Chapter 2: Macey

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"Macey! Go to school now, and remember to stay back in school for the CCA fair which they are holding again all because of you!" Mrs Tay, macey's Mother, hollered. Her voice could be heard 3 blocks down the street, but it wasn't loud enough for Macey to hear. She had put on her headphones and had the noise cancellation to the maximum. Furthermore, the music was blasting into her ears. Mrs Tay could take it no longer, so she stormed straight up to Macey's room and literally dragged her to the door. In school, Macey was not interested in anything the teacher was saying. She walked to the front of the class, handed the teacher a stack of money with a note saying: zip your mouth, and pretend I was here the whole time. Then, she walked to the cafeteria to get a brownie. She couldn't understand how anyone could stand sitting in such a boring class. It wasn't important anyways.

After skipping the rest of the school day, she intentionally left the school before anyone could drag her to go to the CCA fair which was being conducted all over again because she missed it. Mrs Tay believed strongly that CCA would help someone to become a better person, but Macey was happy to have no commitments whatsoever. She didn't want to be forced to stay back after school every other day. She didn't even like doing anything other than watching YouTube all day.

That evening, she turned home to her Mother waiting for her at the door. Macey was ready to receive a earful which she would ignore, but all her Mother said was "Your Father is waiting for you in your room..." Macey froze. The only time she would meet her Father is if there is a very important decision he has made and needs to tell her, or he was mad at her. Eitherways, none of them were good. What she didn't know, was that she was in that night for both.

When she came to her room, she knocked on the door. How strange right? Knocking on your own room door. As expected, her Father invited her in and her eyes roamed around the room. To her dismay, she saw the cane lying on the floor next to her bed. With this tool in sight, she was sure to get a beating.

"Macey Melissa Tay, did you or did you not skip school, and not attend the CCA fair today?" Her Father asked. Macey stood as straight as a stick with her bag at her side, and she was frightened. "I did, sir." She replied shakily. Her Father sighed, and told her to put down her things, before standing at attention again. She hastily did so, and her Father circled her. " i received a call from your Teachers... you failed all your classes. We cannot be known as the richest family in town, and yet our Daughter produces the worst grades ever. I have given you all that you have ever needed, and you didn't appreciate them. I think you deserved 40 strokes. Besides, you're only 13, the exams are not even that difficult!" He said sternly. Picking up the cane, he walked behind her and suddenly caned her repeatedly. Macey took in a sharp breath and was soon crying. Everytime she moved, it only got worse. When her punishment was over, her leg was all swollen, her eyes puffy.

Her Father rubbed ointment onto her legs, but it stung. As he rubbed, he sighed and said, "I have made my descision. From now on, you will attend AEA. Tonight, pack your bags. You will go tomorrow first thing in the morning. It so happens to start receiving new students tomorrow." Macey's eyes widened. She didn't want to go. She loved her home, all the nice things she had. She couldn't part with them! However, her father's decision was final and she saw a luggage waiting for her by the closet.

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