiet and looked shyly at the floor, before motioning that they should go to the canteen.

They had an amazing time at breakfast, eating and laughing and talking. It was like a magical experience, one that Kate loved. She missed this feeling of being nice. Of course once upon a time she was nice, until her mother hit her for being "too nice". She had given some clothes to a friend she made because that friend was poor and had little nice clothes. Her mother scolded her for not treasuring what she had and not be grateful. Kate was at loss. She was thankful she had nice things, but wanted to share them. Over some time, she learnt that the meaner she was the more approval she got from her mother. Naturally, she wanted her mother to approve of her so she did as she thought was expected of her.

The whole day, Kate sticked with JHM, glad that she had new friends. She wasn't going to lose them as easily as she lost her previous. She grinned from ear to ear which was a huge change from the previous frowning all the time last time. It truly was a shocker to everyone, especially since she was hanging out with her "enemies". They were surprised Macey easily forgave her after the time Kate betrayed her. That day after lunch, they bid farewell to Jenna before heading to their classroom for their finishing school studies. Their first class was education. Right, the class that brought them together.

"Alright students, thank you for your active participation yesterday, some of your projects are exemplary. I'd like to show a groups work: Hailey's and Kate's. Would they please come up to the front and present their answers."

The teacher announced after greeting them. Hailey and Kate looked at each other, bowed their head in embarrassment as their faces turned crimson red and they walked to the front. Clearing her throat, Kate read the first half of the essay with a loud and clear voice, while Hailey read the second part, since that part was the most closely related to Kate's past. 

They did not want her choking up in front of the whole class. Kate pretended to be unfazed by it, smiling weakly and bowing when they received a thunderous applause. The rest of the lessons went by considerably smoothly, and they were glad everything was over.

"Hey Macey, Hailey, umm do y'all wanna come over to my dorm or uh-" "I think you should come to ours! We have board games!" Macey exclaimed. Kate smiles and nods, skipping happily all the way to their dorm not caring about the Teachers on the way. Macey and Hailey has an amused look on their face, seeing Kate jumped and twist her body awkwardly in the air was hilarious. They laughed and talked all evening, which is totally bizarre. Nothing like the life Kate has had so far, because for the first time in forever, she has got truly good friends. (Cheeky frozen reference HEHEHEH) They played board games, did homework together, and truly just enjoyed each other's company.

In the evening, Kate even had the nerve to steal some chocolate to take away for Jenna knowing she would love them. Kate was glad she had friends now. She had always been jealous of them being so close to each other, able to laugh talk and joke without a care in the world, while she was in her dorm ignored by her envious roommates.

They only ganged up because they all liked bullying people, seeing them weak and so gullible. Kate regretted from the bottom of her heart that she ever tried to bully Macey. After all, Macey did nothing to her. She had allowed her jealousy to take over her. Sighing, she was glad that she could at least be friends with them now and slept with a peaceful and satisfied smiled on her face that night. JHM too were very glad and eager to continue this newfound friendship, as they were able to put their differences aside and to forget their past hatred towards each other and just genuinely accompany each other and be happy with each other's presence. Of course, they did have their doubts about Kate since she did trick Macey into being her friend before, but she sounded sincere when talking about her past. She truly was a mysterious puzzle that they had to figure out.

1055 words if you wanna know
Hello people, I am SO SORRY I didn't update for like three days. I have a lot of family issues right now, but don't worry I will still be posting as regularly as I can. Don't freak out if I don't post for one or two days, i am trying. Thanks for all the support u guys are sending me, I luv y'all. Stay safe and happy! Peace out ✌️💓

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