Chapter 65-Hailey in captive (Part 1)

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    Hailey was thrown into a room away from the rest of the campus. "Well well well, look who's a good daughter?" Her mother walked around her, looking at her body that was limply sitting on the plastic chair. Hailey snarled as her mother stopped in front of her. "I see you have gotten some nerves from staying in this it because of those...'friends' of yours? Or is it because of your 'loving' and 'kind' Sirrrrr?" Her mother asked sarcastically. Hailey clenched her fists hearing her mother talk about her friends like that. They were far better than this w0man she had to call 'Mother'. It was because of this certain woman that the word mother became repulsive to her. Her friends actually cared for her. All her mother wanted was results results results. "What? Gonna try hit me? You know now that we are here alone, we are back to the old days, right?" Her mother grinned slyly. Hailey's memories of how she was treated when she was young surfaced, and she felt goosebumps all over her body. She immediately submitted to her mother, knowing how nasty she could get. "I-I will do a-anything you say M-mother." She whispered softly. Her mother grinned and directed her into another room. "Let's start with a...tour." She smirked.

    Hailey found her living conditions to be a small bed with some clothes in a wardrobe, a tiny toilet, and a room filled with bookshelves of assessment books and one table with a chair that was exactly like the ones in her classroom right in the middle of the room. Just standing in the room made Hailey feel claustrophobic and she gulped, knowing she was going to spend a large amount of time in there. After all, being dragged to this 'jail' was just so she could improve her grades, which was something to be done in a study room. She felt the walls closing in around her and she hastily left the room before she got a headache. How she was going to survive the next few days...or weeks was a good question. One she did not know the answer to. Finally, there was the gym with treadmills and all. This was the only one that interested her, and she was Glad she had it.

     Her mother brought her back to the room she was first in and sat down on the chair, crossing her legs before looking up at the pale girl standing in front of her. "So? How do you like this arrangement made JUST for you?" Her mother asked sweetly. Too sweetly. Hailey gritted her teeth and replied, "I like it VERY much mother." Her mother frowned at her sarcasm before faking a grin and replying, "Good, you will be here for an extremely Long period of time. Everyday, you are to follow that schedule on the door over there," Mother pointed to the door, "And people will come in to help you with tutoring, disciplining, exercising and you will be taking mock exams here." Hailey nodded, since this sounded reasonable. "Oh before I forget, you will have counselling sessions, you know since you are...insane." Her mother added with an sly smile. Hailey screamed, "IM NOT CRAZY!" Her mother stood up and cornered Hailey into a corner, before there was a ringing sound in Hailey's ears, Hailey's palm holding her now red and throbbing cheek. Her mother was satisfied with her slap and said nothing before standing up and leaving the room. Hailey slid down the wall behind her and slowly squatted down, crying softly into her hands. She stayed there with her head buried in her arms, until the door unlocked.

    "Good morning miss, I will be delivering your meals from now on." Hailey heard an annoying voice say. She groaned and rolled her eyes before standing up to leave and flopped onto her bed. She used to be motivated to please her parents, but now she just wanted to be left alone to collect her feelings before she broke down. However, the woman walked into her room without permission and literally dragged Hailey into the plastic chair, placing the food in front of her. Hailey wanted to leave again and slam the door, but she realised, there was no door in any room! Not even the toilet! Hailey groaned and noticed the woman sitting right in front of her, staring at her. "I have strict orders to ensure you finish your food." She said robotically. Hailey rolled her eyes again and she looked at the food in front of her. Of course, salad with some boiled chicken. As if she was too fat and needed to slim down. Hailey knew that she had to eat, or her mother would do something to her, so she started to eat. Before she knew it, she was gagging on the horrible tasting salad. "Do I need to eat ALL these?" Hailey asked the lady. She nodded and Hailey cringed, before shoving another mouthful in. She shifted uncomfortably in her chair as the lady stared at her eat, and Hailey willed the lady to look away. Unfortunately that was not going to happen. After half an hour of forced eating, she thought she was done when the lady pulled out some fruits. "More." She simply stated. Hailey screamed in frustration. There were kiwis and strawberries, the two fruits she hated the most. They did NOT go well with each other, and Hailey almost puked seeing it. Sighing, she defeated lay shoved a strawberry into her mouth, hoping it was at least sweet. To her "luck", it was absolutely sour and left a metallic taste on her tongue. Going through a lot of struggle, she was finally done and wanted to go rest.

    Of course, there was one last thing she had to eat. "Pills. Omega 3, fish oil..." the lady rattled on and on with all the pills and their benefits. Hailey's eyes widened at the large number of pills she had to take, and the size of each of them. They were all forced down her throat and she groaned at the amount of water in her stomach since she took a gulp of water with every pill. At last, she was done and she wanted to throw up, but even THAT was not allowed. "Ma'am said no throwing up your pills." The woman blatantly stated. Hailey did her best to calm her churning stomach, before she finally felt fine. "Someone will come in soon." The lady said, before packing up and walking out, leaving Hailey all alone in the big room on the plastic chair.
1113 words if you wanna know
Hello guys, I'm so sorry for this late update. I was wondering if I should split this day in the story up or make it into one entire chapter. I decided to leave a cliffhanger for yall again hehe. I'm not THAT evil...right? And yes I was feeling sarcastic so there is a TON of sarcasm in here. Well hope you enjoyed the chapter, stay healthy and happy, don't be like Hailey's mother, and peace out ✌️ 💓

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