Chapter 17: Dance trials

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        It has been one week now, and Hailey has been torturing Macey. Well it WAS for Macey's now, she knew the entire dance like the back of her hand. Now, it was time to showcase her talents. On that exact same day, Jenna had her Swimming trials as well. She too, had been training hard. In the morning, they would all wake up at the same time. Jenna would hit the gym with them before they split up. Jenna would go to the indoor pool to practice her diving whilst Hailey and Macey would practice their own dances. Hailey had a beautiful lyrical dance, and she had choreographed it herself.

        It has finally came the day. Macey did not want to join the swim club with Jenna as she did not know how to swim. After school, they dressed in their casual shirt and black leggings, while Jenna wore a beautiful one-piece swim suit. "Good luck! You're rocking that swimsuit gal!" Hailey encouraged Jenna. Jenna shyly smiled and replied, "good luck to you guys too! Y'all are Super talented!" With that, Jenna left the room. Macey was starting to become very nervous. What if she did not do well? What if-

        "lets go!" Hailey excitedly exclaimed. Hooking her arm with Macey's she literally dragged her and skipped to the dance studio. This studio was much bigger, since it was for the CCA. Many other girls lined up outside the studio. After signing in, the two decided to do some basic warm-up. Slowly, the line shortened, and some of the girls came out. Macey saw Lily, Flora and Esther [quick recap, the people they shared a study room with]. They seemed really confident. On the other hand, many girls came out pale. Seeing how tense Macey was, Hailey held her hand and comforted her. Finally, it was their turn.

        Stepping into the studio, Macey saw a little exercise corner, barres, and the whole place was surrounded by mirrors! Standing at attention, she hesitantly took her place next to Hailey. "Alright. Hailey?" The lady called. Hailey took a step forward, shoulders squared and replied "yes ma'am." 'Wow... how is she so good at this?' Macey thought. Following her, she copied Hailey's movements when her name was called. Then, they was asked to do some warm up like splits. This was obviously to test their abilities, and Macey was glad that Hailey had prepared her for this. However, she was surprised when they asked them to move to another place. There were blocks on the floor laid out in front of them. "Alright, now for the oversplits." The lady said. Macey barely managed to do one block, but Hailey....WOAH. She could do it to the height of the chair! (True story. Ive seen someone do it before. I did it once before).
        After that, they took turns show casing their dances. Honestly, most of them were terrible, but there were one or two that seemed decent. Macey tried her best to do her dance correctly, and received an applause from everyone. She had wowed them. Hailey did hers, and everyone felt it was so beautiful that they gave her a standing ovation. Once everyone was done, Macey thought that was all, but they were surprised by her. "Everyone, please stay for the advanced test. I will explain what you have to do, and you can step forward to try if you think you can do it, or you can remain where you are. Even if you try and fail, it will not deduct points. Take it as bonus points." Hailey seemed cool as a cucumber, while Macey...she was so nervous that she shivered. "First up, improvisation. We will give you random music to listen once and you have to start dancing." Hailey stepped forward without hesitation. Only three other girls did the same. The first music was hip hop. The other girls though Hailey would lose, since she did that lyrical dance. However, Macey knew how capable Hailey was. After all, she had taught Macey the kpop dance.

         Hailey went first, and she was the dancing queen that stole the spotlight of the stage. After a while, she was the only one left. The lady was impressed and wrote something onto her clipboard. "Next, dance battle." Once again, the same three stepped forward. Hailey went first, head to head with another girl. They danced for about 20 seconds each before the girl was cut, and another girl stepped forward to challenge Hailey. First the music was jazz, then classical, then contemporary. All the while, Hailey did it. "Last one. We will teach you a dance, and you have to learn it in 2 tries." This time, 5 girls stood up, including Macey. It was a funny scene, half of them were so confused that they stood on the spot when they started the music! Macey could do a few moves here and there, and her face burned bright red from the embarrassment. Hailey, of course, did it almost perfectly. "Alright, that's all. Come to the notice board outside this room in 20 minutes to see your results." The lady said before sending them out. Macey and Hailey finally let out a breath that they didn't know they holding. Since they had time, they decided to visit Jenna to watch her trials.

Hey lovely people. I'm really sorry if this chapter was a bit boring for you. Personally, I'm a Dancer so of course i had to include this chapter >.< HAHAHAHA okay, so sorry. Ill try to update the next chapter soon! 💓 💓 💓 btw I worked really hard on this cover so don't let it flop :)

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