Chapter 21: Punished

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"Come in" Sir's voice could be heard. By now, the girls were familiar with the routine on what to do upon entering Sir's study room. However, they did not focus on that this time, because they knew why they were here. It was to be punished and discipline. Even though many people may think, why send these children here? They may seem fine, nothing is wrong with them. Well, they may SEEM like normal children, but this school knew that if you did not nip the bad behaviour at the bud, it will continue on and on for a Long time even into adulthood. Furthermore, their true nature only shows up about two or three months after settling into the school. The girls were sitting closely together on the sofa, and did not even dare to say hi to the puppy in the cage [if you forgot it existed hahaha]. "Girls....girls....I thought you were behaving so good.....until today. I can't believe MY students, would GET INTO A FIGHT." Sir started as he paced around the room. JHM were really nervous. He sounded more angry than they had ever seen.

"girls...i think you know what to do. Go to the room." Sir instructed. As usual, they stood at the corners for about 13 minutes. Then, sir asked them what had happened. After he heard all sides of the story, he looked each of them in The Eye. "You know that no matter what, you should not hit someone physically right? You should have known better girls!" He exclaimed in exasperation. "How many strokes do you deserve?" He asked them. After thinking for a while, they said, "30...?" Sir sighed, and told them, "you will get 30 strokes, you will return me your headphones, and you girls do not get dessert for the rest of the week." Groaning, they accepted their punishment. Out of all the food that the cafeteria gave, the dessert was the only good food...

As usual, they were punished and by the time they walked out of the office, they were crying and limping. They truly understood that now they should never pick a fight. However, Hailey and Macey did not regret any second of it. If it meant that they had to fight to defend their best friend, they would do it any day. Suddenly, the announcement system started up. "Grade 1 girls, please assemble in the halls right now." The headmistress' voice was recognisable. Limping faster, they made their way to the hall. "Good afternoon girls. We have decided to finally introduce to you the system that we use. The points system. You will all be given a brooch to wear from now on, and it will collect your points. The teachers would just say, for example, "<name>, 10 points" and it would be recorded. Points are awarded for good behaviour, homework submissions that are exemplary, and when deemed fit. Points will be deducted for late homework, late coming, and generally bad behaviour. There is a shop on the ground floor, where you can use your points to change for a gift. To let you know, some wonderful gifts are pets, and controlled iPads but iPads nonetheless. That's all, the brooch is already placed at your dressser. I would like to see hailey, Jenna and macey." She announced. JHM were worried. Would she be punishing them?

"hello girls, I hope you have had a good punishment from your little fight today." She started off sternly. JHM nodded, scared of what was to come. "As you know, we have the points system now, and everyone is meant to start off with 40 points. However, we have deducted your points, so now you only have 3 points. That's all. Dismissed." The headmistress nodded. JHM nodded sadly and replied, " sorry headmistress, thank you headmistress." Before leaving dejectedly. They had hoped to get a pet as soon as possible, but now it would seem like it would take forever to gain back the points. They went back to their dorms to look at the brooch. After fiddling with it for a while, they saw a little catch. Pressing it, the shiny cover sprung open, and inside was the number 3, with all their personal information. Wow, now they will know how many points they had. Honestly, the brooch was quite pretty. Hailey's one was pink, Jenna's one was blue and Macey's one was purple. They quickly pinned it on and decided to hang out in the home room, since there were no more classes and they already missed the voting.

Hey, posting more today!! Hehehe, hope you enjoy this chapter. I will go into a bit more detail on punishments next time, but for now, it seemed a bit boring because it was the same so I just brushed over it. Hope you dont mind >.< today's chapter is a bit short, so i will try to update one more today...

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