Chapter 62: Panic

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"Oh my god...I am stuffed!" Macey groaned. Kate nodded while Jenna rapped her arm around Hailey. "So, how did you like your surprise birthday party?" She asked. Hailey chuckled sadly. "I loved it guys. Thanks for putting in all the effort, I even forgot my own birthday because I was busy preparing for the upcoming exams..." Jenna grinned. "Do you want to go to Kate's dorm to play some board games?" She suggested. To everyone's surprise, Hailey refused. "Nah...I need to go back to the dorm to rest. I promised Sir that I would rest, and that I would go back to study at 4." She tried her best to explain herself. Kate nodded understandingly, and told her, "Yea, I think I will do that too." Her parents were going to KILL her if she did not do well in the finals. Jenna and Macey sighed. They thought they could have at least SOME fun on Hailey's birthday. After all, they had gathered the help of the entire school to throw a surprise birthday party for Hailey! She should just loosen up a bit. Of course, Hailey was not going to have any of that. Her family scared her too much.

Therefore, the two scared girls went off to bed to rest after their Long day of finishing school exams. Sighing, Jenna and Macey looked at each other in exasperation. "Well...I Guess we can go to the gym and talk? That's the only place that there is no teacher to ask us to go study.." Jenna suggested. Macey's eyes lit up as she nodded her head vigorously and they made their way there.

An hour later, Kate and Hailey woke up and met outside sir's door. "3...2....1!" They counted down to 4pm and literally fell into the room the moment sir let them in. They smiled cheekily as they were embarrassed, and scurried into the study area. "Okay, so what should we do? We should make a plan!" Hailey started. Kate's eyes litted up. "First exam we have...math, then science, english, mother tongue, history, geography...that's all. That's the exact order." Kate recounted. Hailey nodded. "Okay. What hour and a half on math and science, tomorrow we do english and mother tongue..." She replied and they went on and on making their little planner.

Finally, they were done and decided to get started on their work. They were doing some math practices when Kate got bored. "Ugh...I don't want to keep studying anymore...." she groaned, her head still buried deep in the workbook. She did not hear anything from Hailey, and when she looked up she panicked. "HAILEY! HAILEY STOP! SIR! SIR!" She cried as she dashed out of the room. She knocked furiously on Sir's room door and immediately got his attention. "Help! Hailey is shaking and paling!" She cried out. Sir rushed to the study room and and held Hailey down. "Hailey! Hailey can you hear me?" He spoke loudly. Upon hearing no response, he picked her trembling body and carried her to the sofa, placing her down gently and instructed Kate to go to the nurse's office to get a doctor. Sir sat by Hailey all the time, clenching her hand tightly, as if that could make her stronger and get through this.
555 words if you wanna know
Sigh hello people, i know how inactive I have been, not uploading for an entire week 😫😨😨I am truly sorry, and here is an update for you. Another cliffhanger, but hopefully I won't make you guys wait too Long! I know it's Super short, but i felt like the next part should be an entire chapter on its own. Stay tuned, and I am so sorry! If you stuck around with me, I really appreciate it. Thank you. Comment below and I will shoutout my favourite comment on my next update. Stay safe, healthy and happy! Peace out ✌️ 💓

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